


  • Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Thats crazy! I would feel so much more guilty about cheating on a SO! I guess that just goes to show how superficial out society has become.
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    I guess going out to dinner with your secret affair is the ultimate cheat then.

    BAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! :laugh:
  • slyfy
    slyfy Posts: 2 Member
    That's stupid! There is no way I would feel good about myself if I cheated on someone. I surely wouldn't compare that to food! Although, I do love food....ha ha
  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    I feel guilty if I have a freaking Twizzler! Good thing I have never cheated in a probably would be much worse than said Twizzler!!!
  • KlassyKassi
    KlassyKassi Posts: 58 Member
    I think what they are saying is that some women won't fell any guilt about cheating. They think it's just something they want to do and it's not hurting anyone. I know because my wife did that. She did seem to have more remorse when she ate more than she should of.

    I don't think that is a characteristic of a woman so much as a characteristic of a sociopath. :(

    Sorry did not to mean this is women only. I was just saying per what they heard about it since it was women. Most people who cheat don't feel guilt while it's hidden so they would have remorse on a diet.

    Oh yes, I knew what you meant. It is just such a sad thing that some people are that way. Having been in your shoes, I really feel for you.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    Okay, so the radio was talking this morning about women in America and how a large percentage of them (I didn't catch the exact figure) would feel worse about cheating on a diet than cheating on their significant others. Thoughts?

    Personally, I would feel WAY WORSE about cheating on a significant other. Hands down. I can't believe that is even a question/comparison!!
    Well, it depends.

    Some louts are just unworthy husbands who push their wives into a cheating situation by being such pathetic figures of men. I don't blame some ladies for seeking pleasure where they can if they're being deprived at home.

    Count yourself lucky you don't relate; it must mean your husband is a good guy who loves you and treats you right.

    this to an extent. If you are in that situation then have the balls to leave him first just as having the balls to leave the table before dessert!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Okay, so the radio was talking this morning about women in America and how a large percentage of them (I didn't catch the exact figure) would feel worse about cheating on a diet than cheating on their significant others. Thoughts?

    Personally, I would feel WAY WORSE about cheating on a significant other. Hands down. I can't believe that is even a question/comparison!!
    Well, it depends.

    Some louts are just unworthy husbands who push their wives into a cheating situation by being such pathetic figures of men. I don't blame some ladies for seeking pleasure where they can if they're being deprived at home.

    Count yourself lucky you don't relate; it must mean your husband is a good guy who loves you and treats you right.

    this to an extent. If you are in that situation then have the balls to leave him first just as having the balls to leave the table before dessert!
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    Okay, so the radio was talking this morning about women in America and how a large percentage of them (I didn't catch the exact figure) would feel worse about cheating on a diet than cheating on their significant others. Thoughts?

    Personally, I would feel WAY WORSE about cheating on a significant other. Hands down. I can't believe that is even a question/comparison!!
    Well, it depends.

    Some louts are just unworthy husbands who push their wives into a cheating situation by being such pathetic figures of men. I don't blame some ladies for seeking pleasure where they can if they're being deprived at home.

    Count yourself lucky you don't relate; it must mean your husband is a good guy who loves you and treats you right.

    I don't think there is ever an 'excuse' to cheat, but it does make it seem more understandable. If you are that unhappy, leave the relationship...easier said than done, but it is the right thing.

    I cheated once for the reasons you mentioned, felt so guilty and told him. Turns out he was cheating on me to (with lots of girls) and he told me he still wanted to work things out. We stayed together another year, (God knows why?) Eventually I woke up one day and realized I just didn't care about this person at all anymore, and ended things. It was probably the most twisted and unhealthy relationship ever. I supposed that is what I get for dating a relatively well-known singer. Singers have a hard time being faithful when hot groupies would do *anything* to get into the trailer with them. But now I have met a wonderful man that would literally climb Everest just to get me a glass of lemonade. But I wouldn't ask him to because that is empty calories ;)
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Okay, so the radio was talking this morning about women in America and how a large percentage of them (I didn't catch the exact figure) would feel worse about cheating on a diet than cheating on their significant others. Thoughts?

    Personally, I would feel WAY WORSE about cheating on a significant other. Hands down. I can't believe that is even a question/comparison!!
    Well, it depends.

    Some louts are just unworthy husbands who push their wives into a cheating situation by being such pathetic figures of men. I don't blame some ladies for seeking pleasure where they can if they're being deprived at home.

    Count yourself lucky you don't relate; it must mean your husband is a good guy who loves you and treats you right.

    I don't think there is ever an 'excuse' to cheat, but it does make it seem more understandable. If you are that unhappy, leave the relationship...easier said than done, but it is the right thing.

    I cheated once for the reasons you mentioned, felt so guilty and told him. Turns out he was cheating on me to (with lots of girls) and he told me he still wanted to work things out. We stayed together another year, (God knows why?) Eventually I woke up one day and realized I just didn't care about this person at all anymore, and ended things. It was probably the most twisted and unhealthy relationship ever. I supposed that is what I get for dating a relatively well-known singer. Singers have a hard time being faithful when hot groupies would do *anything* to get into the trailer with them. But now I have met a wonderful man that would literally climb Everest just to get me a glass of lemonade. But I wouldn't ask him to because that is empty calories ;)
    And I'll bet this guy, with all his qualities, couldn't hold a note with his head in a

    Anyway, glad to hear the happy ending!
  • dragonflybird
    I guess going out to dinner with your secret affair is the ultimate cheat then.

    I thought two wrongs made it right?

    Care to grab lunch together?

  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    Okay, so the radio was talking this morning about women in America and how a large percentage of them (I didn't catch the exact figure) would feel worse about cheating on a diet than cheating on their significant others. Thoughts?

    Personally, I would feel WAY WORSE about cheating on a significant other. Hands down. I can't believe that is even a question/comparison!!
    Well, it depends.

    Some louts are just unworthy husbands who push their wives into a cheating situation by being such pathetic figures of men. I don't blame some ladies for seeking pleasure where they can if they're being deprived at home.

    Count yourself lucky you don't relate; it must mean your husband is a good guy who loves you and treats you right.

    Never mind.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member

    Personally, I would feel WAY WORSE about cheating on a significant other. Hands down. I can't believe that is even a question/comparison!!

  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    I would hands down much rather cheat on my diet. That is horrible! I have known a few who didn't feel bad about it or so it seemed when it came out. I guess I'm one of the few that would be driven insane by the guilt if were basing it off the percentages.
  • Hayesgang
    *****For half the women surveyed…sad but true! 54% of woman said that their ‘top priority’ was what they eat, even more important than their relationship or marriage. And when it comes to ‘cheating,’ these same ladies said the feel guiltiest about cheating on a diet, more so than cheating on a spouse. WOW! Do you feel this way?
    Women on diets spend more time worrying about what’s on their plate than their relationship, according to a new study by Atkins. The weight-loss company found 54 percent thought about food more than their marriage and a quarter felt dieting was more important than their relationship.

    Even more surprising, the findings showed women would feel more guilty about straying from their diet plan than cheating on their partners!*****

    This is from a radio station in Detroit.

    I work with the public and if some of the stuff I witness (in front of a stranger) is any indication of the way some people treat their spouses on a daily basis, I don't doubt this is true. It always surprises me how disrectful people can be to the person they "love", I always wonder if you treat someone like that in public, what goes on behind closed doors.