I don't sweat, strange or normal?



  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I live in Florida where it's very humid, and I sweat like a horse...dripping, eyeburning sweat!
  • mrshmiller9
    I live in Florida where it's very humid, and I sweat like a horse...dripping, eyeburning sweat!
    Louisiana here- so you know it's humid. No I just get red have a headache and get tired. I've had my iron checked and it's normal. I just wish I could have that sweat feeling I bet it's amazing lol
  • mrshmiller9
    I used to sweat
    Then I stopped
    Even during hot/bikram yoga I didnt sweat
    I could not even go in the sun for 30 second, I would get a mother of all headaches

    Bikram yoga helped me restart
    Went to docs they said no sweat no problem

    Do you by any chance have large breasts?

    Iodine helps

    Do some research

    Yes I do (D) and I started doing yoga this past week maybe it will have some impact.
    I'm just happy I'm not a loner!
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Everyone will not drip in sweat. As I have said before, I do intense workout. I'm not a heavy sweater. I never was. Sweat is only the body's cooling system. A person doesn't have to sweat a lot for their body to cool down.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    If you feel like you're overheating, you can put water on your body. I pour water from my water bottle onto a towel and rub it on my body. I sweat normally, but this still makes me feel cooler when I work out. That said, it seems like something you might want to ask a doctor about.
  • busterbluth
    busterbluth Posts: 115 Member
    I barely sweat either. Do you take any meds? Some meds can cause you to stop sweating.