ahhh!!! what do you do?



  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    If your daily goal is set based on losing weight your well under your BRM on a daily basis to create that deficit to lose weight. Unless you went CRAZY yesterday you probably still ended up with a deficit so I wouldnt worry about it.

    Today is a new day, accept yesterday for what it was and move on.
  • Just average it out over time and don't handcuff yourself with guilt because that is generally one of the better excuses for quiting. It's a long road and some of that road will have bumps, that's a given.

    thats what i do, i average it out over the next 7 days, then subtract that amount from each days allotment of calories.

    For example, last week i ate an entire bag of chips and 1/2 jar of ranch dip (don't judge :noway: ). I added the calories, it came out to nearly 1,300 calories consumed. I counted 446 calories for the actual day i ate it, then I averaged the remaining 854 for the next 7 days: it out to about 122 calories a day. That way, i didnt feel bad. And, i still lost weight, i didnt feel bad or depressed that i ate an entire days worth of calories for a mere snack! :smokin:

    btw, i logged in the 122 calories for 7 days before the days came! that way i knew it was already counted.
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    thats a good thing you actually have to go over some times other wise the weight wont fall off right idk its weird someone told me that out of a science book they read lol and also that book 4hr diet or something like that
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    having days where I go over on calories and allowing myself to not feel badly about it if it is once a week helps me to not go bananas!
  • 10kaday
    10kaday Posts: 177
    I don't have time to read what others said. But for me, the only fasting I do is at breakfast. Generally when morning arrives, I still feel very satisfied from the previous day (obviously). I might eat an apple and/or a banana mid morning, but that's probably it. Then at lunch I begin where I left of and just eat a good healthy lunch, a light snack mid afternoon, and a good healthy dinner and that's it. Also, drink lots of water the entire day. Then the next day eat breakfast like you normally do and the same for the rest of the day striving to meet all your goals. I guess it really depends on how much you over ate. If it wasn't by that much just get on track the next day immediately. You gotta listen to what your body is saying that's #1. Anyway.... these are my thoughts and what I do.