Enough with holiday posts-



  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I'm very proud that I have lost almost 9 kilos.....I'm also proud that I only ate one mince tart per day as I had planned.....

    Merry Christmas to you all and don't beat yourself up if you do over indulge cause you know that tomorrow is another day to get back on track......
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Worked out for an hour on Christmas Eve.
  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
    Proud I drank a bottle of Crown Royal and I'm still upright.

  • kmillers
    kmillers Posts: 144 Member
    I am proud that I burned 900 calories yesterday and did not re-eat them all so I have some left over for today. I am also proud that I lost 6 more pounds before the holidays and I do not have to start out the New Year with "lose holiday weight" as my resolution.

    I am proud of all of you!:flowerforyou:
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    Last Christmas my clothes as gifts were XXXL or larger, today my wife gave me size L (we contemplated M). The denim shorts needed a belt.

    Last Christmas I never thought I'd be this much lighter. Never contemplated being sub-100kg.

    Yay me !
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    Proud I have lost 51kg this year and proud I walked on Christmas morning.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Proud to have finally gotten it through my thick skull that a few extra calories here and there are not the devil and will not ruin my long-term goals of getting fit and lean. So I enjoyed small portions of all the relatives special goodies at the family potluck on Christmas Eve without guilt, savored every bite, and will continue on my journey without getting derailed. Will do the same at dinner on Christmas Day. I am thrilled to never feel deprived while losing weight and gaining strength/endurance. It's a wonderful feeling.
  • V_Zanoudakis
    V_Zanoudakis Posts: 36 Member
    i'm proud that my dad and i both worked out for two hours on christmas eve (:
  • Figuringoutme
    I have a job for all of you.

    everyday think of something that you are proud that you did that day or the day before.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I got another thing to be proud of (or at least happy about) just today. I was walking a little under my usual fast walk on level ground. When I checked my heart rate it was the same as my resting heart rate was a few weeks ago when I first bought my HRM. I had to start jogging to get it back up over 100 and then make sure to walk very fast for the rest of my walk!
  • shunta864
    I'm proud that I pushed myself to lose 5lbs in the past week and a half to relax a little on what I eat this holiday weekend!!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    I am proud of the fact that when faced with 5 desserts at Christmas dinner yesterday I took a little time to decide what I really wanted and what was the smallest size piece that would satisfy. It really IS about portion control. For me the first few bites are the most satisfying anyway.