What You Wear..



  • GeneaCindy
    GeneaCindy Posts: 148 Member
    Comfort is number one. I wear yoga pants (not tight ones, especially now because I'm losing) and t-shirts. The shirts are also big, but I don't care. It all matches because it is hard not to match black yoga pants. I have never considered wearing "cute" clothes to the gym I guess. I'm there to sweat, and it ain't gonna be cute no matter what I'm wearing :laugh:
  • lakersfan4life
    lakersfan4life Posts: 322 Member
    Leggooo!!!!! :bigsmile:

    my eggo?
  • aimeeturner
    aimeeturner Posts: 225 Member
    How much thought do you give to what you wear to the gym? Is it based or performance or fashion?

    For me it's perfromance first and I'm also OCD about mathing so I factor that in as well.

    You sound like my husband. He has to have matching shoes and everything. Its crazy. I don't really care all that much. I recently saw a grandmother wearing the same capri pants that I have...so I guess I dress like a grandma! Hee hee. That's ok. Not there to impress a single person.
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    Depends on what the workout is. If I'm teaching Zumba, I try to dress flashier & "hotter." usually wear jewelry too, which makes it feel less like a workout :) lol. I love wearing tank tops if I'm lifting, so I can see my puny arm muscles working... Running, I can't wear shorts or my thighs will rub themselves raw lmao. I probably put too much thought into my workout clothes, but I like looking good while at he gym. Like catching my reflection & thinking "hey hottie!" motivates me to work harder :D
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    What is clean.

    this and has to match!
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Its based on comfort and the type of workout I'm doing. I don't need to impress people at the gym - I'm there to better myself.

    What she said! :happy:
  • ImJDLookatME
    ImJDLookatME Posts: 288 Member
    In the winter time it's yoga pants and an old college t-shirt. My yoga pants are now a little baggy because I lost weight, but they are super comfortable.

    When I get to my goal weight (14.5 pounds away) I am going to treat myself to some workout clothes shopping, we are talking cute matching sets. I am excited!
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I couldn't care less... I'll wear my orange wicking jacket with my red shorts if that's what is clean.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I wear yoga pants, a sports bra, a cami with a built in shelf bra (to keep the belly covered) and a t-shirt.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I don't care about matching. In fact, I don't like to match too much. I have a lot of pink and black and I think it looks ridiculous if it's all on at the same time. I check the weather and see how cold it's going to be. I crossfit outside and need to dress accordingly.
  • DavePhillip
    DavePhillip Posts: 6 Member
    I am amazed that anybody gives a damn what they wear at the gym? Frankly I go to sweat, and fashion is the last thing on my mind whilst exercising. Keeping the family jewels inside my shorts, whilst not crushing them - comfort and cover, are the only considerations I apply to what to wear, apart from the fact that it is clean before I use. If they dont match, then who's going to care, not me. I do take more care about what I wear after the exercise. I take a change of clothes, I have had a steam room session after the gym, cold shower, swim, sauna, colder shower, hot tub soak and then a proper hot shower with soap.

    when i was young, I used to go to the Laundrette to chat up women, not the gym? how life has changed. I dare not flirt at my gym, the wife or my local parish priest will not approve lol.
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    I don't worry about how I look. If anyone is checking out my middle aged, sweat covered, blubber, then they obviously have issues and what I wear isn't going to make any difference anyhow.*

    Note: I do have a stalker, but that is for another thread. :)
  • Phoenix1401
    Phoenix1401 Posts: 711 Member
    Hair band
    Waterproof mascara
    My fav pink hoodie
    black capri pants
    New Balance shoes
  • I used to be terrified to go to the gym b/c I thought I looked horrible in a t-shirt and sweats. Truth is, I do look awful in those clothes, but it's the gym. I'm not looking to pick anyone up. I want to get a great workout in and leave...
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    I'm also OCD about mathing so I factor that in as well.
    That's a math geek joke, isn't it?! Mathing, factor; I get it! :laugh:
  • What is clean.

    ^This...and comfortable!
    Also I live in an area full of retirees so 90% of the people at the gym are elderly so I am not really concerned with making a fashion statement!
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I'm terrible about this. I have to be wearing cute gym clothes. I'm in there every morning, and putting on stuff that I like to wear helps me with my motivation.

    I also like to be able to run an errand on my way back without looking awful.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Comfort. I am all about comfy, non-constricting clothing.

    That being said... I wear men's cotton shorts (they are longer and don't ride up while running the way women's shorts tend to do) and either a t-shirt or tank top.

    I'm definitely not one of those "fancy" girls at the gym. LOL
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    I'm terrible about this. I have to be wearing cute gym clothes. I'm in there every morning, and putting on stuff that I like to wear helps me with my motivation.

    I also like to be able to run an errand on my way back without looking awful.

    i usually wear cute stuff too. I go to the gym after classes or work, so obviously i'm going to have make up on. I also spend probably 12 hours working out a week, so I have accmulated a lot of workout clothes. Idk if people think i'm "trying to hard" when I go to the gym. I'm not. I take my workouts seriously, so i dress seriously for them! lol. sounds really dumb, but i do.
    I run 40+ miles per week & lift. Maybe it's my age, but idk I just don't like looking like a scrub when i'm performing or doing something I really enjoy doing.
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    A little of both for me. I like to wear Nike, Addidas, Reebok, things like that. They are usually some much nicer of quality and fit better, which makes me feel better when working out since I have some self confidence issues. However, I refuse to pay the $50 for a pair of pants that Nike wants so, I just go to the outlet mall and TJ Maxx so I can save money but still feel good at the gym.