Calling all those who exercise at home



  • LaLaMicha
    LaLaMicha Posts: 37 Member
    I like out the front door and down the street. Something to look at change the scenery.

    This and exercise DVD's for me. Elliptical, bike, treadmill, all too terribly boring.
  • as much as i hate getting on that damn elliptical, i get good calorie burn from it. i have a bad knee and it's great for that. i love to walk outside, and my knee usually is ok, but sometimes it hurts later in the day. and u can't burn as many calories walking as u can on the elliptical in the same time.
  • dorth316
    dorth316 Posts: 7 Member
    I prefer the treadmill. My husband and a sales person convinced me the elliptical would be easier on the knees, so we bought one. I find it very difficult and uncomfortable. We found a used treadmill at a garage sale a couple years ago. As I tell my husband, I learned to walk when I was very young. I know how to walk, I don't know how to "ellipt." :-D
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I don't exercise on machines. Those sound like a boring form of torture to me.

    Lately I have been doing workout videos, like Turbo Jam, to stay fit. It is working.

    If I don't want to do a video, I also like to go outside to jump rope when the weather is nice.
  • I normally concentrate more on weight lifting exercises & almost always use my adjustable weights & my body weight. In regards to cardio, I prefer the stationary bike or treadmill because in this way, I can feel my leg muscles working more especially at higher incline. Although they say elliptical burns more calories but honestly I don't like low-impact exercises & I don't find it challenging. Moreover the exercises on the treadmill & stationary bikes are more useful in real life since it mimicks real-life moves like running & cycling.
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    Anyway you go you'll do great (so long as you use it of course!) I like my tread, have a stepper, sold my bike (didn't use it), want an elliptical. :smile:
  • m1shootr
    m1shootr Posts: 22 Member
    Concept 2 Model D ergometer (rowing machine). Easy on the joints, whole body workout.
  • NaomiWhite77
    NaomiWhite77 Posts: 238 Member
    I have all 3 and I tend to use the elliptical the most. The bike hurts my butt, I don't like that. The treadmill is fantastic, but my knees get sore if I run on it. The elliptical I have no complaints. I started off using it for 10 minutes a day as that was all I could do, now I do 60 a day - and I love it!

    The bike hurts my butt too. I would get off ot it when I had one and my behind would be so sore. The knee issue, I got tendonitis in my knee from walking on the treadmill. so I was thinking about an eliptical.

    A recumbent bike will not hurt your butt :) I have a treadmill and a recumbent bike and switch between the two.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    I prefer the elliptical machine...I feel like it's less impact but more results. I sweat so much when I do it!

    I have heard that it's easier on the knees. I am thinking really hard about getting one.

    it's a great machine. even better when you use the resistance feature. try going fast on it with resistance and it's a crazy workout! i'd say the elliptical definitely. google "discounts on ellipticals." i've seen a lot of ads for discounts lately.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    I prefer an elliptical. It is less impact on the knees and it burns a lot more calories than the treadmill for me since I can't really run on the treadmill. I got my elliptical and treadmill on Craigslist for around $100 total. Both are Proform and work well. You can find great deals on Craigslist since so many times people buy them and then never use them. You should look and see what you can find. You might be able to get 2 for much less than getting something new.
  • Thanks so much for alll these great responses. I have lots of exercise DVD's which I alternate with walking on the treadmill but it looks like for now I will be doing the DVD's till I get a new workout machine. I have seen the Treadclimbers and I want one of those so bad but they are so expensive. Will have to be saving money for that for sure. I have never been on an Eliptical but I sure do want to try it. I think I have made up my mind that is what i am going to get. I will miss my treadmill though. I would get on it and watch T.V. or a movie as I walked.
  • StacyB150
    StacyB150 Posts: 60 Member
    I use an elliptical machine. I tried running, but it was hard on my legs. The it's less impact, and I sweat like no other! I do 30 minutes on that and then 30 minutes between my weight machine, jumping jacks, and sit-up bench.
  • epona_mus
    epona_mus Posts: 207 Member
    I love my rowing machine... it's a Waterrower (water resistance). It's low impact for my bad legs, simple to use, fits in a compact space, quiet, and, most importantly, I burn a lot of calories very quickly.:laugh:

    I got it on Craigslist, barely used, for half of retail. You can also rent them for ~$40 / mo. direct from Waterrower...
  • epona_mus
    epona_mus Posts: 207 Member
    I love my rowing machine... it's a Waterrower (water resistance). It's low impact for my bad legs, simple to use, fits in a compact space, quiet, and, most importantly, I burn a lot of calories very quickly.:laugh:

    I got it on Craigslist, barely used, for half of retail. You can also rent them for ~$40 / mo. direct from Waterrower...
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I have an old HealthRider and a Gazelle, neither of which have motors, and they're okay if I want to watch TV. My favorite equipment is the DVD player and my dumbbells. My Tae Bo and Chalean Extreme DVDs give me my most intense workouts.
  • sharonhauptman
    sharonhauptman Posts: 60 Member
    I absolutely prefer the treadmill, and I will be happy to give you the reason. I am lazy. Put me on a row or bike and I have trouble motivating myself. However, I can put my lazy self on a treadmill, know intellectually I need to go 4 mph, set it at that pace, and I better pick up my feet at that pace or I'll fall. So, it does the motivation for me.
  • Thanks, I have heard of a rowing machine, I think that would be interesting. I will have to go and check them out.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I have all 3 and I tend to use the elliptical the most. The bike hurts my butt, I don't like that. The treadmill is fantastic, but my knees get sore if I run on it. The elliptical I have no complaints. I started off using it for 10 minutes a day as that was all I could do, now I do 60 a day - and I love it!

    The bike hurts my butt too. I would get off ot it when I had one and my behind would be so sore. The knee issue, I got tendonitis in my knee from walking on the treadmill. so I was thinking about an eliptical.

    I love my bike, which I have set up in front of the TV; I use a gel seat, which solves the problem.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I have all 3 and I tend to use the elliptical the most. The bike hurts my butt, I don't like that. The treadmill is fantastic, but my knees get sore if I run on it. The elliptical I have no complaints. I started off using it for 10 minutes a day as that was all I could do, now I do 60 a day - and I love it!

    The bike hurts my butt too. I would get off ot it when I had one and my behind would be so sore. The knee issue, I got tendonitis in my knee from walking on the treadmill. so I was thinking about an eliptical.

    I love my bike, which I have set up in front of the TV; I use a gel seat, which solves the sore behind problem.
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    TreadClimber.. it's 3 in 1. :)

    Treadmill + Stair Climber + Elliptical -- ALL IN ONE!