Just curious If you meet your goal this year????



  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    I got closer to my goal this year than any other year, so i'm happy. I wanted to lose 20 pounds this year and i lost 16. 2012 will be another 16.
  • KimertRuns13_1
    I met my goal for the most part.
    I had hoped to run my first half marathon in 2011 and ended up running 3 improving my time each race.
    As far as my weight loss goal, I didn't get to my ultimate goal weight but considering my success throughout the year I am 100% fine with that.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Yes. It never occurred to me I wouldn't.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    my goal was to reach ONEderland before new-years. killed it by 13 pounds and a week to spare.
  • brittanidigby
    brittanidigby Posts: 247 Member
    I didn't really have a certain number in mind, my goal was just to lose weight. And I did. :)
  • italianissima
    italianissima Posts: 140 Member
    I reached so many goals this- many of which I didn't even know I wanted! hahahah Life is great that way!

    I would suggest setting new goals:
    -Do you lift weights? Maybe you could become a new sister to iron!
    -Do you cook or most of your meals? Maybe you could learn how to cook clean meals.
    -Do you take any fun classes at the gym or have new DVDs that can help you with new exercises? Maybe you could start something new like Zumba or Pilates.
    -Do you log your water? Maybe you could log your water.
    -Do you have a personal trainer? Maybe you could save up for one.

    There are so many things I can think of...this list could be pages! Message me if you'd like!

    Best of luck to you in 2012!
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    In January 2011 I was not even to the point of thinking there would be a weight loss plan that I could live with. After getting burned out on many years of fad diets and even some healthy eating plans I just felt like there was not really an answer to my weight dilema. That being said - around May I noticed that a friend of mine lost some significant pounds along with her DH. When I asked she told me about MFP. I was still skeptical, but I decided to look at the plan since counting calories made since to me. I liked the easy way of plugging in what I ate and tentively started. That was 45 pounds ago!!! I am not at my goal weight yet, but seeing as how it was too depressing to even make it a goal for the year, I am happy with my progress, and I am looking forward to the losses that 2012 has in store for me.
  • Kelly50054
    I am 5lbs away from a mini goal, which I set for January 1st! :bigsmile:
  • MariaAlbinaxoxo
    MariaAlbinaxoxo Posts: 290 Member
    Definitely did not meet my goal weight. I actually gained it all back hahaha ; but it's the holidays and I'm not complaining. I have exactly 7 months to lose 12lbs and tone up my thighs and arms by my 21st birthday (:
  • kjannan
    kjannan Posts: 248 Member
    Haven't made it to goal weight yet but not too far from it!
    As well as weight loss I've also had bad relationship loss & job I hated loss too so I'm very happy with the way the end of the year has turned out for me anyway :smile:

    Next Christmas I will be totally rocking a bikini but for today I will be eating way over calories & enjoying Christmas without a bikini on.

    Merry Christmas all :bigsmile:
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    I start training mid January for a fitness competition in May 2012. I surpassed my goal for 2011 so I figured I could take a serious challenge.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I was hoping to be done with weight loss this year, but I didn't make it.. but I lost an amazing amount, so I'm not upset, slow and steady goes the race as you get smaller and smaller, maybe next year :)
  • kiwi_dee
    kiwi_dee Posts: 160 Member
    Nope, I got halfway there and am now almost back to where I started! Of course I am 8 months preggy so that has something to do with it lol :wink:

    Well done to everyone who has made progress towards their goals this year! :flowerforyou:
  • BeautyAndStrength50
  • BeautyAndStrength50
  • BeautyAndStrength50
  • smiverz
    smiverz Posts: 40 Member
    when i first started going to the gym about 6 months ago i was still in a bad way in my private life and i lost weight going down to 9 stone 11, by xmas i was back to 10 stone 6 which i am happy about. so yea i have met my goal for this year. now for 2012 and to get up to 12 stone. cant wait
  • lilbigginz
    My goal was 200 pounds lost this year and I hit it with 10 days to spare lol. Bring on the new year and another goal!
  • melainemelaine
    melainemelaine Posts: 127 Member
    I'll tell you tomorrow, have a midway goal for 31-12-11 ...
  • Mom2Asa
    Mom2Asa Posts: 109 Member
    I did not have a set # for a goal since I just started in Oct and had no idea what I was capable of doing. My goal was just to loose weight...........I did --so I guess I met this goal.

    Now I do have a goal going into 2012---By May 2nd I want to be at my goal weight 135-140 and get in my pool without hiding under something until I hit the water!! Bikini body ready by May 2nd is my main goal for 2012!!