Binge Drinking



  • DoxieMama70
    DoxieMama70 Posts: 92 Member
    So glad to find this thread, alcohol is also one of the main reasons I have trouble losing weight. I will have a glass of wine, and that will turn into 3 or 4 and that will turn into me eating something I don't need to eat.

    Would love to be able to have others to talk to who struggle with this same thing.
  • unicornassassin
    unicornassassin Posts: 141 Member
    OK... here goes...

    I used to have this exact same problem. Much of the stuff you all have said in your posts have been things I have said, almost word for word.

    Last March, because of my drinking, my life turned to Grade A poop, and even then I was still in denial about being an alcoholic. I realized it eventually, and now I'm 9 months sober and so happy.

    SOME of you who struggle with binge drinking are alcoholics and SOME of you aren't. I hope that you guys find a lot of good support in your group, regardless. If at some point SOME of you decide life isn't not working out well for you, there are a LOT of different options for support out there. Happy trails...
  • lenny776
    This has always been an issue with me especially when it came to losing weight. I am currently on deployment in Afghanistan and with the lack of booze for the last 4 months I have been able to lose 35 pounds. I am very nervous about going home and falling back into old habits and have even considered not drinking at all when I get home. The last time I came back from Iraq I gained back more weight than I lost between the fast food and beer.
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Yep ~ this is a huge issue! I got serious in July and realized that if I didn't stop drinking everyday I would never lose weight!!!! I have lot's of reasons to help take care of my Dad... husband...etc etc. But now I drink on the weekends and count it...most of the time! I have become obsessed with exercise and have lost close to 20#!!! Feeling stronger and fantastic! You group sounds great!

    Here's to reaching our goals in 2012!!!! I WILL FOR SURE!!!! :drinker: Happy New Year:bigsmile:
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    This has always been an issue with me especially when it came to losing weight. I am currently on deployment in Afghanistan and with the lack of booze for the last 4 months I have been able to lose 35 pounds. I am very nervous about going home and falling back into old habits and have even considered not drinking at all when I get home. The last time I came back from Iraq I gained back more weight than I lost between the fast food and beer.

    When you haven't drank for a while - you end up REALLY feeling like crap when you do so it doesn't take long to realise it's got knobs on it!!! Well that's what's happened to me anyways - didn't even drink NYE because I was so focused on not feeling like crap NYD and still being able to exercise etc.
    You'll probably have one or two goes then say 'pffft'

  • rhce40
    rhce40 Posts: 201 Member
    I really hate the definition of binge drinking....I drink usually 2-3 times a month and yes, on those occasions I drink to get drunk otherwise I would not have anything to drink (no point wasting the money to have one or two drinks to not feel anything). if you go strict calorie in vs out then i usually am under the day i drink/the day after but i know these are not good calories. it might set me back a day or two but this is a long process, bumps are bound to happen. i enjoy what i do and am not stupid about it. i have lost 30 pounds so far with my current drinking habits and dont plan on changing them
  • ravenone777
    ravenone777 Posts: 38 Member
    I used to have that problem. I decided the easiest way was to quit drinking altogether. Its been a year since I had a drink and I really don't miss it. I enjoy my weekends without headaches and hangovers!
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    I really need to stop drinking. I binge drink every friday and saturday night and sometimes thursdays and sunday too. Saturday night consisted of wine and vodka finished off with kfc chips and maccas nuggets.
  • Crazynurseblack
    Crazynurseblack Posts: 9 Member
    I dont drink every night. Maybe a glass or two of wine on one of my nights off. Over the summer It was nothing to drink a bottle of wine out on the deck every weekend. I never really thought about the calories. Now I do. I like to try different wines, go to wine festivals and visit wineries, and I dont care to give it up, but I know I have cut back. Now get me around certain people and I will go way overboard with different kinds of alcohol. If that makes me a binge drinker, then this is the group for me. Hello friends :-)
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    Anyone up for a challenge? Cause I find modieration hard I am going to try and go the whole month without any booze
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Anyone up for a challenge? Cause I find modieration hard I am going to try and go the whole month without any booze

    Did it last year (and also July & November) but going on holidays to Japan in Feb so there will be alcohol involved :tongue:
  • samhuggins25
    samhuggins25 Posts: 9 Member
    That is actually my biggest problem...possibly my only problem actually because if and when I drink...I can't stop, so I end up drinking between 10-20 beers (or more even) & then I also don't sleep. I stay up all night, might get a few hours sleep in the morning, then eat whatever I'm craving because I seem to have no willpower when this happens...& then I start drinking again to get over that first hangover!! This is a typical weekend for me...& for the guy who posted "just stop drinking entirely" that is not a realistic option for a lot of us (& it's a bit frustrating when people say that cause we need to make long-term lifestyle changes, not sacrifices that we will feel deprived by). It's part of our social networks & we enjoy it! We just have to find a way to control it better & control what we do after we drink, better. I'm focusing on slowly cutting down on the number of drinks I consume, & how many days I go out. Watching my calories on here is a big help I think. We'll see how it goes I guess!

    AGREE !! i havent been out out with my friends recently as i haven't been drinking and it SUCKS i HATE it sooo i can do it i just dont don't go out drinking and it's hard sooo this weekend i have decided to go OUT and i'm very excited ! but when i looked at the Calories i was like ooohhhh Shet so im going to have this one weekend and just get straigh back to it (this is my plan...) on monday