Moderation my *kitten*!

Ok I can't count how many times I've seen people post questions about whether they should have that burger they're craving or pie or whatever and so many answers of "everything in moderation"

See, now that's a problem for this chic! Moderation when it comes to yummy baked goods, pies, sweets, most anything covered in dark chocolate...I'm like an addict. Something in my brain is triggered and I go nuts and don't know when to stop....hence why I gained weight in the first place lol
Put some good wine, good cheese, good dark chocolate or some delicious hummus & pita bread nom nom nom
I don't know when to stop! OH and as I found out at Thanksgiving...any homemade berry pie...done for. I'll eat the WHOLE DARN THING w/o blinking an eye!

I know I'm can't be alone in this lol least I hope not. But there are certain foods I absolutely CANNOT have b/c I can't have just ONE bite or ONE piece or ONE nibble....I want the whole thing and I'll stab you with my fork if you try and pry it from my fingers :laugh:

Cheers to the Holidays Folks


  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Something in my brain is triggered and I go nuts and don't know when to stop....


    I think for the majority of people the "everything in moderation" method really is the best way. It allows for flexibility, helps deal with the psychological stress of being in a state of deprivation, helps with cravings and so on.

    That said it won't be suitable for everyone and in reality there is no single "right" way. Half the battle is knowing and understanding on a personal level what is and is not suitable bearing in mind your individual strengths and weaknesses. If you know what works for you then stick with it.

    Ummm, I am sure I had more to say but I got distracted when you mentioned your *kitten*....
  • MLeigh18
    MLeigh18 Posts: 120 Member
    Im the same way. I face this battle every day. I try to do the whole moderation thing but it doesn't work.

    Example: Yesterday we had an office party with cake and cookies. I walked into the kitchen saying "I will have one small slice of cake, thats it."

    After an hour of mingling I had downed 2 slices of cake and 6 shortbread cookies. I sat down at my desk and said WTF to myself.

    Last night after work. Went to my sisters for my dad's birthday. She made a cake. I said to myself "Okay, you had two slices of cake and 6 cookies already. You don't need anymore cake."

    Two slices of cake later, I got in my car to leave and I was so mad I gripped the steering wheel until my knuckled turned white and cried pretty much the whole drive home.

    I know, you're probably thinking it's just one day. You fall of the wagon, get back up and start fresh. Well that's not possible. In the past week, I have had 7 slices of cake, countless number of cookies and I believe a cherry pie, pumpkin pie and a slice of cookie cake was somewhere in there. Between office parties, a wedding, and my dads birthday. Things have gone to ****. But it hasn't been just this past week. It's all the time. every time. I can't just have one and walk away.

    So what do people like us do? I don't want to live the rest of my life without ever having another chocolate chip cookie.

    I just walked into the kitchen and saw the tray of cookies sitting out on the table from yesterday. I walked by it, looked at it and said "today you will be my *****. you will not defeat me. i am better than you." as i was leaving the kitchen, i almost stopped and got one, but didn't because it's only 8am.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    lol Thanks doll

    I come from a long line of women with very addictive personalities: shopping, food, alcohol,'s always at least one if not all they've had self control issues with

    I'll have a little from time to time but I went off the deep end from Halloween - Thanksgiving and quickly put on 5lbs grrrrrr
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    lol Thanks doll

    I come from a long line of women with very addictive personalities: shopping, food, alcohol,'s always at least one if not all they've had self control issues with

    I'll have a little from time to time but I went off the deep end from Halloween - Thanksgiving and quickly put on 5lbs grrrrrr

    Do you have the men in moderation or do you go nuts as well? =P
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    Do you have the men in moderation or do you go nuts as well? =P

    A well executed pun sir.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I'm right there with you.:noway:
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    Im the same way. I face this battle every day. I try to do the whole moderation thing but it doesn't work.

