Are you going to meet your 2011 goal?



  • FitnessBarbie99
    FitnessBarbie99 Posts: 283 Member
    I restarted here about a month ago, and my main goal was to simply get in better shape -- tone up, get fitter and healthier

    I've been hitting the gym about 4 days a week for the last month and counting so I am on the road I planned. It's hard to see much progress yet, but I can feel it. Also joined a challenge group and I know that is going to help too!

    Of course, I can't help but want to reach a weight loss goal as well, so I am hoping to reach 200 or less by Dec. 31st.
    I weighed in at 202 this morning, so it's going to be close. If can drop just 3 lbs. a month, I'll be at a healthy BMI by my birthday and at goal by the end of 2012!
  • sportsforfun
    I was hoping that I would be in the low 160's by January but currently I am hovering around 170, so probably not. But I have lost almost 35 pounds since I started MFP in august so I'm really not too upset. I've just been slacking a bit.

    Any hints on how to break this plateau? I've been stuck at 170 for about 2 or 3 weeks now.

    It sounds like you have made great strides already. Plateaus happen and you will eventually break it, just don't get discouraged. A few ideas that help break the plateau can be to change your workout routine. If you have only been focusing on cardio, add weight training, or if you only run add swimming. Adding new exercises will use get the body out of the same routine. Another thing you can do is change your diet. Try increasing your protein intake while limiting your carb intake. Everyone's body reacts differently to carbs and this may help your body start using fat for energy instead of the carbs that you are taking in. Just a few ideas.
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member
    I met my 2011 goal on 12/17, to lose 50 lbs.

    2012 goals: lose another 30 and flatten out this tummy for a two-piece summer! =)

    Awesome job! Congratulations on your success!