He called HER a fat azz?!



  • lawmama_
    lawmama_ Posts: 103 Member
    This will probably get blocked and people will probably jump on here with colorful racist remarks and political views. But bottom line, this jerk shouldn't be throwing rocks in glass houses!!! She is not deserving of these personal attacks.


    lol look at all the chins HE has!!! he looks like a turkey!
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    Who cares? Why continue the drama by bringing it up? I know I would never have even heard of this guy and his stupid comment until you brought it up. Why give an idiot like this a public forum by spreading his message??
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I've read up about the story and it seems Jim's point is that given Mrs O is plugging a health and fitness agenda she should be "walking the walk" rather than just "talking the talk." Apparently having a curvy bottom is incontrovertible evidence of being unfit or some such nonsense.

    It seems that according to the rather svelte Mr Limbaugh that the epitome of fitness is what you might see on the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue or dating Alex Rodriguez.

    The more I know about this story the more it cracks me up...
  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    She's hot!!
  • tmtrack
    love that saying Douche pickle,hahaha funny!!! The guy looks like one!!!! Men can be such idiots sometimes!!!
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I bet when he said it it sounded funny because his fat face and jowels affect his speech.

    "gaaaahhh..sheee's faaat....... I'm winded."
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'd put my money on Mrs O on a fitness challenge against any supermodel.
  • honor82
    Michelle Obama has a killer body. She's fit and works out often. Who the heck is this guy anyway? Seriously, I don't even recognize him.
  • nurse_chris
    seriously, are we in America? freedom of speech and all, even if it is vulgar, words are a mighty sword that goes both ways. JUST SAYIN"

    lol, always hiding behind your constitution.... He is an elected official and must assume responsibility for his words and actions. He is not in a school yard where bullies say whatever they can think of to hurt or be negative towards someone else.
  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    She is fit and healthy and --- yes, she has a booty.

    It's a big booty, but it's a healthy booty. She exercises. She eats right.

    Her "Let's Move" campaign is about combating childhood obesity by helping kids be more active and making smarter food choices... it is not about being skinny. It is about being healthy.

    And yeah, that guy has NO ROOM to talk. I read that yesterday and it just made me sick.
  • GCPgirl
    GCPgirl Posts: 208 Member
    What kills me is that its a fat looking slob of a dude calling a slender woman fat. Hypocritical much??:noway:

    I agree!

    I would love to have her body shape!! At least someone is getting these video game playing kids out and exercising!!
    When I was a kid we didn't need a "Play 60" campaign to exercise....we were outside until it got too dark!
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    seriously, are we in America? freedom of speech and all, even if it is vulgar, words are a mighty sword that goes both ways. JUST SAYIN"

    lol, always hiding behind your constitution.... He is an elected official and must assume responsibility for his words and actions. He is not in a school yard where bullies say whatever they can think of to hurt or be negative towards someone else.

    haha I love your response Chris
  • Solly123
    Solly123 Posts: 162 Member
    seriously, are we in America? freedom of speech and all, even if it is vulgar, words are a mighty sword that goes both ways. JUST SAYIN"

    Although I'm not in America!! I don't get why people are getting worked up about this. So, a stupid ignorant man, makes a stupid ignorant comment..

    What you say, says a lot about who you are.. So, do we really care what he says?? Does it actually matter what he thinks?? His comments show he is obviously ignorant.. Any normal decent human wouldn't say such a thing.. So he obviously has issues.. Well, I for one, have absolutely no interest in what he thinks or says.. Because based on that comment, he really doesn't have a grip on reality..

    When people make bad comments, just think about why they said it... It usually is because they are unsecure in themselves and are jealous of the other person. So they be-little the other person, to make themselves feel more important..

    So, ignore it.. Don't give him the satisfaction of thinking that what he says is in any way important to our lives..

    Personally, I'd be delighted if I looked like Michelle Obama...
  • jcr85
    jcr85 Posts: 229
    Its funny how ignorant everyone on this board is. If you would have read the article he was talking on the phone and was over heard saying this. Was not a direct quote or something that was meant for the public domain. I am sure you would not want things you say in your private conversations becoming public.
  • espence30
    espence30 Posts: 116 Member
    How "skinny" does a girl have to be for faaaaaaaaat men to think she's not fat??? She might not be my ideal body type, but just wow. I don't want to look like a lot of other women, but I would never cut them down.

    I agree... he should look in the mirror himself... I think she has an awesome figure...
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Its funny how ignorant everyone on this board is. If you would have read the article he was talking on the phone and was over heard saying this. Was not a direct quote or something that was meant for the public domain. I am sure you would not want things you say in your private conversations becoming public.
    Honestly, although I am sure I say dumb things at times, I am not usually mean spirited, so I wouldn't be too concerned about my private conversations becoming public.

    Also, he holds a public office. Pretty much everything he says has a pretty good chance of becoming public.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Its funny how ignorant everyone on this board is. If you would have read the article he was talking on the phone and was over heard saying this. Was not a direct quote or something that was meant for the public domain. I am sure you would not want things you say in your private conversations becoming public.

    He was having a rather loud telephone conversation in the Delta Crown lounge of Regan National Airport apparently and it was clearly loud enough to be well heard.

    If it wasn't meant for public consumption then perhaps he should have been a bit more discrete in a public place.

    It seems he isn't a big fan of Mrs O's initiative. Hard to imagine why looking at him.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    seriously, are we in America? freedom of speech and all, even if it is vulgar, words are a mighty sword that goes both ways. JUST SAYIN"

    Although I'm not in America!! I don't get why people are getting worked up about this. So, a stupid ignorant man, makes a stupid ignorant comment..

    What you say, says a lot about who you are.. So, do we really care what he says?? Does it actually matter what he thinks?? His comments show he is obviously ignorant.. Any normal decent human wouldn't say such a thing.. So he obviously has issues.. Well, I for one, have absolutely no interest in what he thinks or says.. Because based on that comment, he really doesn't have a grip on reality..

    When people make bad comments, just think about why they said it... It usually is because they are unsecure in themselves and are jealous of the other person. So they be-little the other person, to make themselves feel more important..

    So, ignore it.. Don't give him the satisfaction of thinking that what he says is in any way important to our lives..

    Personally, I'd be delighted if I looked like Michelle Obama...

    It matters because he is a position of power. His comments reach millions, it isn't just a comment in a local pub..

    Would you think it was OK if he was having a loud private conversation that was sexist, racist, ageist and and so on? Just because you say something in private, does not mean it is OK.