Calling all those who exercise at home

Ok, so I was at the end of my walk on my treadmill today and my treadmill starts to smell like it's burning and making a really loud noise. The motor is going out in it and I won't be getting back on it due to the burning smell. My question is this: for those of you that exercise at home, which do you perfer, an exercise bike, treadmill, an eliptical? And what are your reasons why you love this piece of equipment? I will be getting something new.


  • ginareejoy
    ginareejoy Posts: 54 Member
    I prefer the elliptical machine...I feel like it's less impact but more results. I sweat so much when I do it!
  • AandJsMommy
    I prefer the elliptical machine...I feel like it's less impact but more results. I sweat so much when I do it!

    I have heard that it's easier on the knees. I am thinking really hard about getting one.
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    I prefer the elliptical as far as a machine because it's easier on my knees and can incorporate more options than with a treadmill (using arms, resistance, incline). I'm not a bike person at all...

    I've used all three at the gym and I find the elliptical gives a higher calorie burn for me of the three.
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    I used an elliptical to lose the bulk of my weight. My hubby just purchased a treadmill a few days ago. I suited up and went for 50 minutes on it last night. I use a HRM and the calorie burn was exactly the same but my legs felt like noodles. I do believe it is important to mix it up every couple of months because your body does get use to the same old movements. However, with all that said I still love the elliptical more :)
  • sandiki
    sandiki Posts: 454
    Are ya sure its the motor or is the belt rubbing and need lub and/or adjustiing?

    As for whet to get next.. I prefer a recumbent bike.To me, it feels more natural and does not put added pressure to my spine like a standard bike seems to. I dont mind an eliptical however, i feel very awkward in that my feet dont pick up off the pedals as the body wants to naturally do as with walking. Though it is a killer calorie burner..its a matter of pref.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I would recommend either a spin-style bike or an air or water-resistance rowing machine, personally.
  • AandJsMommy
    Are ya sure its the motor or is the belt rubbing and need lub and/or adjustiing?

    As for whet to get next.. I prefer a recumbent bike.To me, it feels more natural and does not put added pressure to my spine like a standard bike seems to. I dont mind an eliptical however, i feel very awkward in that my feet dont pick up off the pedals as the body wants to naturally do as with walking. Though it is a killer calorie burner..its a matter of pref.

    It's the motor, we took the front off and turned it on just to see what was going on. It stinks.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I really like the rowing machine in the exercise room in my complex. It's compact, so it's easy to store, and it's a great workout... and it's kinda fun because I have an over-active imagination. :tongue:
    I like the treadmill and the stationary bike as well, that way I can mix it up and avoid working by muscle memory.
    I guess I wasn't particularly helpful, was I?
  • AandJsMommy
    I would recommend either a spin-style bike or an air or water-resistance rowing machine, personally.

    I will have to see what I can find when it's time to go and buy something.
  • Smilee3233
    Smilee3233 Posts: 108 Member
    I have all 3 and I tend to use the elliptical the most. The bike hurts my butt, I don't like that. The treadmill is fantastic, but my knees get sore if I run on it. The elliptical I have no complaints. I started off using it for 10 minutes a day as that was all I could do, now I do 60 a day - and I love it!
  • MissSharkattack
    MissSharkattack Posts: 323 Member
    I prefer my stationary bike :3 Its just really compact, which is great for my tiny (smaller than most apartments) house.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I prefer the elliptical machine...I feel like it's less impact but more results. I sweat so much when I do it!

    I have heard that it's easier on the knees. I am thinking really hard about getting one.

    An elliptical is only easier on the knees if you have the right stride length for that particular machine. Some have adjustments for stride length and those can be easy on the knees if you can find the right adjustment for you. My best recommendation if you are considering an elliptical is to try it out in the store before you buy. Otherwise, you may be setting yourself up for more knee pain. Personally, after 2 knee surgeries, I avoid the elliptical because I've only ever been able to adjust one to match my stride length in 15 years as a personal trainer. I use an exercise bike regularly, however, and love it.
  • AandJsMommy
    I have all 3 and I tend to use the elliptical the most. The bike hurts my butt, I don't like that. The treadmill is fantastic, but my knees get sore if I run on it. The elliptical I have no complaints. I started off using it for 10 minutes a day as that was all I could do, now I do 60 a day - and I love it!

    The bike hurts my butt too. I would get off ot it when I had one and my behind would be so sore. The knee issue, I got tendonitis in my knee from walking on the treadmill. so I was thinking about an eliptical.
  • Mom2Asa
    Mom2Asa Posts: 109 Member
    I prefer the elliptical machine. I have had many knee surgries and I just cannot take the beating a treadmill gives my knees but the elliptical machine is friendly to my knees!! Plus I feel like I am doing the work on the elliptical vs. a belt moving under me on a treadmill that I have to keep up with. On an elliptical if I stop it stops too :)
  • AandJsMommy
    I prefer the elliptical machine...I feel like it's less impact but more results. I sweat so much when I do it!

    I have heard that it's easier on the knees. I am thinking really hard about getting one.

    An elliptical is only easier on the knees if you have the right stride length for that particular machine. Some have adjustments for stride length and those can be easy on the knees if you can find the right adjustment for you. My best recommendation if you are considering an elliptical is to try it out in the store before you buy. Otherwise, you may be setting yourself up for more knee pain. Personally, after 2 knee surgeries, I avoid the elliptical because I've only ever been able to adjust one to match my stride length in 15 years as a personal trainer. I use an exercise bike regularly, however, and love it.

    Thanks I will try one out before I buy one.
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    I have a treadmill, a eliptical and and exercise bike and I have to say that I get the best results from the treadmill. Not saying I like running better, I have a love hate relationship with running, but I have seen my thighs get slimmer and running works the whole body including the core. Call someone to see if you can fix your treadmill (or dreadmill, which is what I call mine) and hopefully it is an easy, inexpensive fix! Incase you are thinking I am spoiled, the treadmill is the only new piece of equiptment I own, the rest were hand me downs from other relatives!
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    My vote is for the elliptical I do that usually when I did go to the gym and stay on the longest without getting bored or sore, also actually I just gave up my gym membership and plan on getting an elliptical as well I already have a treadmill I think the belt need oiled though and I plan on getting that too so I can have the option of both since I gave up my gym I plan on slowly building my own small home gym so I dont get bored -I tend to get bored
  • AandJsMommy
    I have a treadmill, a eliptical and and exercise bike and I have to say that I get the best results from the treadmill. Not saying I like running better, I have a love hate relationship with running, but I have seen my thighs get slimmer and running works the whole body including the core. Call someone to see if you can fix your treadmill (or dreadmill, which is what I call mine) and hopefully it is an easy, inexpensive fix! Incase you are thinking I am spoiled, the treadmill is the only new piece of equiptment I own, the rest were hand me downs from other relatives!

    Thank you, I was thinking about calling someone to see if it can be fixed. I love my treadmill, and like you since I have been walking on it I have noticed my legs slimming down!
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I have an elliptical. I think it's an E5000 (Body Solid) model. I love it. I have it where I can watch TV. I've had it more than a year and it's working like a charm.

    Look for a local vendors (if interested) and see if you can get negotiate a deal. I do not recall paying for it what it's advertised as. We paid significantly less.
  • harleygirlT
    harleygirlT Posts: 223 Member
    Definately the elliptical! Low impack and really burns the calories...I also have a home pilates machine that I love...I also do alot of different DVD's...there are lots of choices...