Anyone else hate Christmas/Holidays...?



  • tdrogers71
    I hate it! It's too stressful for me and over commercialized. I'm finding it more difficult to fake the joy the older I get, but I have to try since I have a 3 year old.
  • tdrogers71
    I hate it! It's too stressful for me and over commercialized. I'm finding it more difficult to fake the joy the older I get, but I have to try since I have a 3 year old.
  • traceracer
    traceracer Posts: 303 Member
    I quit celebrating holidays about 5 years ago. Nowhere in the bible does it tell us to celebrate Jesus birth. His death yes but not his birth. Also, if a person researches all holidays origin, they will find that they are all a crock. I do fun stuff with my kids on holiday breaks but I make sure it has nothing to do with any National holiday.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I hate this time of year because it reminds me how much I don't get along with my family, specifically my three brothers. Like, can't stand to be in the same room with them a lot of the time. Anyone else hate holidays?

    You are still young. Hopefully in time you will come to at least like one another. Be grateful for your family. I have only a son. All family is no longer here and Christmas is spent alone. Just try to appreciate what you have.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    May your problems always be so small that they're solved by "thinking about a duck."
    I want to cross-stitch this on a pillow.
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    Christmas is what you make it. Sure it's commercialized, and full of fluff out in the big world .. THAT part, I could do without. THAT's not what I choose to make MY Christmas about.

    In THIS household .. it's about family and sharing. We are a close family (Myself, my husband, our kids and their partners .. and whooo hooo! .. and baby grand daughter) as it is, and we share our time often, not just at Christmas. But, because we don't visit with our extended families as often as we'd like, this is a time when we make an effort to ALL get together.

    Our brothers and sisters (on both my side and my hubby's side) who have families of their own and now that we all have grandchildren, when we all get together it is exhausting, but I absolutely LOVE it. I'm thinking we are going to have to rent a hall to get everyone in the same room for dinner one of these years. It's tradition to share a meal as a family ... no matter how many members there is.

    It all reminds me of my Mom, who has been gone but not forgotten for over 25 yrs now. SHE loved when family came converged in her living room. It was NEVER about presents and gifts .. it wasn't about spending money .. it was about spending time. I like to think, I am passing THAT sentiment onto my own kids and they will pass it on to theirs.

    We are not a wealthy family, by any means. We work hard for our money. We don't buy gifts .. just to buy gifts. It's not as shallow, cold and calculated as that. We buy gifts which are given from the heart. I buy things that my family might need and will enjoy .. things that they might not purchase themselves and we also dig a little deeper to give to charity at Christmas .. because typically, Christmas comes during a time of the year when temperatures plummet and need is great.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Focus on what the holiday is truly about and don't let yourself get caught up in the commercialism of it all and you will feel better.
  • Natasha289
    You are right! I thank God for revealing that to me last year. We dislike the "holidays" so much because it's a sham. Pagan. Jeremiah 10:1-3. The Bible does state that we should do this in remembrance of him but the Bible was referring to His death, not His birth like you said. Jesus spoke of His Father's message and covenant with Abraham back in the Old Testament (The Ten Commandments and the Coming Kingdom) not of trees, getting broke, and being nice to people for one week only and then going back to being hateful and mean. So, don't feel dismayed that you don't like the holiday. Just thank God for tugging at your heart to let you know that "something is just not right" because it isn't. Save your money and still love your family and if they don't want to accept you and your doctrines "shake the dust from your feet" and walk out of there! Matthew 10 explains that, too.
  • Natasha289
    I quit celebrating holidays about 5 years ago. Nowhere in the bible does it tell us to celebrate Jesus birth. His death yes but not his birth. Also, if a person researches all holidays origin, they will find that they are all a crock. I do fun stuff with my kids on holiday breaks but I make sure it has nothing to do with any National holiday.

    You are right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I found that out too last year. I thank God for revealing His mystery to me. All of the traditions we've been brought up on are indeed pagan. God wanted us to follow His FEASTS as listed in Leviticus 23. Scriptures are there to back this up, too. Jeremiah 10:1-4, Matthew 6:33, etc. Thanks for posting...the truth!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    Oooooh yeahhhh... this "season" gets me super stressed thanks to so much ugly family drama when I was a kid. I'm not religious, so that whole thing means zilch to me, and I really HATE shopping for gifts because I never feel they're going to be good enough. I prefer to give cash!! Get whatever you want, yanno?

