IUD & Weight Loss?? Ladies eyes only pmsl

I've previously had a Mirena coil but due to problems with weight gain I had it removed, seemed to do the trick and lost a fair bit of unwanted bulge. About 3 weeks ago I decided to switch to the copper IUD (non hormonal) but seem to be bloated all the time, whether this is down to the never ending period I'm having...who knows. Has anyone had this coil, did the bloat settle. I'm due to get married in May and losing weight is hard enough let alone having this beast inside me making me look 3 stone heavier! Any advice would be grand!!


  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    Iv got the nexplanon implant and its been in since august. Iv had a none stop period since then with a few days off. Some days im bloated and some im ok. Your issue might be because of the non stop period. Hope it settles soon x
  • khartley535
    khartley535 Posts: 151 Member
    I've had my Mirena since April 2007 and never had issues gaining or losing weight because of it. (I just like to eat!!!) I opted against the paraguard (copper coil) due to it's tendency to cause your periods to be heavier and longer. The Mirena just makes me spot for a couple of days and then it's done.
  • 1FitMom326
    I have had the Mirena about 9 months and have not noticed any weight gain. It doesn't come off as quickly as I would like but I have still lost weight.
  • jmxxiiii
    jmxxiiii Posts: 231 Member
    I only had mirena in for 6 days before my body expelled it, I'm using "my husband is deployed" right now, when he's back we'll be using natural family planning, very easy to do (even with irregular cycles) :] I was on the pill for a long time and didn't gain weight but it was harder to lose weight, and I didn't feel like a sexual being.

    I'd think bloating would be a common for at least 6 months, since your body would be trying to adjust to it.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Ok I had the copper non-hormonal IUD. Had horrible periods, it totally exacerbated my endo and I was miserable. I couldn't lose weight and my months were just a mess of hormonal issues and heavy HEAVY periods. The little piece of poop fell out and that was the biggest blessing of my life.

    I'm now on birth control, Ocella to be exact. I lost all the bloat and it actually helped regulate my hormones enough that I was able to lose actual weight, not just the bloat weight.

    There is no proof for me that my IUD caused the weight to hold on and no proof now that the birth control helped me lose and keep losing. But I will say this, my periods are lighter and more regular. My PMDD is under control which is a huge help because it would give me one good week a month and the other 3 were emotional hell.

    That IUD falling out was a blessing and starting Ocelle worked for me. This is my experience only and I'm much happier now.
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    I had the copper coil for about 6 months and had it changed to the mirena because of the non stop bleeding :grumble:

    Had this one for about 2 months now, and its fab, had no cramps, bloating and have about 1 day of spotting a month :happy:

    The only form of contraception that really made me put on weight was the injection, and to be honest, I think over the last 20 + years I've had them all!!!
  • adlwilmot
    I had the Mirena coil put in a few years ago, with the doctor swearing blind the hormones within it were "local" and wouldn't affect anywhere other than my womb, only to develop melasma on my top lip. Well I tell you what, melasma is the best contraception ever cos it looks like you've got a sodding tash on your top lip!!!! Thanks for that, doc!!

    I didn't discover the Mirena was the cause of this until around 2 years later and had the bloody thing ripped out. I now have the copper coil again, which I'd had prior to the Mirena for years and had caused me no problems. Unfortunately the dark patch on my top lip is still present but I am assured by an expert that it will go with time. "No side effects" huh, doc!?

    I would say that your problem is as a result of the Mirena coil having been in and it will take a while to settle down now it's been removed. The copper coil should not cause any bloating or continous bleeding unless you develop an infection. And if you've got an infection I would imagine that would be quite apparent from symptoms other than thte bloating.
  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member
    I was on the pill for about 12 years, then decided I'd had enough and that my body should get a say, since it never has. I got the copper non-hormone IUD three years ago. the first year was tough: heavy period, lasting 6-7 days, lots of cramping and bloating.

    Pain is relative though. I was used to 12 years of a little lower back pain/no cramping, no bloating, super light, lasting 2-3 days and not even happening every month. (I cycled every 2-3 months and my gyno said it was not unheard of and given my health factors I was okay.)

    That being said, I'm glad I made the switch. And it does get better, or at least it did for me. My bloating comes back that week, but is gone the rest of the month. I get really bad cramps though, enough to call in sick at work sometimes. I've noticed that when I continue to exercise during that week the cramping is significantly reduced, compared to when I don't workout during that week, using it as an excuse to not exercise.

