So what did you indulge in for Christmas??!!?!?!?



  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    Everything I could get my lips on.... wine, pecan pie, cheese, crackers and salami, chocolate silk pie. Oh man.. going back to 1200 on Monday is going to be painful. Oh well sometimes you just have to say WTF!!!!!!! This is for life not just for a while.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Gained 7 lbs in 10 days. Pretty much says it all.

    wHOA!......nice gain!
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    I gained 6 pounds and indulged in EVERYTHING! Particularly WINE, of course! Also had some Yuengling, some ginger brandy.. tons of food including ham, artichoke spinach dip ( I ate it for Breakfast yesterday), cookies, cheese, salami, cookies, home made noodles, bread, cookies, cheesy potatoes (twice in one day!), more ham, cookies, blah blah blah... and it was SOOOO yummy! and wine, did I mention wine?
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    Cheesecake. Every year my family makes a cheesecake that involves (among other things) 5 packs of cream cheese (over 2 lbs!) It's sooooo good.

    I had a normal sized piece. Yum yum yum. I only took one piece home as left-overs, and gave it to my BF to stop the temptation, because cheesecake for breakfast is the best thing ever.

    I also had a nice glass of wine with dinner, but I haven't cut alcohol from my diet yet so that's not really an indulgence. :P (I keep telling myself that as long as the booze doesn't put me over my calorie goal for the day, that it's okay. :laugh: I'm not ready to hear otherwise yet!)

    Just printed the cheesecake recipe! Looks fabulous! Thanks!
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    i lost count of the wine bottles...i sould go check the recycling bin out in the back yard...but i wont :)
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Beer. Wine. Crown royal. Scotch. And a lot of crap food.
  • ChristineNicole81
    Friday night-cake flavored vodka. Saturday-bacon wrapped smokies & cookies. Sunday-cookies. BUT I tracked it all and I may have been well over my calories, I still tracked it and knew my damage!!!
  • santamommy
    I could have used a bottle of RUM! lol I ate way under my calories without deserts but I did have a Starbucks Cafe' Mocha. I was planning to pig out but my Ex showed up to bring my kids....gaga magots..there went the appetite.
  • ho012680
    ho012680 Posts: 1 Member
    The Goose (Grey Goose) was on the loose. I over indulged in pastas, alcohol and too many sweets.

    I am a new member to this sight and I plan to loose 50lbs. Any suggestions for me?
  • momtozmc
    momtozmc Posts: 418 Member
    All the Cookies we make only at Christmas time , Alcohol - wine, DiSorono & 7up, Oreo Truffles ( ) !!!! Mashed potatoes and gravy, Chinese Dim Sum... oh the yumminess!
  • loved1
    loved1 Posts: 206 Member
    alcohol, mac & cheese, & lasagna - the indulgence lasted for 2 days
  • newmrswood
    LOTS of fudge, soda, alcohol, sugar cookies, and gingerbread cookies, but that was all starting the week before Christmas hehehe luckily I still managed to lose a pound
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Wine, broccoli/cheese casserole, wine, ham, wine, cheese balls, wine, turkey, wine, potatoes au gratin, beer, homemade candy, wine, chips and dips of several varieties, beer, butternut squash risotto, wine, pecan pie, wine, Christmas cookies. And finished the evening off with a nightcap or two.

    I think I would have been okay if I hadn't eaten at 3 different steak houses and 1 wing place while shopping on Friday and Saturday.
  • Lsqueezy
    Lsqueezy Posts: 128
    I actually lost a couple of pounds, but I'm it is because I'm so dehydrated from alcohol. I tend to forget about food when I'm gettin my drink on. Which always makes for an interesting evening. No doubt when I drink water and eat today I will go up those couple pounds. Damn you vodka! But you're sooooo good.:drinker:
  • Lots and lots of homemade mac and cheese
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Wine, broccoli/cheese casserole, wine, ham, wine, cheese balls, wine, turkey, wine, potatoes au gratin, beer, homemade candy, wine, chips and dips of several varieties, beer, butternut squash risotto, wine, pecan pie, wine, Christmas cookies. And finished the evening off with a nightcap or two.

    I think I would have been okay if I hadn't eaten at 3 different steak houses and 1 wing place while shopping on Friday and Saturday.

    This is Legendary!!!
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    The biggest medium-rare hunk of prime rib!! :tongue:
    And cookies, more than I remember...
  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    Just a few sweets. This was the first year that I was alcohol free and "destructive sweet attack" free...
  • spikesmom
    spikesmom Posts: 441 Member
    Alcohol and desserts did me in.

    Ah, I resemble this remark!
  • Ashalena
    Ashalena Posts: 162
    Lots and loooots of alcohol!

    Picking snacks...cheese & crackers, veggies & dip....that kind of crap