15 days an I've not lost a thing!!!!!



  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    2. I need to do measurements and BMI over scale.

    For the love of Bruce Lee and Joss Whedon, PLEASE don't look at BMI. Like...ever. In fact, if you can manage to forget you ever heard of it...that'd be GREAT.

    I agree 110%. Focus more on BF%. There are many people classified as "obese" with a BF% of under 10% because of massive muscle mass or even being big boned.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    maybe you are just gaining muscle. muscle weighs more than fat does. go by how your clothes fit.

    One pound is one pound. Muscle is DENSER than fat.
    Plus, it takes MONTHS to build even the tiniest muscle mass.
  • gussde
    gussde Posts: 61 Member
    My trainer told me no more than 35 grams of fat, sorry if I got the percentage wrong :)
    I usually burn between 500-1500 of my calories with exercise depending on the day (some days are 3 hour sessions)

    If that's a personal trainer that told you that, 99% of personal trainers are completely unqualified to talk about nutrition. 35 grams of fat sounds low for an upper limit. Fat is a good thing. 35 grams of fat for a 1500 calorie diet would only 9% of your calories.

    "99% of personal trainers are completely unqualified to talk about nutrition" There's an unfair blanket statement! Have you ever even worked with an educated and certified personal trainer? Angel79202's trainer knows what she is doing and I've seen proof.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    My trainer told me no more than 35 grams of fat, sorry if I got the percentage wrong :)
    I usually burn between 500-1500 of my calories with exercise depending on the day (some days are 3 hour sessions)

    Fat is not bad. Saturated fat is... I would say aim for around 50-60grams
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    My trainer told me no more than 35 grams of fat, sorry if I got the percentage wrong :)
    I usually burn between 500-1500 of my calories with exercise depending on the day (some days are 3 hour sessions)

    Fat is not bad. Saturated fat is... I would say aim for around 50-60grams

    To each their own, I'll stick with what works for me..50-60 might work well for others..but we are all built different :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    My trainer told me no more than 35 grams of fat, sorry if I got the percentage wrong :)
    I usually burn between 500-1500 of my calories with exercise depending on the day (some days are 3 hour sessions)

    Fat is not bad. Saturated fat is... I would say aim for around 50-60grams

    To each their own, I'll stick with what works for me..50-60 might work well for others..but we are all built different :)

    That is true and I am not bashing what is working for you. :flowerforyou:
  • manjingirl
    manjingirl Posts: 188 Member
    BMI is a statistically derived measure which correlates with adverse health outcomes of being overweight or obese in MOST people, except VERY muscular men, and VERY RARELY, a woman. If your BMI is in the overweight range you are at increased risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and other ailments. If your BMI is in the obese range, you are at greatly increased risk of those same ailments. Having a BMI below 25 does not mean you won't get any of those problems, just that your risk is significantly less. Exercise also positively influences health outcomes, both because of the effects on weight and in addition to them. Body fat is actually pretty hard to measure accurately and consistently, so I wouldn't recommend trying to rely on that. Body measurements and sense of well-being are good, plus your personal sense of whether your body does what you want it to - like run for the bus or up 2 flights of stairs getting through the working day without unwarranted fatigue etc.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    My trainer told me no more than 35 grams of fat, sorry if I got the percentage wrong :)
    I usually burn between 500-1500 of my calories with exercise depending on the day (some days are 3 hour sessions)

    Fat is not bad. Saturated fat is... I would say aim for around 50-60grams

    To each their own, I'll stick with what works for me..50-60 might work well for others..but we are all built different :)

    That is true and I am not bashing what is working for you. :flowerforyou:

