Back from my first trip to the nutritionist...



  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Thanks for sharing and best of luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member

    "Researchers now believe phytic acid, found in the fiber of legumes and grains, is the major ingredient responsible for preventing colon cancer and other cancers.[1][23]"
  • 65PONY
    65PONY Posts: 68 Member
    Nice...but why did you go see a nutritionist?? You need to gain weight right?
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    As for #5 - I knew this! I try to eat about 120g of protien per day. I keep reading you should eat 1-2g PER lb of lean body mass.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    My doctor just instructed me to cut out dairy and wheat products. Couldn't find much on why wheat products were bad but that really makes sense. Dairy I know that most people don't have the digestive enzymes to properly handle these products and I was lactose intolerant as a child so it makes sense for me.

    I've been on a nutrition documentary/fact binge in the last year or so. It's SO interesting how the government/food industry recommends things we should really stay away from and how terrible most products on the shelves are. With all the preservatives and stuff it's no wonder people are so sick, get cancer and are obese!
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    Good info! A bit extreme in terms of, well, being SPUN, but there's certainly value in it.
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    As for #5 - I knew this! I try to eat about 120g of protien per day. I keep reading you should eat 1-2g PER lb of lean body mass.

    This is a great idea for people who exercise and have no liver or kidney disease. Sedentary folk can get away with less, I think.
  • regmcc
    regmcc Posts: 81 Member
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    I've always wanted to try avocado's but not sure what to do with them.

    OMG! Missing out! Mash, add lemon, some chilli flakes, garlic and lemon juice and you have an AWESOME dip. To be a little more naughty you can also add a teaspoon of mayo and natural yoghurt. Eat with wafer crackers, rice cakes, carrot sticks or bread! YUM!

    Also awesome at breaky. Spread on toast with some sliced tomato, salt and peper. Delicious!

    Can also be added to ANY green salad.

    Swap butter for avocado on a chicken sandwich.

    There's heaps to do with them!

    :heart: avococados!
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    My theme of high protein/low carb wasn't a good idea. Even if I land under my calorie goal for the day, too much protein just leads to fat. Since I'm actually working out now I need fuel/carbs not chicken, her words.
    - I asked if I should eat back my exercise calories and she looked like me like I was an idiot and said *no*

    Were you seeing her for weight loss? I've lost all of my weight from watching my carb and sugar intake (let's face it, carbs turn into a form of sugar anyway). Check out the doco 'Fat Head' and google issues with the food pyramid. When I'm super strict and cut wheat and grains out for a couple of days my bloating disappears and my stomach flattens. I'm practially a dress size smaller! How did she explain the success of the Dukan diet or the Paleo diet? Both which rely heavily on fats and less carbs. Not saying people should do them, just that cutting carbs and upping my fat intake really worked for me. Curbed the cravings and kept the hunger pains away. Don't even need to count the calories and still manage to lose! Each to their own but experiment and see what works for you.
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Oh and ps. I find milk the hardest to wrap my head around and choose!

    Milk is high in sugar which I really want to cut down on. It's my highest sugar item usually!

    Almond milk that I can find is also full of sugar.

    Soy is low in sugar but apparently way too processed (paleo diet).

    ARGH! I'm thinking of switching it up between them all. Spread the evil um... love. Lol.
  • LeeDahlen38
    LeeDahlen38 Posts: 119 Member
    I just had my first meeting with a nutritionist too! I actually used my app to show her what I was eating, she was impressed (with the app, not my diet).

    Anyway, she told me the following:
    - Eat every four hours during the day
    - Have *some* sort of carbs at every meal
    - My theme of high protein/low carb wasn't a good idea. Even if I land under my calorie goal for the day, too much protein just leads to fat. Since I'm actually working out now I need fuel/carbs not chicken, her words.
    - I asked if I should eat back my exercise calories and she looked like me like I was an idiot and said *no*
    - She recommended whole wheat bread, oatmeal (she was really big on the oatmeal), lentils, and whole wheat pasta/Classico.
    - She approved of my love for salmon

    Random note-- I just tasted Almond milk for the first time today and it's delicious. I'm totally going to switch over.

