IUD & Weight Loss?? Ladies eyes only pmsl



  • freesgirl
    I had the Mirena after my first child and it was horrible. I could not lose weight. So I had it removed and used no birth control and did not get pregnant for 2 whole years after I had it removed while on no other birth control. After my second child I decided to get the copper IUD. The first year as others who have had it were rough. I literally would bleed and cramp for a whole month, be off my period for a week then bleed and cramp again. I was told by an OB to take motrin 800mg 3 times a day. After a few months the bleeding and cramping got better. Now, I have had the copper IUD for about 6 years now and I have one period a month and when I'm on it I take motirn and it helps a bunch. Hope this helps you.
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    Had the Mirena for around 9 weeks and finally had it taken out. My period was more on than off and I had some weird pain about every day that would put me down for the count for about 45 minutes then go away until the next episode. I honestly think the only reason it effect my weight loss was because I was miserable and didn't feel like doing anything!
  • chyloet
    chyloet Posts: 196 Member
    I've had the Paraguard for 7years and I couldn't be happier! Shorter periods, no effect on my weight or mood. Good by hormones! :)
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I have the copper T and have had it for 6 years now, no problems at all. In the beginning though it did take some time for my body to adjust to it. I used to get more cramps in the first 6 months, then everything went back to normal.
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    I had the paraguard for years and lost All my weight on it, as well as the inches.

    The bloating goes away in 4-6 weeks, and the bleeding should subside really soon (unless it's your monthly time, in which case...)

    If you are concerned about the bleeding take a pee test I the morning. (I have a friend who got hers in when she was actually preg, but she was so hydrated that it didn't show 2 lines)
  • saj6
    saj6 Posts: 33 Member
    I have the copper IUD in, have had for almost 5yrs now. I was told I was a good candidate because my periods had always been very light (usually lasting about 3 days, could only use a tampon 1 day, rest was too light so it wasn't comfortable. No cramping, no bloat.) I wasn't happy the first 6 months I had it in because all the sudden I had periods that were lasting 5-7 days, I was bloating and occasionally, a cramp! but it did calm down. Now, my periods are still around 5 days and I do get some bloat, but I am not finding it as heavy as it was at first and I'm no longer getting cramps. I have to have mine out soon (in about 2 months) because I was told it should be replaced after 5 yrs, so I have to decide if I want to get another and if I don't, what I will use for birth control. If only my husband had followed through on his promise to have a vasectomy. sigh.
  • djkshdfd
    djkshdfd Posts: 443 Member
    I have a copper IUD and I have not noticed any bloating. I have had painful periods and longer ones but I guess it is worth not getting pregnant.

    And let me note that my periods were long to begin with. I just selected copper because I do not want to mess with hormones for a lot of reasons I wish not to list.
  • sewedo1
    sewedo1 Posts: 200 Member
    I've had the Mirena 3 years. Decided on it because of heavy peroids with a uterine fibroid. I did gain some weight, but there were other factors, such as an injury that arrested my exercise and I was eating much more. I have lost 27 pounds since August since I've been exercising and eating healthy again along with logging on MFP. I rarely have a period and when I do, it is very lite.
  • PippaJo_
    PippaJo_ Posts: 233 Member
    my periods had always been very light (usually lasting about 3 days, could only use a tampon 1 day, rest was too light so it wasn't comfortable. No cramping, no bloat.) I wasn't happy the first 6 months I had it in because all the sudden I had periods that were lasting 5-7 days, I was bloating and occasionally, a cramp! but it did calm down. Now, my periods are still around 5 days and I do get some bloat, but I am not finding it as heavy as it was at first and I'm no longer getting cramps.

    ^^ This.

    I've had my Paragard for three years, and I love it. Basically, the only difference was that I had to go from using Super tampons to Ultra. Usually one a day, although sometimes on my heavy day, it might take two. But really - that's no problem at all.

    I can't remember if I had any difficulties at first - I don't remember any. Might have had some mild cramping in the first few months, but heck - I had worse cramping as a teenager, so it was really no big deal.

    I seriously doubt that I've had any weight problems related to the IUD. Also, AFAIK, the Paragard is good for 10 years, at least, mine is. (I didn't think they made one that was only good for five, but I could be wrong. Ah well, more $$ for the docs, right?)
  • saj6
    saj6 Posts: 33 Member
    I had thought they lasted longer than 5, but I think my doctor is just being cautious. He told me has had some patients who left them in so long they could no longer be removed, they were embedded into the uterine wall! (eww!) I was hoping by the time 5 yrs was up my husband would have had a vasectomy, but he has changed his mind lol I'll probably get another. I just hope my body thinks its the same one so I don't have the extra heavy periods for 6 months :-)
  • Tsrwalker
    Tsrwalker Posts: 164 Member
    I had the 5 yr mirena put in Oct 16,08. Prior to that I had been on the pill for 9 years since I was 17. The Gyno was not sure if I would do well with the mirena since I have never had any children, but she put it in (yes it was painful during insertion). I had never had cramps before in my entire life and the first 2 months after it was inserted I had them...they hurt so bad..I got my period heavier than normal too. Then after 3 months the cramps lessened. After a year my periods stopped completely and the cramping is only about maybe once a month, but it only lasts for about 30 min. I switched from the pill to the mirena because I was always forgetting to take my pill. I was also having issues with sex drive and at 25-26 that is not normal. I like the mirena because I don't have to buy tampons or worry about buying the pills every 3 months. My fiance has complained once or twice that it is stabbing him during intercourse (sorry if its TMI) I had the gyno cut the string shorter and he only complains sometimes now. I will need to decide in Oct of 2013 if I am ready to start having kids. I have not noticed a weight gain from it either and when I asked my gyno she stated that it does not cause weight gain. I hope this helps :)
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    I got implanon today! :laugh: Based off my experiences with the same drugs in the pill, I should stop my periods entirely for the next three years. I wanted to get mirena but I haven't had kids and my uterus hates EVERYTHING so I figured I wouldn't mess with her :tongue: