Logging 'cleaning' and 'shopping' cals burned etc



  • smudger_24
    smudger_24 Posts: 107 Member
    I can tell you, trying to squeeze my butt into size smaller jeans definately burns calories!

    More seriously though, some people that do that may not yet be sure which 'activity level' they are to get an accurate calorie goal from MFP, if they are sedentary then they should log everything.

    Try not to be so judgmental though. I don't really see why it bothers you so much.

    Im not being judgemental and it doesnt bother me, I am using this forum to ask an opinion on something, which is what is for!!!

    You are being judgemental. Call it what you want but yes you are. Why are you using this forum to ask a question about other peoples business when it has no bearing on your own life and weight loss? This forum is not for that. You might want to try www.thisismyjudgmentofothersbecauseIknowbest.com/forums

    This is a website and the forum's purpose is to discuss things like this, if you have a problem with people asking opinions and want to try and turn a simple question and post into an argument maybe you should stay away from it!!!!
  • fitnoflab
    MFP just puts your activities up for your friends too see, so I don't think people intend for you to feel like you have to praise them for the calories burned while cleaning etc. But praise is often just a way to encourage or acknowledge someones actions. If they feel their actions are helping them lose weight or be more active then why not give them a high five?
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    I log cleaning... I have an active job & I workout moderatly but cleaning to me is extra its once per week n I clean my whole place quickly n I sweat n I feel it is work for me... but it includes picking up vacuming sweeping mopping and scrubbing especially my hard water stained showers..its work in my opinion =)
  • LuneBleu85
    I work at a stable part-time....to me mucking stalls qualifies as heavy cleaning. And other duties I do at the stable, like sweeping out tack rooms or moving haybales I lump under light cleaning so I don't over-estimate.
  • Radcliffe83
    I sit down at my desk most of the day so if I make a special effort to walk to an appoitment that previously I would have driven to I log it. Also log all my workout calories. When I walk to the shop or clean around the office I do not log as I would have done this previously...
  • spookiewon
    spookiewon Posts: 59 Member
    Don't log this in.
    It's NOT exercise.

    What a classically male attitude!
  • smudger_24
    smudger_24 Posts: 107 Member
    I posted this as a simple question to see what people think, I am not being negative or judgmental I am simply asking for an opinion. It was not intended to offend anyone but once again this forum turns everything into a argument or a place to attack!

    For those of you that just answered an honest and simple answer thank you.

    For those of you that see it and negative - apologies but this is what the site is for so if you get offended that easily I would stay off of here!
  • staceyb2003
    staceyb2003 Posts: 203 Member
    I logged Christmas shopping, because I am non stop for 4-5 or more hours. It's a lot of walking. I run and my feet never feel like that after running. It could also be the shoes I'm wearing while shopping. lol!! I also like to do lunch when I've been shopping so it always helps to log those calories burned because I'm to exhausted to get another work out in. I underestimate my calorie burn. I don't want to sabotage my weight loss, so I use good judgement when I do log. I don't however, log going to the grocery store, or everyday house cleaning.
  • blueimp
    blueimp Posts: 230 Member
    I think it depends on what is "everyday" for each individual. MFP can't know what is normal and every day for everybody - that would be totally ridiculous.
    I log cleaning pretty much anything beyond the counters, because that's the only thing I do every day. I also log shopping but, as someone else mentioned, I don't log the time I'm shopping I estimate the time I'm actually walking around -- then cut that in half.
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    I think people have different reasons for why they log activities like "cleaning". I was pretty active before I started having MAJOR medical issues, so now, walking aroudn the mall and cleaning my house IS my exercise. I think it's solely dependent on the person and their 'NORMAL' activity level. Personally, before the mere thought walking caused me so much pain, I would not have logged my cleaning, walking around the mall while shopping, etc as my "exercise", but circumstances change I would suspect people that are logging those activities regularly have a valid reason for doing so.
  • JamiroJunior
    I count walking in the mall an activity, it's like you're walking anywhere else. Besides, I'm usually walking there for three hours and I chose 'Leisurely Pace'.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I never clean my own house, we pay my MIL to clean for us. So if I actually run the vacuum, sweep and mop floors, dust and clean toilets, then I promise you I will work up a sweat.