    All of this is GREAT information..... If you are generally healthy. I would simply add the Caveat that IF YOU ARE DIABETIC (as I am), this diet choice will throw you off the recovery/ maintenance wagon with your sugar/A1C results. We Type2's that don't want to take insulin, and manage with diet and exercise HAVE to stay below 50 carbs per meal or 15 per snack. or our numbers go up! Oatmeal???? Don't even think about it if you're type 2. So just adding that your information is good, and accurate.... For you! GREAT POST!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I was often "over" on the protein on MFP too and was wondering if it was harmful to my diet to be getting too much protein. One thing I have to disagree with the nutritionist is that your body is eating up your muscle when protein is too low. That is only true if your BMI is below 10 which maybe yours is. It is teens for men. I would say most people women are above 10 BMI. I know this from a rgid military study that was done. I cut out whole grains and dairy and pasta three weeks ago and I have lost 10lbs. The thing I have learned about nutritional advise is it seems to constantly change. Thanks again.


    How does BMI factor into catabolism?

    If someone has a BMI of 9 & is eating above maintenance level, with adequate protein intake & resistance training they will not lose muscle mass.

    Same goes for someone at BMI of 30.

    If you didn't know BMI is BS. I'm overweight & aiming for obese.
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    Today I had an appointment with a world-renowned nutritionists. Aside from a host of problems that I've realized I have, I learned a lot of things about food in general that I thought I'd share.
    1. American-grown whole wheat products are one of the worst things to put in your body. Because there is such a surplus, it sits around for a long time causing those products to contain a lot of mold which causes adverse reactions. The only reason it was being pushed so much by the old food pyramid was because it was created and funded by the whole-wheat manufacturers.
    2. Cow's milk products should ONLY be consumed if they are organic. Non-organic products contain the bovine growth hormone which causes a whole slew of problems in humans, including acne!
    3. Vitamin D is best absorbed after a fat. If you take a fish oil supplement, take the vitamin D right after for optimum absorption.
    4. Cod liver oil is the best fish oil to take (make sure it has had the mercury filtered out!)
    5. Food logs here are WAY off when it comes to protein. You should be getting a minimum of 4-5 servings of protein a day from CONCENTRATED sources. A gram here and there doesn't even get utilized by your body. A serving is about 15 grams. 6 oz of greek yogurt, 3 oz of fish, 1 whole egg and 2 whites or 4 egg whites, etc. I thought I was getting enough because my log claimed that my protein was consistently high, but it turns out that my body is literally eating my muscles because I'm so extremely protein deficient.
    6. Sunflower nut butter is the best nut butter because of the magnesium (most people have a deficiency, which is bad because it acts as a catalyst in your body)
    7. Don't be afraid of avocados because they are high in calories! It is proven that people who consume avocado lose more weight than those who don't (not to mention the monstrous amounts of health benefits that avocados provide)

    Just thought I'd share some of the things I learned today. I know they will impact my life and eating habits for the better, and I hope it does the same for you!
    bump :wink:
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Very cool, thanks for sharing. I started buying organic milk because it lasts longer than regular milk before it expires and as I'm the only one drinking it, it prevents wasting it. Does anyone know why that is?
    I found this too!! Wierd!! And I found it tastes nicer (but maybe thats just in my head!!)
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    I guess there are perks to being lactose intolerant =)
  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 193 Member
    Great post. Thanks!!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Oh and ps. I find milk the hardest to wrap my head around and choose!

    Milk is high in sugar which I really want to cut down on. It's my highest sugar item usually!

    Almond milk that I can find is also full of sugar.

    Soy is low in sugar but apparently way too processed (paleo diet).

    ARGH! I'm thinking of switching it up between them all. Spread the evil um... love. Lol.

    Trader Joe's has an organic unsweetened soy milk that only contains soybeans and water
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    Nice thank you!
  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 193 Member
    Very cool, thanks for sharing. I started buying organic milk because it lasts longer than regular milk before it expires and as I'm the only one drinking it, it prevents wasting it. Does anyone know why that is?
    I found this too!! Wierd!! And I found it tastes nicer (but maybe thats just in my head!!)

    I believe that most organic milk is 'ultra pasterized' which makes it last longer.