People mad at you for being successful.....



  • katyejean
    katyejean Posts: 233 Member
    I haven't had this experience, but if I did, I would tell them that if they didn't like it, they can just not read it, or delete me. It's MY facebook, and I can say what I want. I wouldn't dread on it. You got some people inspired! Great job on that and your success!
  • alabughosh
    alabughosh Posts: 132 Member
    I'm JUST playing devil's advocate here to look at both sides (don't kill me). But I can understand why some people would be (slightly) annoyed. Its the same thing as if someone posted a camera photo of their tuna sandwich everyday. Or if you take a picture of your cereal each morning. It's redundant? I can TOTALLY understand that each time you work out you feel proud of yourself and like you accomplished something....I feel the same way. And my husband is a TOTAL sweetheart, congratulating me every time. I swear every day I workout, when he gets home from work I say "I worked out today!" and he says something like "wow, sweetie, that's great!" even though I know its becoming old news.

    I'm SO obsessed with my diet. I love to talk about it, I want to tell everyone about the clever ways that I managed to cut calories on certain dishes.....but that's what my MFPs are for! I know that they TRULY are interested and I'm interested in what they are doing too.
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    I have also encountered this. One girl in particular has basically stopped associating with me now that I am living a much healthier lifestyle. I used to think it was coincidence, but now I feel it may be envy or jealousy. Her husband is in a fight club. She says she "trains," but I have never witnessed any noticable weight loss of hers (not that I would EVER say that). When she saw I was clearly losing weight without me even talking about it, she got short with me and now we don't even speak.

    To hell with that. Whatever! Those are not the type of people we need in our lives anyway. Be proud of your hard work and accomplishments. If you want to talk about it to inspire people, why not?
  • Gharley64
    Gharley64 Posts: 37 Member
    They could kiss my LESS FAT *kitten*!
    Funny how people that cannot muster up the drive to do what we are doing find it easier to knock others rather than pick it up.
  • I've also had a few co-workers say snide little things to me....most say really nice things but it's the others that actually make me almost feel bad about losing weight...almost, lol! It's just hard for me to understand how people can be like this because I am totally the opposite. I usually go out of my way to make others feel good about themselves and proud of their accomplishments. I haven't let it get to me but when I read my cousin's blog it really got to me.
    This is another reason why I love my MFP family! Thanks guys..and girls;)

    Let the negative go in one ear and out the other. Just keep doing what you do (quietly leading by example). And, just as your cousin doesn't have to read your status don't have to read his blog. ;)
  • 65PONY
    65PONY Posts: 68 Member
    I found a lot of friends are jelous of the success...just their coping mechanism so they make excuses for their weight...No more excuses for me....I'm with you I don't care who does not like the attention, but guess what you earned it! Enjoy & be Proud of it!

    Cheers, Joe

    Keep the Focus & Finish Strong!
  • Sharon009
    Sharon009 Posts: 327 Member
    I only post fitness stuff on mfp and mfp's facebook wall. I've found that being successful at eating healthy and losing weight convicts others who feel they should being doing something but arent. But sometimes people do get tired of others constant facebook postings, I know during election season people have 'hide' my posts and told me about it, they got tired of reading my opinions ;-) They told me because I posted something these two people needed to know and they didnt see it prompting them to tell my why. Haha, it was kinda funny.

    Dont take it personally, I know that's difficult to do especially since its your family and they should be on your side.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I would get annoyed if someone posted the same things almost every day regardless of the topic. I don't think they are mad at your success, they are mad at your annoying Facebook habits.

    You could show them how to hide Facebook posts from particular users. I would hide someone who acted like that.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    VERY sad that supposed friends and ESPECIALLY family members can't be happy for you. Ugh. Just makes me sick!!
  • Probably they're either jealous, too lazy or feel uncomfortable when talking about fitness stuff. But their immaturity speaks for themselves since as their cousin or sister, they should blurt out their feelings with you personally rather than posting it somewhere where people from all over the world can see. You should have a one-on-one conversation with them & tell them how you feel instead of ranting everything on their blogs.
  • I look at it this way... if you are happy about what you have accomplished then thats all that matters. EXCUSE ME but thats what this site if for.. HELLO.... To help each other inspire one another to go on.. I had a few like that on here guess what? they are not on my list anymore.. I dont need negetive people in my life. Just do what you have been doing and SMILE :happy: at them because it really makes them even more mad and results.. hehe :) Hang in there girl.
  • Some of my family members are also like that not only regards to fitness but in other areas of my life too & which is why I hate them!!! :grumble:
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Nobody's really said anything up front, but I keep getting snide remarks and stuff. I'm starting to think I should just keep it all to myself and let people think I magically got healthier.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The people who find it annoying can learn to block it. There's loads of annoying updates on FB, from the people who have to do a mobile update everytime they go anywhere, to people who post copied and pasted urban legends as fact, to people who post chain letters (forward this to ten friends!), to people who have every game update posted. I don't care about your mafia or farm. Really.