    Hope that helps!
  • keesh1123
    keesh1123 Posts: 229 Member
    I have the paraguard, and other than it making my cycle dates very unreliable, I haven't had any other issues.
  • haylee1981
    haylee1981 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks for all your advice ladies, I'll give it another month and see how it goes! I'll need a blood transfusion if I lose to much more blood though...seriously lol. Things we have to do!!
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    I've had my Mirena since April 2007 and never had issues gaining or losing weight because of it. (I just like to eat!!!) I opted against the paraguard (copper coil) due to it's tendency to cause your periods to be heavier and longer. The Mirena just makes me spot for a couple of days and then it's done.
    This was my experience also. I had Mirena for the full 5 years prior to having my tubes tied. Yes I gained weight while on it, but that was because I ate whatever and how ever much I wanted. When I honestly put forth an effort to lose weight while having the Mirena I was able to without any problem. All birth control will have side effects. My suggestions is to look at ll your options, discuss them with your Dr and make an informed decision on what you feel will work best for your lifestyle.
  • delong99
    delong99 Posts: 22 Member
    I have had the Mirena for almost 5 years and have had no weight issues related to it. I had the copper one before and had horrible periods - so if that is what you are experiencing the bloat could come from that. I'd talk to your doctor - maybe any kind of IUD is not for you and you need to choose some other kind, maybe a low dose pill.

    But remember - water weight is one thing, but overall weight (fat) gain is eating more than you are burning. Hormones may make you hungry - but you have complete control over what you put in your mouth!
  • I'm on Nuvaring and haven't noticed any weight gain with it. I also have friends on Nuvaring who say they haven't gained from it either. Ask your doctor about it! Its way easier than the pill.
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I had a copper IUD and got pregnant 6 months after I got it. Placement was still perfect according to ultrasounds...guess I was one of the 1%! Anyways...after I had my second daughter (the one I got pregnant for with the IUD) I had a tubaligation. Several years ago my GYN recommended a Mirena IUD to stop/slow my period...worked like a charm and I haven't gained weight from it. I wouldn't recommend relying on a copper IUD as birthcontrol...for obvious reasons. Just my personal experience =)
  • fae713
    fae713 Posts: 30 Member
    I've had the Mirena for just shy of five years and have had no weight gain or loss due to it. No abnormal hormonal changes and the only time I get any actual bleeding is if I am very stressed and then it is very light for only a few days at most. I still get the normal hormonal fluctuations between estrogen and progesterone but I can only tell due to changes in my mood, tenderness and some wee bit of bloating or discomfort when I do too many situps. All those symptoms have actually gotten better on the Mirena than what they previously were.

    The chances of having hormonal side effects from Mirena are very small. I would have to look at the informational insert again, but I want to say that it was fewer than 4 or 5 women out of 100 would experience the hormonal side effects that you are describing, which if I remember correctly are more associated with estrogen than progesterone which means your body may have been reacting to having the extra progesterone, even in the minute doses that the Mirena releases. Essentially, it means that you were one of the very small number of women who drew the universal short straw when it comes to side effects from this particular device/medication.

    Regardless, good luck finding a form of birth control that works for you and does not have all the not so pleasant side effects.
  • withervein
    withervein Posts: 224 Member
    I also use Nuvaring and I switch them out and right back in to skip periods entirely.

    I've not noticed any difference in weight gain/loss and I haven't noticed any hormonal issues other than the fact that I still have my emotional wonkiness about once a month. Xp
  • JoKeFi99
    JoKeFi99 Posts: 8 Member
    I had the same expierence you had.
    After I had my son and had lost almost all the weight I had gained I decided to get the Mirena. After that I started to gain weight so I was convinced it was because of the Mirena. I had it removed and decided to give my body a break and go with the copper IUD.
    Wow....never in my life did I have periods like that. They lasted at least 7 days and they were heavy.....I mean heavy. I dealed with it for over a year thinking that my body needs to get used to it but it did not get any better.
    By then I thought I rather have lighter periods and without pain then being worried about my weight. I switched back to Mirena about 4 month ago and I feel so much better.
    And.....I started to lose weight anyways.....so it was not Mirena that cause my weight gain to begin with...it was me not watching what I was eating!
  • rachaelsue
    rachaelsue Posts: 16 Member
    I am on my second Mirena (after my irst 5 years, I had a new one placed). I have not had any issues with weight gain.
  • Salexan13
    I'm on NuvaRing and I love it. No weight gain and no periods because I never take it out.
  • shamika624
    I'm on My third Mirena. I got one after my first child then had it replace. Out for my second and then had a surprise third. I had no problems with the first two but with the third I have gained a substantial amount of weight. Hense, I'm on MFP. I'm seriously contiplating getting it removed and getting my tubes tied. I do not plan on having any more children So, I don't know. Everyone is different but I believe that it my make a difference. I'll let you know if you want.