    Oh I knew u weren't..I was just concerned the OP..was eating a lot of fat..and 70-90 grams for anyone seemed really high to me..I know when i was starting out my fat was out of control, this girl loves ranch salad dressing :)
  • purpadillo
    purpadillo Posts: 45 Member
    I just looked at some random meals last week, and the thing that really stuck out to me was that you really didn't have any fruits (probably because I met with a dietician last year and that was the biggest problem with my day-to-day eating). You may have portion control down, but you really need to add in more fruits and veggies. Another thing you can do to cut out some calories is have egg whites instead of eggs for breakfast. It's another place you can add in veggies (add in fresh spinach, mushrooms, peppers, whatever you like). I'd also cut back on the cheese. A little bit sprinkled on top of a stronger flavored cheese will get you all the flavor without all the calories (or use a full wedge of laughing cow cheeses).
  • beautifulbeast11
    beautifulbeast11 Posts: 202 Member
    I just looked at some random meals last week, and the thing that really stuck out to me was that you really didn't have any fruits (probably because I met with a dietician last year and that was the biggest problem with my day-to-day eating). You may have portion control down, but you really need to add in more fruits and veggies. Another thing you can do to cut out some calories is have egg whites instead of eggs for breakfast. It's another place you can add in veggies (add in fresh spinach, mushrooms, peppers, whatever you like). I'd also cut back on the cheese. A little bit sprinkled on top of a stronger flavored cheese will get you all the flavor without all the calories (or use a full wedge of laughing cow cheeses).

    You are completely right. When I first started I was great with fruit, but then Xmas parties happened and no packed lunches. Lame excuse but it's what happened. Thanks for the advice with eggs and especially cheese. I know I'm going to have the hardest time lessening cheese intake and never even thought of just using a stronger flavor!

    I love the input from everyone. Advice and even people relating has made this whole "disheartened" feeling be more hopeful!
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    Cheese was one of my obsessions before I started!! I went cold turkey because that's the only way it works for me. The only cheese I buy now is Laughing Cow Cheese. It's rather expensive but it's easier for me to control what I eat when I have the little wedges. I KNOW how much is in a wedge instead of having a package that I can just take out a glob and not know exactly how much is in there. And, it's good on almost anything!!!

    Good luck!!! Take it slow....just start incorporating things in as you go....

    The ONLY way this will not work for you is if you give up!! So, there IS hope!! There;s always hope!! Don't give up!!! Even though the lbs IS what a lot of want to see change, try to remember that being healthier should be our goal, too!!!
  • johnsscarlett
    johnsscarlett Posts: 109 Member
    i don't know you eating or exercise habits, but i'm going to assume you do what many people do when they want to lose weight: they starve themselves and do lots of cardio. women are the worst offenders, but men are guilt about doing this too. being overweight, you need to slowly adjust to this. remember, this is 80% nutrition.

    i can venture a guess that you are eating probably close to about 1200 calories a day, and you are probably eating UNDER that. you set your "loss per week" goal to about 2lbs per week, it spat out 1200, and you try to stay under that number. you might even be underestimating your daily activity level (without exercise) to sedentary. unless you are truly an office drone that sits at a desk all day, you should be at least at lightly active.

    i think that if you are new to this game, you should change your weight loss settings for a loss of 1lb per week, and come as close as possible to the number MFP gives you. heck, if you go over by 200 its in the end of the world. while you're playing with your settings, take a look at what you maintenance calories are. see that number? as long as you eat under that number, you will still be at a calorie deficit. also, check out the tools bar, and check out your BMR. that is the number of calories your body needs just to stay alive if you were in a coma. do not eat less then this number.

    while you are eating more, you need to chose healthy foods. however, so many people get into diet mode, and think all they can eat are egg whites and vegtables. fruits and veggies need to be included in a regular diet, but don't exlude foods like beef, pork, chicken (if you eat meat) because it gives you very essential proteins. if you are a vegitarian, you can get very good protein from many sources. btw, check out quinoa. i love it. its a grain that is also loaded in protein. yeah, don't cut out carbs completely. they are good for you.

