GAAAHHHH!!! - a bit of a rant



  • atiffany1
    I lived with my mother for a couple months over the summer and they would be the same way, I would eat healthy and they would bring in pizza and dangle it in front of my face, eventually I gave in and I gained back all the weight I had lost.. This time I have a supportive roomate and it is a lot easier.. Just because they have the food there doesnt mean you have to eat it, if I were you I would speak up and say would you rather me stuff myself silly or be able to be a healthy weight and live a long happy life.. Food doesn't equal happiness, that is what people get wrong about this season. It's family. They can be a loving family with out picking on you for trying to be healthy.
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    No you are not being stupid. You are doing what is right for you. You don't tell them what they should eat and they should not do that to you. That is what you should tell them. You should be proud of yourself and not cave in.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    If someone were criticizing my food choices, I wouldn't be above pushing food around a plate just to appease them. I wouldn't eat it though.

    Honestly though, just stay strong. It might take awhile for them to realize you are serious, but just keep it up and eventually they will quiet down. If you don't take good care of yourself, obviously no one else will.

    A good workout might be due too.

    Just go on about your business, whether or not anyone around you likes it. You don't need anyone's approval to do what is best for your health!
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    You are not being stupid. Ask them to support you and respect your efforts to lose weight!! Stay away from "empty carbs" as best you can... it's what will hurt you the most. Drink lots of water or tea to keep yourself hydrated. Push food around you plate.

    I sat at a carb-fest with my family on Christmas Day and they respected that I was eating veggies and lean meat!!
  • sherrithin
    It is just one day. You will get back on track. Drink lots of water and find something to do, it is hard. I watched a movie took up 2 hours and then I had a snack!:smile:
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    I'm sorry your family is so mean and childish. I think a good strategy for next Christmas is to start at the very next family gathering, especially if it's a holiday - Easter or even Valentine's day - to let them know ahead of time that you will be spending the day with a friend, and calmly explain that being called stupid for working towards a better, healthier lifestyle was not your idea of a good time, and therefore you will be spending the day with someone who has manners. Pick someone who has the ability to enjoy your company over a modest, healthy meal. Then at the next family gathering, agree to go, but let them know that you will not criticize their food choices and they will not criticize yours. If they learn to behave, enjoy their company. If they start in on you again, meaning multiple people or one uncorrected-by-the-others, LEAVE - immediately is most effective, saying, "we can try again next holiday!" Be as cheerful as you can through it all, but firm and leave no room for discussing your decisions.

    You are making better food choices for yourself. It is also healthy to make good relationship choices. Yes, they are your family. That is the BEST reason ever to set and maintain boundaries. It's the only chance to grow the respectfulness in the relationships, too. For some stupid reason a lot of families believe they can do and say whatever rude things they want within the family and the others "have to" put up with them. It took me a long time to learn otherwise, but I am SO glad I put my foot down!
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    I like the snarky comments, and I also like the rearange idea. :) Also, the rewarding yoursrelf with the cookie part! When I go to family meals is bring something I know whats in it and I know its portion sizes and I will enjoy. Like fruit salad, or a veggie side dish, or a salad. And eat a predecided portion of that while adding other things to my plate. Your gravy dripping meatballs and butter covered corn wtih bacon bits (who eats like this????) and ill eat what I decided to eat and leave the otherstuff moved around, spread out, and looking like i ate a ton. Bake a hungry girl dessert and decide to have a cupcake or brownie or whatever you brought. Eat one. Call it a day. Change the subject (or fave!!!!) and don't get winded when you go for a refil on your diet pop or water. And then tomorrow, you wake up smiling. Screw em. Family is great. Family sucks. Period.