


  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    Has anyone had a situation where there is a group or person who feels the need to constantly comment about your food choices and/or weight, where it goes beyond "helping" and begins to be offensive. I dont mean anyone on MFP because in my opinion its expected and welcome. I mean someone in your life who you never ask for their opinion. I'm having issues at WORK about this and I would love to hear how you dealt with this.

    OHMYSPARKLES!!!! YES!!!!! I have a coworker that is obsessed with what I eat and constantly negative about others that I know that are really working hard on their fitness but not losing as much weight as I guess she deems that is proper. Honestly...I pray...pray for patience. And I remind myself its her issue not mine. And then I pray again...and then I reiterate her issue not mine. haha. So yes...totally know how you feel!
  • RumRum85
    RumRum85 Posts: 61 Member
    That bring some memories that I could summarize as an etc (you already explain the situation very well). I stop that with overdoses of irony, touching weak pointsm just as House MD would do it. But I have a reputation of trouble worker, so they, in fact, expect that kind of answers from me.

    If is a superior, ok, as was already commented, private conversation and then with HR, if is another one of the bunch that asks the proctologists for a nutritional plan I may help you with some quick answers ;)
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Has anyone had a situation where there is a group or person who feels the need to constantly comment about your food choices and/or weight, where it goes beyond "helping" and begins to be offensive. I dont mean anyone on MFP because in my opinion its expected and welcome. I mean someone in your life who you never ask for their opinion. I'm having issues at WORK about this and I would love to hear how you dealt with this.
    "I don't find your input very helpful but offensive. Butt out!".
  • 75lbsless
    75lbsless Posts: 26 Member
    Bluntly, bug someone else.

    LOL and they'd probably sit there speechless in shock.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    There's a lady at work who is unhappy with her own weight and tells people who are losing weight, "I'm worried about you! You're getting too skinny..." I'm like, yeah, but she looks GOOD! Anyway, that always bugs me when people crap on others parades. And anytime I talk about eating healthy she says things like, "Ew, if it's healthy, I'm not eating it." But then she complains of her own weight?! If you can't help yourself and don't want help from others, don't crap on others parades. Just makes her look, well, jealous.
  • 75lbsless
    75lbsless Posts: 26 Member
    It's very hurtful because you're feeling pretty that day and they come and remind you that you have a weight problem
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    I totally put this on facebook a couple weeks ago because I was passive/aggressively venting at someone . . . But I think a couple of you have proven it to be true:

    "Minding one's own business is so hard for some because it requires introspection and change."

    Put that on your desk for them to see :)
  • 75lbsless
    75lbsless Posts: 26 Member
    I totally put this on facebook a couple weeks ago because I was passive/aggressively venting at someone . . . But I think a couple of you have proven it to be true:

    "Minding one's own business is so hard for some because it requires introspection and change."

    Put that on your desk for them to see :)

    lol I'll tape it to the mirror on my station
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    my mother always comments on my food. If I happen to finish a container of something, I can always count on her to say something. She says if I keep eating as much as I do, I will never be skinny..... A) i will never be skinny PERIOD, no matter the weight. B) she doesn't have room to talk, she eats less than a songbird, or puts half a stick of butter on what she does eat for dinner. If I could show her my log, it would shut her up....but then she'd say something rude about that too =/

    just tell you co workers to back off, they have no business in your life outside work. if that doesn't work, tell them to STFU and make comments on how they eat right back XD
  • 75lbsless
    75lbsless Posts: 26 Member
    my mother always comments on my food. If I happen to finish a container of something, I can always count on her to say something. She says if I keep eating as much as I do, I will never be skinny..... A) i will never be skinny PERIOD, no matter the weight. B) she doesn't have room to talk, she eats less than a songbird, or puts half a stick of butter on what she does eat for dinner. If I could show her my log, it would shut her up....but then she'd say something rude about that too =/

    just tell you co workers to back off, they have no business in your life outside work. if that doesn't work, tell them to STFU and make comments on how they eat right back XD

    I was thinking about doing that lol
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    I totally put this on facebook a couple weeks ago because I was passive/aggressively venting at someone . . . But I think a couple of you have proven it to be true:

    "Minding one's own business is so hard for some because it requires introspection and change."

    Put that on your desk for them to see :)

    lol I'll tape it to the mirror on my station

    Put my name after like its a famous quote - Rahbuhbuh

    Then you can give them a copy because "you think they would enjoy having it" :laugh:
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    No one says stuff like this to me.

    I'm a really silly person, so I can get away with this sort of thing: I poke people in their bellies and make the Pillsbury doughboy giggle. If someone said something rude or out of bounds to me, then I wouldn't hesitate to do belly-poke, giggle, and walk away. If they said something about it, I'd just smile and not say a word.

    People don't mess with you when they can't gauge you or if they think you don't care.
  • beyg
    beyg Posts: 212 Member
    just saying everyone is entitle to the own opinion. you can look at them and tell them: I heard you. Remember don't give up your power to them by giving a high value to what they say. You have your support group here and at the very least you are doing something about it, critics hardly ever do something about it. enjoy your meals and laugh at their ignorance.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I can't believe people can be so rude! I'm really sorry you have to put up with that!
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    Or the opposite, where they try to sabotage you and telling you that you should eat the bad things that you are trying to avoid!!! that annoys me just as much!
  • Deckershann
    Deckershann Posts: 272 Member
    I say, "You're just jelly cuz you don't have change for the vending machine Skittles!! Get your own, and some gatorade, not haterade!"
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    How about..."if your advise is so good, why isn't it working for you?" Whether in shape or out, that should give them a complex
  • Mardill
    Mardill Posts: 141 Member
    Tell her that you appreciate her concern for your health. Then suggest she help you in a different way, eg like taking a walk. LOL! But I really mean taking a walk together! Who knows, it might even become a friendship.
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    Sounds like the food Nazi to me!
  • 75lbsless
    75lbsless Posts: 26 Member
    @ Deckershann LOL imma use this