    i know a couple of women on here that were at 1200 calories. i told them pretty much what i told you now: eat more. i also told them to start strength training to supplement their cardio. at first they balked at upping their calories, but now they are like new people. their attitude has improved, they have lost more weight, inches (body fat percentage), and have more energy. i'm actually really inspired by them.
  • cthoma70
    cthoma70 Posts: 228 Member
    for me sodium is as important as calories!!! If my calories are under my goal and my sodium is high, I gain wieght
  • courtgosvener
    courtgosvener Posts: 66 Member
    I think it depends on how much you weigh and how much you have to lose and your body type and how much you want to weigh. I am a big girl right now and losing is rather easy if I just restrict my calories and exercise. But, I am a firm believer that some want to be too small or even expect it to fall off. I think some people just don't need to be as skinny as they think they do. I am a firm believer that muscle on a girl is sexy. I like the lean look with a little cut. (not me, but my goal one day) That being said, this means the scale will always lie so to speak. Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you have muscle you may weigh more but look just as good as if you were stick thin.

    I agree don't eat just 1200. Find your maintenance calories and try to eat up to that or just below and eat healthy choices. I ate up to 1500 calories the last few weeks and didn't exercise much (lack of motivation and TOM) and lost 2 lbs a week. I am not advocating not exercising, but I found that if I can lose by eating all my calories allotted then it means a lot of people are starving their bodies and that's why they are not losing.
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    I suggest you add sodium to your food diary; it might help with cutting back on it. Even if you go over, it might help explain why some days weight doesn't go down.
  • beautifulbeast11
    beautifulbeast11 Posts: 202 Member
    Totally not starving myself. When I have hit 1300 calories and had exercised, I felt great. I know part of the reason is that I'm already "small" but never want to be rail thin. My frustration is that I've never had to deal with trying to lose weight until now when I've gained and trending to keep gaining if I kept my lifestyle. So I don't know what is normal or not, or needed or too much, too little, etc.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Totally not starving myself. When I have hit 1300 calories and had exercised, I felt great. I know part of the reason is that I'm already "small" but never want to be rail thin. My frustration is that I've never had to deal with trying to lose weight until now when I've gained and trending to keep gaining if I kept my lifestyle. So I don't know what is normal or not, or needed or too much, too little, etc.

    this site may be a nice resource for u
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I can tell you that what you should be taking in in terms of your proteins/fats/carbs is going to vary widely depending on 1. what type of exercise you do and 2. whether or not you exercise that day. Either way, I'd try to take in your body weight in protein each day. Split the rest between fats and carbs and you're good for a start. Try to make most of your carbs fruits and veggies and you'll be that much better off. If you want to know more, feel free to hit me up via pm.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    BMI is a statistically derived measure which correlates with adverse health outcomes of being overweight or obese in MOST people, except VERY muscular men, and VERY RARELY, a woman.

    I'm not sure what your frame is, but this is patently untrue for virtually everyone I know. For starters, BMI numbers don't take ANYTHING into account except for height and weight. That's it. That means...it's useless. If you don't account for a person's breadth of frame, you might as well throw all of your data out the window. My "ideal weight" according to the BMI scale is a number that would make me look like a death camp survivor, because I have a naturally wider caucasoid frame. Most people I know who I've discussed their "BMI Ideal Weight" with have confirmed that it is an uhealthily low number. It is a tool that was derived for looking at large-scale population trends, not individual persons and their individual statistics.
  • Have you ever heard of a diet technique called grazing? It might help you keep within your goals...

    Instead of the basic 3 meals a day w/snack you graze 4-5 times a day with smaller meals just to stop the hunger. The dictionary even defines this method as: graze (grz)
    v. grazed, graz·ing, graz·es
    1. To feed on growing grasses and herbage.
    2. Informal
    a. To eat a variety of appetizers as a full meal.
    b. To eat snacks throughout the day in place of full meals.
    So instead of the standard 3 substantial meals a day @500 cal or so per meal you can eat 5 'meals' at 250-300 cal per meal. If you have looked at my diary my meals are usually a summary of 4 hour blocks worth of eating- Zucchini Parmesan @ 5p, a chicken/blue cheese salad @ 7pm, Baked Polenta @9pm while watching tv. Still about 400 calories for the whole thing, but not 400 cal @ 5pm then a snack watching tv @9p. If your schedule allows you to eat like this it can help keep your hunger in check without using your calorie allotment during breakfast and lunch- if your schedule allows that is.