If youre 5'7" or taller



  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I'm 5'10" and have a large bone structure
    At my heaviest (294 lbs and 56% body fat), I was a 24W in pants, 22W in skirts, 20W in dresses, and XXL in shirts.
    Now, at my maintenance range of around 168-170 lbs (23% body fat), I'm an 8 in pants, 6 in skirts, 4-6 in dresses, and S or XS in shirts.
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member

    at 178 was a 14/16 (I carry my weight in my belly)

    now 163 and I am back in my 10/12's depending ont he pants

    I really need to go through my closet and move my bigger pants to storage, but I am afraid I'll jinx myself!!!
  • Kristierlong
    Kristierlong Posts: 163 Member

    Started at 164 Size 10
    Currently at 138 Size 4-6 or 28 in Designer Jeans
  • KathyWel
    KathyWel Posts: 140
    I am 5'7' and weigh 236 I am currently wearing a loose size 20 pair of jeans, I can fit into 18 but some are still a little snug.
  • liberaltendencies
    liberaltendencies Posts: 150 Member
    I'm 5''9" and weigh 272 pounds. I wear a 18/20 in jeans. When I weighed 175, I was an 8/10