    Kind of funny - my therapist has tried to give me happier associations with Christmas for 3 years straight, to no avail. Finally this year she said, "How about you use this time to create your OWN holidays? Something that actually means something to YOU?" That's working better for me. My kids are very supportive and don't care what I want to do as long as we can get together and have fun. I did get them some gifts this year, but am giving cash to my youngest because that's exactly what he wants.

    I only went to one party - for work. Declined the multi-family events that get me so stressed and miserable, and will just spend time with my sons, DIL, and grandson. THAT I actually look forward to, and that's made a huge difference in how I feel this year.

    Instead of having to paste a smile on my face and fake my way through a party where I'm really uncomfortable and can't wait to leave, this year I'm finally just doing what I *want* to do. So I'm happy! And I'm grateful that my kids understand and are totally cool with it.
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    Agreed .. It seems to me that Christmas is becoming less about the birth of Jesus and more about the celebration of winter.....which is pagan. On the other hand, Easter is also pagan, the Easter bunny and the eggs are pagan symbols of fertility. And even the word "Easter" is a derivative of the name of a pagan God.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If at any time I feel like family, situations or the commercialization of the holidays is bothering me I like to think about a duck.

    Try this:

    1. Go find a duck
    2. Get a glass of water
    3. Set the duck on the floor and pour the water on it
    4. Watch the duck
    5. Go get a mop to clean up the floor
    6. Notice that the duck is perfectly OK

    If you just shake it off, it will be those who pour the water that have cleaning up to do; I'd rather be the duck.

    I completely agree. But now I miss my old pet duck. Quackers was wonderful and would follow me around like a puppy! :heart:

    The greed, the carols, the horrible horrible commercials with jingles based on carols, the insanity of shoppers who'll pepper spray someone if they so much as look at a gift the sprayer wants, the stupid hours employees have to work... I hate all that. And I'm an atheist, so the winter solstice is the only reason for the season for me. :laugh:

    Plus, I really miss my Mom and Dad. Mom died three years ago on December 1st, and Dad will be gone two years in February. :brokenheart:

    But every year about this time, I love to pick up some little gifts for my younger nieces and nephews, bake some cookies, and look forward to spending time with my family. I avoid the malls as much as possible (unless JCP or Kohls sends me a killer coupon!) and even stocked up on everything I'd knew I'd need from Target (they have better prices than the grocery store on kitty litter, granola bars, protein powder, frozen pizza, fruity snacks) weeks ago so I wouldn't have to go back until the holiday rush was over.

    The water has run right off this duck's back. But a word from the wise, if your duck gets really filthy dirty for some reason and you need to give her a bath, and use Dawn dish soap, the water will NOT run right off her. Poor little Quackers was so waterlogged she could hardly walk! :embarassed:
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Christmas is what you make it. Sure it's commercialized, and full of fluff out in the big world .. THAT part, I could do without. THAT's not what I choose to make MY Christmas about.

    In THIS household .. it's about family and sharing. We are a close family (Myself, my husband, our kids and their partners .. and whooo hooo! .. and baby grand daughter) as it is, and we share our time often, not just at Christmas. But, because we don't visit with our extended families as often as we'd like, this is a time when we make an effort to ALL get together.

    Our brothers and sisters (on both my side and my hubby's side) who have families of their own and now that we all have grandchildren, when we all get together it is exhausting, but I absolutely LOVE it. I'm thinking we are going to have to rent a hall to get everyone in the same room for dinner one of these years. It's tradition to share a meal as a family ... no matter how many members there is.

    It all reminds me of my Mom, who has been gone but not forgotten for over 25 yrs now. SHE loved when family came converged in her living room. It was NEVER about presents and gifts .. it wasn't about spending money .. it was about spending time. I like to think, I am passing THAT sentiment onto my own kids and they will pass it on to theirs.

    We are not a wealthy family, by any means. We work hard for our money. We don't buy gifts .. just to buy gifts. It's not as shallow, cold and calculated as that. We buy gifts which are given from the heart. I buy things that my family might need and will enjoy .. things that they might not purchase themselves and we also dig a little deeper to give to charity at Christmas .. because typically, Christmas comes during a time of the year when temperatures plummet and need is great.

