15 days an I've not lost a thing!!!!!



  • jilers
    jilers Posts: 94 Member
    I didn't lost weight for 2 weeks then 3 pounds. Try not to focus on numbers!
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    2. I need to do measurements and BMI over scale.

    For the love of Bruce Lee and Joss Whedon, PLEASE don't look at BMI. Like...ever. In fact, if you can manage to forget you ever heard of it...that'd be GREAT.
  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    I looked at several days and there is lot of junk food which has your sodium sky rocketing, so no wonder there is no weight loss. Veggies and fruits have to be in your diary daily like breathing air to live.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I agree about the sodium..also take a look at your fat intake..you should only be at 30% of your calories in fat..so for 1500 calories, aim for 35 grams..
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Couldn't see your food diary. Would you like people to be able to see it and give you ideas of how to tweak what you're eating?

    So glad you made it public and now have some feedback. Good luck!
  • beautifulbeast11
    beautifulbeast11 Posts: 202 Member
    Ack, I didn't even look at my sodium....


    As for "binge" eating. Believe me this isn't my worst binge eating. But I totally know what you mean. Thanks all!
  • I agree about the sodium..also take a look at your fat intake..you should only be at 30% of your calories in fat..so for 1500 calories, aim for 35 grams..

    Can follow this suggestion but... 30% of 1500 total calories is 450 fat calories, divided by 9 calories per 1g of fat is a daily allotment of 50g of fat.. If this author meant 20% of daily calorie intake should be fat then the number would be 33g of fat.

    At some point your continued physical conditioning and diet changes will turn no weight loss to slow weight loss. Keep motivated, work the plan and enjoy your increasing fitness until that happens.
  • beautifulbeast11
    beautifulbeast11 Posts: 202 Member
    I agree about the sodium..also take a look at your fat intake..you should only be at 30% of your calories in fat..so for 1500 calories, aim for 35 grams..

    Can follow this suggestion but... 30% of 1500 total calories is 450 fat calories, divided by 9 calories per 1g of fat is a daily allotment of 50g of fat.. If this author meant 20% of daily calorie intake should be fat then the number would be 33g of fat.

    At some point your continued physical conditioning and diet changes will turn no weight loss to slow weight loss. Keep motivated, work the plan and enjoy your increasing fitness until that happens.

    That last paragraph is probably the most motivational one so far! As for fat calories, 20 or 30%?
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    I have been going back and forth 1-2 pounds for the last 3-4 weeks and was feeling discouraged too. But I start Insanity last week, so hopefully with the change in the workout I will start losing again. Any advice and suggestions would be greatly appreciated
  • Shirlann46
    Shirlann46 Posts: 430 Member
    I have stayed the SAME for 3 weeks now. I haven't lost or gained. So I know how frustrated you must be-ME, TOO. But, I think 'm not eating enough calories because of my exercising. I thought the less calories the more weight I would lose-WRONG!!!
    So now I'm making sure I get my Protein after my exercising and eating more Fruits and Veggies. So we will see what that does.
    Good Luck- don't give up.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    Good luck!!! Don't give up. Your hard work WILL pay off in time.....I'm not an expert at this so maybe shouldn't be giving advice, but, I agree that you need to add fruits and vegetables to the diet. I saw very little on your diary. I"ve lost 25 lbs and been stuck there and it IS frustrating BUT I've lost inches........I'm not looking at the scales anymore...I'm losing inches...I put on a blouse today (even after a few days of having sweets for the holidays) and I've not been able to wear the blouse in several years..it was gut tight....even a few months ago it was gut tight...and today, I WORE IT TO CHURCH!! So maybe yo u will lose inches before you lose lbs....just try to keep getting healthier and healthier in your eating. Youve only been at it for two weeks so just keep slowly making GOOD improvements to your diet, like, you don't have to go all fruits and vegetables all of a sudden, star\t adding an apple or an orange this week. Then next week, keep with the apple and add a salad to lucnh....then, just keep slowly changing things....one step at a time. AND, if you cut out a lot of the sodium you may lose some water weight quickly.....

