Sugar/Sweet Cravings



  • BodyRockerVT
    BodyRockerVT Posts: 323 Member
    I have gone on and off sugar more times than I can count (I routinely fall off the wagon for "just one piece" of something).

    For ME it is much more manageable if I can find a way to help the cravings go away rather than sitting and twitching all day thinking about sugar. I have found a few lower sugar options that work for ME to wean me off the sugar. Frosted mini-wheats are one of them...not only are they a little sweet but they are also full of fiber which makes me full and helps get rid of the stuff in my digestive system. Another is the Nature Valley Dark Chocolate and Oats granola bars. Again, they still have sugar, they taste like chocolate, but also have fiber which helps the rebound in blood sugar and keeps me from craving more chocolate quite as much. Also, herbal tea is helpful either with a small 1/2tsp of honey/sugar or with it warms me up which is a plus here this time of year.

    They key is to have nothing else in the house except for those couple of sweet things...if it isn't there, you can't eat it.

    I also find if I have anything sweet to start the day that is ALL I want for the whole day. If you check my diary yesterday it was all sweets/sugar...that is because I was stupid and had a PB cookie for "breakfast"....started the day off with sweets so that was all I wanted.
  • For me it's helpful to remember that there is a reason my body craves sweets that goes beyond just a mental weakness for tasty desserts. Sugars (and especially the refined stuff found in foods with high caloric value and fats, NOT found in fruits but in cookies and other treats) are an easy source of energy and storage for your body. Of course my body is going to like that; in an environment where food is intermediately supplied, storage was vital for survival. Now, I can recognize that craving and objectively say I don't need it. There legitimately will not be a time in the near future when I will rely on stored fat for survival. I thank my body for looking out for my ultimate health, but don't eat as many sweets as it tells me I want. Nerdy, yes, but I hope that helps!
  • When you know the truth about sugar it's not hard to avoid it. Watch the video "Sugar The Bitter Truth"
    by. Dr. Lustig. Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin. Series: UCSF Mini Medical School for the Public Health and Medicine.

    Since I've cut sugar and wheat from my diet I've lost 145 pounds. No cravings for sweets, I now enjoy freedom from the sugar addiction.