How do you deal with the fake hungry feelings?



  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I love the know-it-all comments by males about this problem. It's either a) they're too ignorant for their own sake or b) male PMS is a very common medical condition so they can relate.
    And I love the it's-not-your-fault-you-can't-control-your-cravings comments by the weak minded.

    Actually it is a it's-normal-to-have-those-cravings-and-feel-overwhelmed comment. I love how you came up with the 'weak minded' based on absolutely zero solid evidence. Heartwarming.

    Yep. That's how I felt. So heartwarming to know that estrogen and progesterone coursing through my body, causing my blood volume to rise, my body to burn more calories, and my mind to go to a less than reasonable state automatically makes people like me weak minded.

    Also, I find it hard to believe that someone who is trying to lose weight has never had a weak moment in his life. Ever. Because he's so perfect. I don't normally find myself getting offended by anyone on the Internet. Maybe it's all the hormones affecting my weak mind.
    I actually have lots of weak moments. But if I give in to them, it's on me... I don't make excuses. I'm an emotional eater, I know that. I eat when I feel down to make myself feel better, I know that. But that's me being weak. I know I'm not hungry. I know eating/food won't fix whatever is bothering me, yet I eat anyways. Weak. F***ing weak, actually.

    My point wasn't about the cravings, it was about giving into them. Cravings are normal for most of us, giving is is weak.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I believe our bodies actually burn 200-300 more calories while on our period. I still stay to my goal, but I'm not gonna lie, I eat whatever the hell I want and stay to my cals. Skinny cow ice cream sandwiches do the trick for me at 150 cals. *shrug*
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Come now, all of us have times when we CRAVE something poor for us. Whether we give in to them or not is where it matters. I'm a firm believer that one can treat themselves-to a degree, without completely Fu**ing their diet up.

    There are plenty of alternatives to a snickers bar. Whipped cream with mixed berries, apples baked with a little cinnamon, a chocolate protein shake with banana, etc.

    If eating one of the healthier alternatives saves you from binging go for it!

    I love the know-it-all comments by males about this problem. It's either a) they're too ignorant for their own sake or b) male PMS is a very common medical condition so they can relate.
    And I love the it's-not-your-fault-you-can't-control-your-cravings comments by the weak minded.

    Actually it is a it's-normal-to-have-those-cravings-and-feel-overwhelmed comment. I love how you came up with the 'weak minded' based on absolutely zero solid evidence. Heartwarming.

    Yep. That's how I felt. So heartwarming to know that estrogen and progesterone coursing through my body, causing my blood volume to rise, my body to burn more calories, and my mind to go to a less than reasonable state automatically makes people like me weak minded.

    Also, I find it hard to believe that someone who is trying to lose weight has never had a weak moment in his life. Ever. Because he's so perfect. I don't normally find myself getting offended by anyone on the Internet. Maybe it's all the hormones affecting my weak mind.
    I actually have lots of weak moments. But if I give in to them, it's on me... I don't make excuses. I'm an emotional eater, I know that. I eat when I feel down to make myself feel better, I know that. But that's me being weak. I know I'm not hungry. I know eating/food won't fix whatever is bothering me, yet I eat anyways. Weak. F***ing weak, actually.

    My point wasn't about the cravings, it was about giving into them. Cravings are normal for most of us, giving is is weak.
  • sunshinegirl2012
    fake hungry....drink water and tea. esp if the water is ice means your body has to burn a little bit more calories to warm yourself back up. also gum is good, but just watch the limit as that has calories. if you really can't fight it, eat half a banana or oatmeal or something light and filling (:
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    Hungry feelings just prior to and in the first few days of your period are not fake. Your body actually does need more calories then. My weight tends to dip slightly just after my period starts (although I tend to bloat the week before, like most of us do).

    I would try and make the extra calories I ate at the beginning of my period healthy calories, but I would acknowledge my body's need for extra nourishment at that time.