    This! I was getting so sad reading all the other posts of people hating the holidays because it is so commercialized. But no one is pushing you to participate in it. My favourite childhood memory is Christmas Eve, where we'd all gather around the table and sit and just chat. Christmas Day we'd be up at 5am, presents opened, and then walk over to my Grandparents at 7am to visit! It's about family and being together and accepting the craziness. Every family has it's own perks and quirks but that's what makes your family unique. These are the people who've known you the longest, who you grew up with, who watched you grow up, or who you have watched grow up! I love Christmas because it's a time to relax with family and brings everyone together. It is what you make of it.
  • traceracer
    traceracer Posts: 303 Member
    Agreed .. It seems to me that Christmas is becoming less about the birth of Jesus and more about the celebration of winter.....which is pagan. On the other hand, Easter is also pagan, the Easter bunny and the eggs are pagan symbols of fertility. And even the word "Easter" is a derivative of the name of a pagan God.
    You are absolutely right! I do not celebrate jesus death with any pagan rituals. I completely stay away from any of that!
  • reharvrun
    I somewhat understand what you mean. I have a in-law I don't get along with but I just keep my distance and I end up having a great time with everyone else. What I don't like most about the holiday's is that I have no self control. I have no trouble staying under calorie goal any other time of year except this time. Too many treats and yummy food. UGH!
  • traceracer
    traceracer Posts: 303 Member
    I quit celebrating holidays about 5 years ago. Nowhere in the bible does it tell us to celebrate Jesus birth. His death yes but not his birth. Also, if a person researches all holidays origin, they will find that they are all a crock. I do fun stuff with my kids on holiday breaks but I make sure it has nothing to do with any National holiday.

    You are right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I found that out too last year. I thank God for revealing His mystery to me. All of the traditions we've been brought up on are indeed pagan. God wanted us to follow His FEASTS as listed in Leviticus 23. Scriptures are there to back this up, too. Jeremiah 10:1-4, Matthew 6:33, etc. Thanks for posting...the truth!
    It is a beautiful feeling knowing the truth and being able to break free from falsehood.....congrats!!
  • traceracer
    traceracer Posts: 303 Member
    Christmas is what you make it. Sure it's commercialized, and full of fluff out in the big world .. THAT part, I could do without. THAT's not what I choose to make MY Christmas about.

    In THIS household .. it's about family and sharing. We are a close family (Myself, my husband, our kids and their partners .. and whooo hooo! .. and baby grand daughter) as it is, and we share our time often, not just at Christmas. But, because we don't visit with our extended families as often as we'd like, this is a time when we make an effort to ALL get together.

    Our brothers and sisters (on both my side and my hubby's side) who have families of their own and now that we all have grandchildren, when we all get together it is exhausting, but I absolutely LOVE it. I'm thinking we are going to have to rent a hall to get everyone in the same room for dinner one of these years. It's tradition to share a meal as a family ... no matter how many members there is.

    It all reminds me of my Mom, who has been gone but not forgotten for over 25 yrs now. SHE loved when family came converged in her living room. It was NEVER about presents and gifts .. it wasn't about spending money .. it was about spending time. I like to think, I am passing THAT sentiment onto my own kids and they will pass it on to theirs.

    We are not a wealthy family, by any means. We work hard for our money. We don't buy gifts .. just to buy gifts. It's not as shallow, cold and calculated as that. We buy gifts which are given from the heart. I buy things that my family might need and will enjoy .. things that they might not purchase themselves and we also dig a little deeper to give to charity at Christmas .. because typically, Christmas comes during a time of the year when temperatures plummet and need is great.

    This! I was getting so sad reading all the other posts of people hating the holidays because it is so commercialized. But no one is pushing you to participate in it. My favourite childhood memory is Christmas Eve, where we'd all gather around the table and sit and just chat. Christmas Day we'd be up at 5am, presents opened, and then walk over to my Grandparents at 7am to visit! It's about family and being together and accepting the craziness. Every family has it's own perks and quirks but that's what makes your family unique. These are the people who've known you the longest, who you grew up with, who watched you grow up, or who you have watched grow up! I love Christmas because it's a time to relax with family and brings everyone together. It is what you make of it.
    But wouldnt you agree, that we should have this feeling all year round at any time of the year?? After all, life is what we make of it!
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    It is the worst possible time of year for me. You can read about it in my latest blog post if you'd like, but it isn't a fun story.
  • gingersd
    I couldn't agree more with Traceracer. I used to get very stressed about making sure I had a little gift for every one I was close to and even more stressed because I knew I couldn't afford everything I wanted to get for everyone. so I avoided everyone at Christmas. Then I realized the real reason for the season had nothing to do with buying gifts and seeing people that I really didn't like. and wow what a change I no longer feel stressed this time of year.
  • y_53kg
    y_53kg Posts: 35
    People, the reason we celebrate Christmas is because JESUS was born on this day. How could you possibly hate it?
    I know that many of us don't get along with their families but still it's a happy season.
    Spend it with the ones you love the most.
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