The word "Healthy"

Mirch4Ever Posts: 4 Member
In my South Eastern culture, saying the word "Healthy" means you're fat.The word "smart" means thin and fit. In this society, healthy means good & fit, but in my mine it is like, yeah you need to lose some weight. I swear, if you meet some "auntie" (sign of respect for other women ,usually your mom's age, you meet....since we don't call people by their first name usually)... will flat out call you out, "Oh you're pretty, just a little healthy" WTF. In my culture how a woman looks is a BIG deal, especially when it comes to getting wedding proposals. (For arranged marriages)
Tall, Slim, Fair......3 main requirements. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH makes me soooo mad especially since most of these aunties were anorexic before marriage, and HUGE once they got married and just let themselves go so basically they are saying, just stay thin for a while then do whatever. No thanks. I want to be healthy (heart/body, USA definition) for life, even if I don't look like a anorexic model.

anyhow back to the main question after my venting session....and hoping i'm not offending anyone...but if you're gonna call someone fat, you better make sure you're not fat yourself!!!!

Have any of you gone through this "fake healthy word"????? THIS WAS IN REALITY THE MAIN QUESTION FOR THIS POST :)