    One of the contributing factor to me believing I could get into shape was a friend from high school posting her dailymile updates. I knew she wasn't athletic back then, and I found it awe-inspiring that she was running 5 miles or more. I started using Runkeeper because a different friend used it, and since then a handful of other friends joined and started posting their runs, rides, hikes and walks. Likewise, I had a bunch of friends and family members join here because of my updates, and started blogging because so many liked my MFP blogs.

    It's great to see the chain reaction in motion like that. :smile:

    Some may find it annoying and repetitive. Some may think I'm showing off, and you know what? I am! I'm damn proud of what I've accomplished! But I'd rather be annoying while doing something good for me than bragging about my 600,000 point high score in Bejeweled Blitz.
  • I don't believe posting my accomplishments on FB as annoying, but okay?? I have many friend on there that aren't on MFP and it's mainly because they want me to keep posting. As far as my sister goes, anything I do she usually has her opinion of it and some snide remark to make (usually). I am very close to my family and they are very supportive, especially my mom. It just annoyed me that instead of posting about how wasted I got, how many points I earned growing corn, where I'm at this second..I was posting about something that is helping me become a healthier person and that this was annoying to them. To each their own!
    Thanks for most everyone's understanding comments and it helps to vent it all out, lol!
  • Nobody's really said anything up front, but I keep getting snide remarks and stuff. I'm starting to think I should just keep it all to myself and let people think I magically got healthier.
    It's just a shame that others can't accept the fact that you just want to talk about what you are doing..not to rub it in their faces or show off, but to simply talk about it. I think that's what is wrong with so many people is that they keep everything bottled up and don't communicate. A healthy relationship is built on communication! Don't let others stop you from talking about your successes!
  • No one has said anything negative, but I feel the tension building at work between me and the larger people in the office. I used to be one of them, but am slowly leaving that life behind. I think everyone assumed that at least for most people, aging meant getting larger and larger. I know I once felt that way. Now I feel I have more in common with the "fit" people in the office. I try to avoid all the "treats" brought in by others. I like to talk to the runners, swimmers, and bicyclists at the office. They are interesting to me.
  • directorj
    directorj Posts: 537 Member
    I'm feeling that people are "talking" but I haven't experienced anything in front of my face or in any blogs. My Nike+ auto syncs my progress and usually it would get a ton of comments when I get up to 10 mile runs. Now I guess it's not special anymore and my friends just ignore it just like the regular facebook "spam".

    Then I found this site and when we update, we all get comments and of course I return the favor.

    I love the support on this site!
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    No one has said anything negative, but I feel the tension building at work between me and the larger people in the office. I used to be one of them, but am slowly leaving that life behind. I think everyone assumed that at least for most people, aging meant getting larger and larger. I know I once felt that way. Now I feel I have more in common with the "fit" people in the office. I try to avoid all the "treats" brought in by others. I like to talk to the runners, swimmers, and bicyclists at the office. They are interesting to me.
    Why can't people he happy and supportive for those reaching fitness goals?

    I am so not like that.

    I have a friend who caught his wife shagging with some guy, and after booting her out, decided to get in shape - a 75lb weight loss and total transformation.

    Seriously, all I felt was joy for him, and after his ex-wife was jilted by big-daddy-long-stroke, she took a look at what became of the fat husband she left and wanted back in.
    He was a stud, and started dating some fantastic ladies who had themselves been hurt. Currently, he's dating a great lady, and it's serious. She's a fitness instructor - 12 years younger than his ex, and at family gatherings, his ex shows up ALONE while he's got barbie at his side - ahhhhhahahahahahahahahaha

    LOVE IT!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member