    I personally find these kinds of threads insulting and demoralizing. I don't understand WHY anyone else cares what someone logs as exercise. If you have a very obese person who manages to move around their house and do some activity, then why look down on them for logging that as exercise. If same person then complains they are not losing weight and can't understand why, that may be a different story. But to just judge based on what some deem as exercise can be hurtful to those who feel a sense of accomplishment. Try to remember not everyone is in the same place as you.

    I completely agree. I don't understand why people care what strangers log as exercise. I don't log my day to day cleaning stuff. I will, however, log lawn mowing (my lawn mower isn't self propelled and is like pushing a tank through sand) and I will also log long, intense cleaning (like steam cleaning or floor scrubbing on my hands and knees). If I'm breaking a huge sweat, I will log it. I may or may not eat back those calories. It just depends.

    Everyone is on an individual journey and I'm always so baffled as to why other people are worried so much about what someone else is doing. Focus on your own journey, your own goals, your own success and don't worry about what someone else is doing.

    Yep. The only time I WANT people to care about what I am doing is if I ask. If you have a friend that is stalled and they ask your opinion, then that opens up the opportunity for you to state what you think they are doing wrong. Otherwise it's NUNYA.

    Exactly. Unless someone is asking for advice or is commenting about how they aren't losing weight -- what they're doing is no one's business but their own. I don't know -- I guess I just feel like people are far too worried about what everyone is doing and not worried enough about what they are doing.

    I work in a very active job - so I don't count a whole lot as extra exercise. I know that my body is used to being in almost constant motion. However, if I'm doing something completely out of the ordinary - I may or may not log it (I switched jobs last week and was doing an even more physical job than my usual one - I didn't log any of it.
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    I totally agree..
  • spookiewon
    spookiewon Posts: 59 Member
    What we define as excercise for some of us who were athletes in a prior life will be different than those with actual illnesses and disabilities.

    Thank you. For many of us walking and/or moving at all is exercise. I have peripheral neuropathy from my cancer treatment, and if I can tolerate the pain of walking OR cleaning, I have worked out. The gentleman who claims that this is NOT exercise has obviously been blessed with better health than I was.

    Good on your wife! And it's great that she found a spouse who understands that some things are more difficult for her and acts accordingly. I hope she appreciates you!
  • AP2o12
    AP2o12 Posts: 20
    I spend most of the day sitting in an office, so I chose the sedentary lifestyle but I also work at a gym 2x a week and I'm constantly cleaning machines, moving around heavy equipment, and re-racking weights and I work up a sweat! I definitely log those cleaning calories but I don't count my day-to-day routine. I've also wondered how accurate the calories burned are, so I always underestimate to stay on the safe side. I'd say if it's anything out of the normal routine though it's ok to count it!
  • Raclex
    Raclex Posts: 238
    A calorie burnt is a calorie burnt.

    Do you log sex :blushing: ? Hey, at the end of the day, it all adds up!
  • SherriH69
    I work at a sedentary job and for me, any cleaning or housework IS exercise. I usually adjust the calories burned to LESS though. I do feel MFP's estimate is skewed.
  • julie204
    julie204 Posts: 130
  • jmxxiiii
    jmxxiiii Posts: 231 Member
    Every movement counts, no need to be so crass about it.
  • spookiewon
    spookiewon Posts: 59 Member
    I don't add cleaning, deep down I know I'm moving which is better than sitting on the couch. Why do you want to give yourself credit for burning calories, so you can eat more? Personally I rather under estimate workouts, cardio etc and take the pounds off the scale.

    Too each there own.

    There's a good bit of evidence that this can backfire on you. I overestimate calories eaten to ensure I don't accidentally go over, but it's been demonstrated that overall you lose more and keep it off better if you eat back exercise calories rather than making them extra weight loss. Starving just complicates the problem of weight loss.