    Example: Yesterday we had an office party with cake and cookies. I walked into the kitchen saying "I will have one small slice of cake, thats it."

    After an hour of mingling I had downed 2 slices of cake and 6 shortbread cookies. I sat down at my desk and said WTF to myself.

    Last night after work. Went to my sisters for my dad's birthday. She made a cake. I said to myself "Okay, you had two slices of cake and 6 cookies already. You don't need anymore cake."

    Two slices of cake later, I got in my car to leave and I was so mad I gripped the steering wheel until my knuckled turned white and cried pretty much the whole drive home.

    I know, you're probably thinking it's just one day. You fall of the wagon, get back up and start fresh. Well that's not possible. In the past week, I have had 7 slices of cake, countless number of cookies and I believe a cherry pie, pumpkin pie and a slice of cookie cake was somewhere in there. Between office parties, a wedding, and my dads birthday. Things have gone to ****. But it hasn't been just this past week. It's all the time. every time. I can't just have one and walk away.

    So what do people like us do? I don't want to live the rest of my life without ever having another chocolate chip cookie.

    I just walked into the kitchen and saw the tray of cookies sitting out on the table from yesterday. I walked by it, looked at it and said "today you will be my *****. you will not defeat me. i am better than you." as i was leaving the kitchen, i almost stopped and got one, but didn't because it's only 8am.

    OMG I feel like I wrote this!!

    I hear ya...Day after Thanksgiving I had 3 square meals of PIE!
    Put on 5lbs in ONE MONTH....

    What's done is done....don't beat yourself up. Kick some *kitten* in your workouts and like you are better than the cookie!! Now the chocolate truffles in the back office at my work might be better than me LOL
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    lol Thanks doll

    I come from a long line of women with very addictive personalities: shopping, food, alcohol,'s always at least one if not all they've had self control issues with

    I'll have a little from time to time but I went off the deep end from Halloween - Thanksgiving and quickly put on 5lbs grrrrrr

    Do you have the men in moderation or do you go nuts as well? =P


    A lady doesn't kiss and tell .....

    ....but since I'm no lady, that doesn't apply to me :devil:

    Nicely played btw :laugh:
  • MinnesotaManimal
    MinnesotaManimal Posts: 642 Member
    lol Thanks doll

    I come from a long line of women with very addictive personalities: shopping, food, alcohol,'s always at least one if not all they've had self control issues with

    I'll have a little from time to time but I went off the deep end from Halloween - Thanksgiving and quickly put on 5lbs grrrrrr

    Do you have the men in moderation or do you go nuts as well? =P

    I bow down to the funny man. good job.
  • DarkAngel525
    Sadly, I'm the same way. I always manage my calories and exercise so I can have one, full-size Hershey bar at night. The other day my mom said, why don't you get them in bulk, then you don't have to stop every night at a mart and it's probably cheaper that way. I just had to admit that while that was a smart idea, if I got a 10 pack of the bars I can't promise that I would have the will power not to eat them all. It's a true sickness for me so I just have to do what works for my situation.
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    i am the same way...for me it is pepsi (bad pepsi..bad!)

    i had finally hit the 10 pound lost mark...went to a party and 3 cans of pepsi later i felt horrible...BUT not bad enough not to "indulge" just this past week at our christmas party (ok it wasn't just pepsi at this last party...there was some tequila rose mixed in there too,lol) now here i sit with those 10 pounds back on..i can never find my damn cars keys when they are lost but i sure as hell find the lost weight fast enough,lol. but on the plus side i am heading to my dad's for a week and he only drinks diet here is hoping i am off the pepsi kick when i get back next week. and come jan 2nd (since things are closed on the 1st) my butt is back in the gym!
  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 626 Member
    You are most definitely not alone!!

    The holidays are the worst! I ate almost an entire box of turtles last night.... When I am on track, I am fully on track, but one small taste of chocolaty goodness and I am done for....

