

  • theprettyone1010
    theprettyone1010 Posts: 408 Member
    Try eating more low-calorie foods, so that you can eat more of it and fill up instead of eating so many desserts that aren't filling. And make sure to drink water to help you feel full sooner.

    I started at 215 and I was losing 2 lbs a week but still feeling full. So it's possible!

    Good luck!
  • cristaa
    cristaa Posts: 3 Member
    I like to eat alot too, my only solution is burning extra calories at the gym. I have to burn like 700 calories to stay in my calorie goal. If you mess up and eat too much today just start over tomorrow. Also you may be eating "empty calories" food that doesnt fill you up. Apples and a big glass of water help. Also, I don't count my veggies as calories so I go home and saute some veggies in pam spray, add onions and garlic if you like it.... that will fill you up. I know how you feel cause I have the same problem. has some good low cal recipes if you like to cook. Try making your lunch instead of eating ready made meals, that may help too. It helps me!
  • LJGmom
    LJGmom Posts: 249 Member
    An easy lunch for me and doesn't take more than a minute to make is a whole grain sandwich with whatever toppings you want, I do turkey and cheese, or tuna mixed with a little Greek yogurt. High protein, and very filling. I usually have apple, or yogurt with it as well. Then you can skip your prepackaged stuff. I am very rarely hungry with1450 calories, and do not eat exercise calories. I have been losing about 1.7 lbs a week.
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    OK, I am tired of hearing that PROCESSED foods cost less. This is untrue! When I switched my family to eating more whole healthy foods our grocery bill went down... The overly processed foods, may seem cheap up front, but in the long run cost more... essentially you eat more, so therefor have to buy more. Eating Fruits, Veggies, Whole Grains, Meats, Poultry, Fish.. These will fill you up longer, with the nutrients your body needs.
    So the excuse of Processed foods being cheaper, is just that.. an excuse to continue to eat like crap.

    I have $40 to spend on 3 people for a week. My mother lives alone and she spends $50 on herself in a week. Its VERY tight as far as my money goes. We go to the Dollar General to buy our groceries. When I eat healthy "power foods" I spend $100 for 3 people in a week at Brookshires (this is my preference). I'm trying new recipes on ALLRECIPES.COM.....I'll let you know if my bill goes down. One particularly person in in MFP is helping me with this obstacle. I'm sorry if I seem rude, but I'm learning how to eat cheap and healthy at the same time. I will let you know how it goes. Thanks for your honesty, thats why Im in MFP.
  • Goldenbast
    Goldenbast Posts: 227 Member
    I know all about having to eat healthy and cheaply! My food budget is the highest in my budget except rent, to feed 7 people. I also use all recipes site as well, it is a tremendous help! I have found one way to buy cheaply is to use wal-marts price matching policy. Get the adds from all the stores in your area (you can get them online if you don't get them in the mail) then make a master list of each store and write down anything you eat that is on sale...I buy fresh fruits, vegetables and meats this way. Heck we even started a garden in the backyard to supplement our fresh veggies.

    As for the eating but still being hungry..I don't really count calories much, but I seem to stay within my healthy limits. I went to the site and looked at a meal plan tailored to my age, height and weight. Basically I am supposed to eat 6 oz grains (half whole wheat), 2 1/2 cups veggies, 1 1/2 cups fruit, 3 cups dairy and 5 oz protein (lean). I also eat small meals throughout the day, roughly about every 3 hours. Thats like 3 small meals and 3 snacks....I have found I seem to stay within my caloric needs and I am not hungry. Maybe you could look into that?