Was told to, "Go back to Mexico". . .



  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    This lady is 24 years old? HOLY CRAP! Um. Wow. Suicidal maniac?? But honestly... I wouldn't go too far as to wonder if she's not cracked out on drugs and it's contributing to this behavior? And no offense to her parents but they are totally feeding her lifestyle by paying for everything. At TWENTY FOUR YEARS OLD she is legally considered on her own by everyone, including financial aid. That is absolutely freaking nuts!! I can say I have seen and been an 18 year old acting like this but a 24 year old?!? I cannot believe ANYONE would except this behavior. I'm surprised she even has friends. They are obviously a bunch of drugged up loons that need therapy and cut off financially. Seriously....... her parents need to cut her off completely. She will destroy the whole family if this continues. This is absolutely ridiculous! She is a very real threat to threaten murder to you over a public Facebook account. Why haven't you called the cops? You all sound too nice and are all feeding her behavior in the long run. Stop being run over and allowing her to treat you like absolutely dirt! She barely deserves to walk with all that garbage going on. Heh, sorry, just insanely crazy that a human being could be this way to their own family. It has to be drugs.

    And parents.... OMG! Where are they thinking that someone like this should be fed financially??? And allowed to disrespect their family?? Yikes!
  • kelseyt17
    kelseyt17 Posts: 110 Member
    People that can't think of a REAL reason to insult you bring race into it. Think of it as a compliment cause she knows herself that you were right... she just doesn't want to admit it.
  • cinditree
    cinditree Posts: 35 Member
    Sounds like she is on drugs based on her behavior, I would be careful, keep documentation of all threats and don't under estimate what she would do she is already acting crazy. Good job taking the high road. the parents need to watch out if she is on drugs it only gets worse and worse, and lock up their valuables.

    Sorry you had to put up with her BS, hope you have a wonderful Christmas : )
  • dandur
    dandur Posts: 267 Member
    Stories like this always remind me of something I saw on a t-shirt many, many moons ago:

    Living well is the best revenge.

    Forget about her, go on living your life and being awesome while she continues to be a waste of space (and she knows it).
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    She sounds like a psycho. You obviously have the support of the rest of your bf's family. She only demeans herself by putting those things in writing on FB. She resorts to racism because, like others who do similar, she has nothing in her arsenal of any substance to fling your way.

    Live your life well. It's the best revenge.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    My husband works for a Sheriff's department, so what I'm saying isn't necessarily what you will want to do, but what you need to do for your own safety. PRINT EVERYTHING AND REPORT IT NOW! Yes, I know it may cause more of a strain in the family now, but you will need the evidence that she has threatened you so that you can prove self defense in case she does try something. Not to mention that a visit from the cops may actually help her get her act together.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I wouldn't let insults coming from someone like that phase you. You have a future ahead of you, and clearly this person has absolutely nothing good coming to them. Her habits will be her undoing.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    you are an impressive person.
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    My husband works for a Sheriff's department, so what I'm saying isn't necessarily what you will want to do, but what you need to do for your own safety. PRINT EVERYTHING AND REPORT IT NOW! Yes, I know it may cause more of a strain in the family now, but you will need the evidence that she has threatened you so that you can prove self defense in case she does try something. Not to mention that a visit from the cops may actually help her get her act together.

    ^^^over-reacting^^^ (yawn).... the sister is not going to do anything, she probably feels bad by now...

    That is the problem with facebook though, people post the dumbest things... but I'm sure you will all get over it and move on, or you might decide his family is too much for you, LOL

    How about your family? are they more functional?
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