    I know it is not the right attitude but I am so ready just to give up and start again fresh in the new year...:blushing:


  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    Sadly, I'm the same way. I always manage my calories and exercise so I can have one, full-size Hershey bar at night. The other day my mom said, why don't you get them in bulk, then you don't have to stop every night at a mart and it's probably cheaper that way. I just had to admit that while that was a smart idea, if I got a 10 pack of the bars I can't promise that I would have the will power not to eat them all. It's a true sickness for me so I just have to do what works for my situation.

    exactly! plus if you just keep stopping at the store you'll get nights where you are too tired. that's the same reason i go to the store to buy a can of pop. and it's also the same reason i can go days without drinking one
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I'm the same way. If I'm craving something, I want to eat it until I don't want anymore. Which usually means eating it until I'm absolutely stuffed.
  • b757
    b757 Posts: 61 Member
    You know what? If you want it, eat it. But drink 2 glasses of water first. I guarantee you will not be eating nearly as much. I just did this at a Christmas party I went to last week and will be doing the same at another party tomorrow. Drink a glass of water when the next craving sets in too, before any food goes in your mouth. I log everything right after I eat it. If you have a smart phone or a phone with web access,and you have the MFP app on your phone you can log the calories when you are out and about. It will make you think twice.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I am the same way too. I have NO ability to moderate. I will eat the entire thing if it is sweets. I have completely cut them out for a few weeks, tried to eat a chocolate covered pretzel and it tasted HORRIBLE. I had a coworker say they tasted normal. I guess I just got my tastebuds away from them. But I am settled on the fact that I will never be able to really enjoy sweets again. It is like an alcoholic picking up a rum and coke. It COULD be ok, or it could be the start of my unraveling.
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    Ok I can't count how many times I've seen people post questions about whether they should have that burger they're craving or pie or whatever and so many answers of "everything in moderation"

    See, now that's a problem for this chic! Moderation when it comes to yummy baked goods, pies, sweets, most anything covered in dark chocolate...I'm like an addict. Something in my brain is triggered and I go nuts and don't know when to stop....hence why I gained weight in the first place lol
    Put some good wine, good cheese, good dark chocolate or some delicious hummus & pita bread nom nom nom
    I don't know when to stop! OH and as I found out at Thanksgiving...any homemade berry pie...done for. I'll eat the WHOLE DARN THING w/o blinking an eye!

    I know I'm can't be alone in this lol least I hope not. But there are certain foods I absolutely CANNOT have b/c I can't have just ONE bite or ONE piece or ONE nibble....I want the whole thing and I'll stab you with my fork if you try and pry it from my fingers :laugh:

    Cheers to the Holidays Folks

    You're my kind of gal! It's time to stop when I'm sick! Merry Christmas!! :-D
  • JaimeBrown5
    If you know you can't say no - put it into your food diary first and account for it . Walk it off, hit the gym do what you can to even it out. Or at least TRY to even it out. You may not burn then all back off, but some is better than nothing!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Of course, I'm not talking about people with actual addictions, but I think a lot of times, people don't push themselves hard enough to be moderate. If you're strong enough to say "no thanks," then you really are strong enough to say "just one."

    There's a huge bag of candy bars in my cupboard right now. I really could eat the whole damn thing at once. I've done that before, thinking, "Oh, just one or two fun-sized bars." and the whole bag was gone in a day. Now? I've have two, but it'll stop at two, and only when it fits my calories. And those two fun-sized bars really are worth the 20 minutes I spent on the treadmill burning those calories, but they're not worth any more than that.

    Now if only I could budget my finances as well as I budget my calories. Too bad I can't earn extra cash by running! :laugh:
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    It is like an alcoholic picking up a rum and coke. It COULD be ok, or it could be the start of my unraveling.


    At one point I tried substituting in sugar free free chocolate bars and pudding....know what happens when you eat too much sugar free candy....:noway: it was BAD!!