    Although if anyone has the solution for bored hunger, which really is fake hunger, could they please let me know? ;)
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
  • aurie024
    aurie024 Posts: 63 Member
    I've heard... drink lots of water, hot peppermint tea, limit dairy, only good carbs. Lot's of veggies and fruits.
  • Ridestolive6969
    BTW, I schedule my meals too, and portion and pack them. It works for me to know exactly what I am going to eat and when. I ve been doing this for a year and have exceeded my goals and stayed on track!
    But I just wanted to say Yes to Coffee! I know there is a lot of controversy over it, but I grew up on coffee and I love it all day. I am not a huge water drinker and I am doin just fine. But yes, it works very well to reduce "cravings" etc.
    Thanks for mentioning it!
  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member
    I drink extra water, and eat things that involve extra effort, like citrus fruits I have to peel and section, raw nuts that I have to shell, or kale chips that I need to take the time to bake. I'm eating a healthy snack that way, and taking my time at it, so I tend to feel fuller by the time I'm done eating.
  • nygiantschick
    nygiantschick Posts: 289 Member
    I don't really get cravings during TOM. Sometimes I think this is a convenient excuse that some people use out of habit and habits can be changed. However, I have found that I may just want MORE food. Now when I do get a craving for something at ANY time it is usually my body's way of signaling a nutritional imbalance somewhere. So I may be eating too few calories or not getting enough iron, etc. Just stay on your plan regardless of timing and you should be good. Since I've been more committed to staying on my program, I've noticed VERY few cravings. I don't think I've had a strong craving for something, other than ice (low iron) in about a year!! I keep chewing gum and water on hand as much as possible for when the munchies hit and I'm not actually hungry or scheduled to eat.
  • Mocha02
    Mocha02 Posts: 96
    I drink plenty of water and chew Wrigley's Peppermint gum. 10 calories per stick though, so I limit it to only one or two per day. But the peppermint flavor lasts so it keeps me occupied. :smile:
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    Hungry feelings just prior to and in the first few days of your period are not fake. Your body actually does need more calories then. My weight tends to dip slightly just after my period starts (although I tend to bloat the week before, like most of us do).

    I would try and make the extra calories I ate at the beginning of my period healthy calories, but I would acknowledge my body's need for extra nourishment at that time.

    Although if anyone has the solution for bored hunger, which really is fake hunger, could they please let me know? ;)

    Exactly what my point was. Our body (as in a female during menses) burn 200-300 more calories per day when we are menstruating, especially the first day of our cycle. This is not just something I read offhand somewhere. I have been told this by a doctor, several nutritionists, a sports nutritionist, and several well-certified trainers.

    No, I'm not saying you should use that as an excuse to rush out and eat 1000 calories of chocolate, but there is also nothing wrong if you decide to not chew off your arm in favor of eating more food during that time. When I was heavier (i.e. 35 pounds ago), I rarely got the "I'm going to start chewing on furniture" hunger during TOM, but now that I'm at a proper weight for my body, I get it.

    So, I do three things to try to avoid the hunger:

    a) I drink more water.
    b) I try to make sure I get plenty of iron and healthy foods.
    c) I exercise more to try to make it possible to eat more calories.

    Sometimes, it works. Sometimes, it doesn't. The whole idea that we should be ashamed or feel like we're weak because we give in is what is wrong. There is nothing wrong with having an off day or two. You are not weak for giving in. If you can't create a lifestyle that is not sustainable for YOU, then you are doing something wrong. To be honest, a lifestyle without chocolate of some form or another is not one I want to live, and if that makes me weak to other people, I really don't give a ****. But that's just me.

    As far as boredom hunger, I have found two tricks that really work:

    a) Have a glass of water.
    b) Find something to make myself busy so I'm not bored.

    If that doesn't work, I'll generally do some form of exercise so that I can splurge if I want to. There's nothing wrong with eating, and I'm not going to be ashamed that sometimes, I work out so I can eat more because I just feel like it! ;)
  • cglenden
    i make hot tea with lemon and ginger- the warmth from the tea makes you feel full and ginger helps upset stomach! and... its delicious!! ;)
  • polkadotty88
    polkadotty88 Posts: 142 Member
    Hey hun i ALWAYS feel like this! It is soo hard! I actually feel like it now, i ate my dinner and now im still hungry. I think its more of a habbit rather than being hungry. Tell yourself no, go for a walk, take a shower, paint your nails, the hunger pangs will soon dissapear. Good luck on your journey x
  • beckymustloseweight
    Apparently painting your nails helps.
    I dont know why, I guess because
    1. by the time your finished your no longer hungry,
    2. You cant eat with wet nails! :wink:
    3. Distracts you.
    Or maybe its the smell?
    I dont know :indifferent: :indifferent: