How did you and your partner meet?



  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I was his stalker
  • jtsmith34
    jtsmith34 Posts: 54 Member
    We met online :)
    We started dating in April of 2007
    Engaged in May of 2008
    Married in August of 2008
    Had our daughter in March of 2010
    Been together almost 5 years and I wouldn't change a thing!

    PS, we found out at our wedding rehearsal that my Uncle and his dad were roommates for a while in college almost 30 years ago!
    I think it was meant to be!
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    i met my hubby via live friend and i were out cruising and we were bored so we called..he and his friend were out doing the same thing, so we met up..and it just went from there..9 years and 2 kids later, here we are
  • jaxdiablo
    It feels like we were born together... oh, wait we were... Palmela Handerson... :( lol
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Meet my wife at work. I used to be a waiter/bartender. I moved from a private golf club to work at a local restaurant. She was a waitress who already worked at the restaurant.

    It took me a few months to get to know her and another few months after that to get up the courage to ask her out!

    It worked out okay though. Last Nov 10th was our 21st wedding anniversary!
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    We worked at the same camp. He was a ropes instructor and I was a lifeguard.
  • Hollie_downunder
    My partner moved into the apartment next door to me :)
    ( so i am the "girl next door")

    we bumped into each other in the corridor one night (he says it was love at first sight)
    Later that night we had drinks with friends

    ...caught up again that weekend, was b/f & g/f within a week, engaged in 3 months, now 3 years and getting married in Bali, Indonesia next year

  • Munque
    Munque Posts: 123
    I met my husband online too,

    I had told my mom that I was tired of dating the same type of guys, that I needed to find a new group of people to hang out with so that it would be possible (tired of the party life all the time). Well she was constantly calling me at work telling me about all these guys that had posted profiles and I was like yeah right, I'm not doing the online dating thing, not a chance. So she set me up a profile, and then I went in and changed it all around.

    My best friend was looking at it when I got a message from my now husband, my best friend (who is male) helped me answer all the questions, so essentially my husband started hitting on my bestie, lol.

    That night we talked on line for hours, then on the phone for hours. He fit my description of perfect. I wanted a cowboyish, with jeans and boots, and a baseball cap, no belt buckle or cowboy hat, and he had to have custody of his own kids, a good job and good head.

    When we finally met, he was so nervous he was shaking, I thought that was pretty cute, but then he gained quite a bit of confidence during the date, which made him hot.

    Our second anniversary is on the 1st of January!
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    The internet :laugh:
  • amv1023
    amv1023 Posts: 61 Member
    Online. WoW. True story.

    Me too!!
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    We went to high school together. He was 2 years older than me and we had some of the same friends but never hung out or anything. Then, when I got hip to the Facebook world about 2 1/2 years ago, I added people from school (him being one of those people). We talked a little here and there and then it really took off and we started hanging out, etc. etc. It has been amazing from the start. I love him more than I thought I could love anyone, and it really is a great feeling.
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    A mutual acquaintance set up... then she tried to break us up because she realized she "in love with him". Over 10 years later and the crazy b*tch still sends him messages on FB...
  • LoViNlIFe0225
    We met in a dart bar. I was chalking (e.g., keeping score on the chalkboard up next to the dart board) and he bounced a dart out of the trip-twenty that hit me in the lip.

    "Oh, I'm so sorry-- can I kiss it and make it feel better?" were among the first words he spoke to me.

    We've been married 27 years.

    HA! I LOVE THIS!!!
  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    We grew up in the same town but didn't know each other through school since he is 4 grades older than me. Good thing too.. It would of been inappropriate to have dated when I was in 8th grade when he was a senior. After Highschool he moved to California and played bass in a band then after being a poor guy in a band he moved back home and met me at one of his house parties. Oh and I was 18 and had just graduated.. So it wasn't gross. haha.. I was actually in the middle of ending a long term relationship with my ex and was just at the party because my friend wanted to see his friend. Anyways.. now for the "cute" part. I was sitting in this tiny chair facing his stair case and I swear he was walking in slow motion down the stairs towards us. He looked HOT (and still does)! He says the same thing happened to him when he saw me. By the end of the night he awkwardly asked me for my number by asking.. "Can I get your digits?" We all started laughing and poor thing it was so funny I forgot to give him my number. Luckily I wasn't too shy and asked his friend for his and soon after we went on our first date. Now we have been together for 8 years and I'm so happy that I married such a wonderful man that I can call my best friend. : ) Sorry for the long story..
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I always love these stories.

    We went to high school together, we are the same age. He was a hockey player (we are Canadian, that's a big deal, like a football player in the US) and was popular. I was average. I don't remember him at all, he claims he remembers me, I dont' believe him. Funny thing is, I do remember all his friends and his high school girlfriend. For years after people would bring his name up and I didn't know who he was.
    I had moved away from home for my career, then got a job back home in my field, his field too. My boyfriend at the time knew him and introduced him to me before I started work. We ended up working on the same shift my first year. He was a bit of a ladies man at the time, I didn't get it. My bf joked that I better watch out, honestly, he was the last person I would ever consider dating, he was the complete opposite of my type, not to mention my rule was I never dated co-workers. By the end of the year, we had become best friends. I used to be his wingwoman when we would hang out. When I moved to a different shift the next year, I realized how much I missed him. It took me awhile, but eventually, I realized I had feelings for him. I ended it with my boyfriend (which was over long long before I even moved home and met him, that's another story), and started seeing him.
    We are getting married in September, 5 years later.
  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    Awww loving all your responses to my post guys! So nice to see other couples meeting online too!

    We started chatting because we are both italian and it turns out our grandparents owned a factory together 20 odd years ago and our nans go to the same social club every week and we both used to go when we were younger - we probably played with eachother then haha!

    I was tired of meeting people out in clubs where drink is involved and i work in a really small office in the sticks!

    He treats me like a princess :)
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    In a crowded prison cell......this song was playing
  • AussieNikki
    AussieNikki Posts: 168 Member
    We met online, not a dating site. We were friends at first but it evolved into something more.

    I made a video of our story here:

    A magazine in Australia is actually running our story next week!
  • dolphin8075
    I had been unhappily married for 7 years & knew he was not faithful..just didn't concrete evidence. I packed our three children up move in with my best friend and was done completely with men. While playing a game on myspace this guy kept trying to friend me & I kept ignoring him. I filed for divorce from my then husband, found out two days later that he had in fact been cheating for the last 8 months of the marriage. All of a sudden when I need a friend to talk too, everyone was busy so I accepted his friend request & gave him my number thinking nothing would ever come of it because I live in California and he lives in Texas. We actually ended up having so much in common. We committed to not dating anyone one else & had as much of a relationship as you could online and over the phone to get to know each other. We spent the next 7 weeks on the phone everyday, he would wake me up with a phone call telling me " wake up beautiful" we sent pics and even spoke with each others friends & family. Seven weeks later while my ex had the children on his vacation I flew to Texas to meet him and it was love at first sight. Instead of flying back to California two weeks later, he drove me back, quit his job and moved here with me. We have been together two years on Jan 31st and had our first anniversary being married on Dec. 11 of this year.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I was feeling all bummy and crappy. I had a friend who worked at a bar and convinced me that I needed to get out of the house. So I went to the concert at the bar. I stood next to a guy who was married just because I figured there was less chance for him to flirt. He turned around and said "did you just grab my @$$?" I said no. he asked if I was single. I very cautiously answered yes. He started Yelling for "Kurtis". I saw a VERY handsome man walk up and thought that there was no way someone that good looking would be talking to me. Kurtis came up, we started talking and have been together a year now. I have never been happier than I am with him.