    Good luck on your journey and let us know how its going!!
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I'm in a very similar situation... keeping calories the same, exercising... haven't budged in a few weeks. Could be the sodium in your diet. I think it might be for me anyway. It is a bit frustrating but I'm going to take the advice of the ones who've been here longer... just give it time. Don't cut back your calories. Change up your exercise, etc.
  • I agree about the sodium..also take a look at your fat intake..you should only be at 30% of your calories in fat..so for 1500 calories, aim for 35 grams..

    Can follow this suggestion but... 30% of 1500 total calories is 450 fat calories, divided by 9 calories per 1g of fat is a daily allotment of 50g of fat.. If this author meant 20% of daily calorie intake should be fat then the number would be 33g of fat.

    At some point your continued physical conditioning and diet changes will turn no weight loss to slow weight loss. Keep motivated, work the plan and enjoy your increasing fitness until that happens.

    That last paragraph is probably the most motivational one so far! As for fat calories, 20 or 30%?

    Here's an article about that from another diet site. There's alot of leeway in exactly what numbers are used... much depends on age, simple sugar tolerance, ability to process fat, blood type, etc. If you continue not to see results after a few months (we are talking lifestyle change for long term weightloss) then you can experiment. In my case I feel that the amount of protein is key since if you do not eat enough protein when losing weight your body burns muscle as well as fat when the carbs 'run out'.

  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    My trainer told me no more than 35 grams of fat, sorry if I got the percentage wrong :)
    I usually burn between 500-1500 of my calories with exercise depending on the day (some days are 3 hour sessions)
  • Reading these messages gives me hope. I have been doing this for about a week. I have good days but more bad days. I know a lot of my calories are junk food, but I am trying to work on that. I also know I need to increase my water intake. I started back working out about 3 weeks ago and try to do cardio at least 3 times a week (trying to work up to weights). I start physical therapy next week so this will help me get started with my strength training. Any advice is definitely welcome.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Reading these messages gives me hope. I have been doing this for about a week. I have good days but more bad days. I know a lot of my calories are junk food, but I am trying to work on that. I also know I need to increase my water intake. I started back working out about 3 weeks ago and try to do cardio at least 3 times a week (trying to work up to weights). I start physical therapy next week so this will help me get started with my strength training. Any advice is definitely welcome.

    If u want to open ur diary i can take a look...either way good luck :)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    My trainer told me no more than 35 grams of fat, sorry if I got the percentage wrong :)
    I usually burn between 500-1500 of my calories with exercise depending on the day (some days are 3 hour sessions)

    If that's a personal trainer that told you that, 99% of personal trainers are completely unqualified to talk about nutrition. 35 grams of fat sounds low for an upper limit. Fat is a good thing. 35 grams of fat for a 1500 calorie diet would only 9% of your calories.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    My trainer told me no more than 35 grams of fat, sorry if I got the percentage wrong :)
    I usually burn between 500-1500 of my calories with exercise depending on the day (some days are 3 hour sessions)

    If that's a personal trainer that told you that, 99% of personal trainers are completely unqualified to talk about nutrition. 35 grams of fat sounds low for an upper limit. Fat is a good thing. 35 grams of fat for a 1500 calorie diet would only 9% of your calories.

    It is a pt with a Masters Degree, and my doctor backed her up 100%..so far 50 pounds slowly but surely..I'll stick with them :)
    not all fat is a good thing, I was simply trying to tell her to take a look as many of her fat days were extremely high.
  • My trainer told me no more than 35 grams of fat, sorry if I got the percentage wrong :)
    I usually burn between 500-1500 of my calories with exercise depending on the day (some days are 3 hour sessions)

    no worries angel.:glasses: BTW congrats on closing in on that 25 kilo or so goal(stupid metric system)
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    My trainer told me no more than 35 grams of fat, sorry if I got the percentage wrong :)
    I usually burn between 500-1500 of my calories with exercise depending on the day (some days are 3 hour sessions)

    no worries angel.:glasses: BTW congrats on closing in on that 25 kilo or so goal(stupid metric system)

    Thanks Rico, good luck on your journey!