


  • dauenhab
    dauenhab Posts: 33 Member
    Just finished my final workout for the core phase. Did 4 weeks. Going to transition to strength phase tomorrow. No recovery week because i feel good and want to get in 4 weeks of strength before my ski trip in March (will count that as my recovery week). 30 days on Monday so I will take my measurements. Think it will be good because people are noticing. :)
  • mattkosc
    mattkosc Posts: 93 Member
    That is awesome to hear that people are noticing a change! The strength phase is awesome, this is my last week of it. So that will be 6 weeks of the strength phase and I think I should do a recovery week before the final phase. Has anyone who has moved onto the last phase added in a recovery week yet?
  • btdublin
    btdublin Posts: 250 Member

    You seem the expert on this. Great to have someone so helpful here. I am just on day 30 of the P90X (1 not 2) but interested in the next stage after this one (and after my wedding in May) - i'm hooked on Tony!

    Now I borrowed my DVDs off a mate who had completed it, but didn't get the diet booklet until this week.
    Now I eat very cleanly and healthy, have been low carb for many years now (no big carbs - pasta, rice, bread) and have a good understanding of my proportions of carbs/protein/fats and have always aimed for approx. 30/50/20%. It seems that the diet guide agrees with this, particularly for the initial fat loss stage.

    I am trying to lose 2lbs a week so my target is c. 1500 calories. I have no problem on this and was actually doing 1200 for a few weeks in January which was working well. I have upped to 1500 as i do p90X more intensely (I am refering to NET cals of course).

    HOWEVER, i just find it so hard to keep below 30% carb cals on only 1500 cals per day. It hits me through fruits or dairy (yoghurt or greek yoghurt being a big part of my breakfasts). I know if I was eating more (say 2000 pd) I would have no problem with 30% carbs as it would be the same foods I would just have to up the protein.

    I am trying to avoid the protein shakes (did them for years) but thinking I might have to go back on them.
    Struggling to cut out the diary as that is a big part of my daily protein but it gives me too much carb!
  • I could use a little info please:
    I am just getting back on track, after a couple of years of being fairly sedentary. I've been doing Cage Fitness, and days that I miss class, doing P90. Saturday I had enough energy to do BOTH! (yeaah!). I know I'm going to get bored with the P90 in just a couple of weeks.
    How does the P90X and P90X2 compare (workout) ? In terms of intensity, cardio & muscle workout- on a scale of 1-10, I would give the P90 a "5", and the Cage Fitness an "8". (I'm figuring sitting down is a "1", and a "10" would barely be humanly possible).
    The only concern I have personally is my shoulder- I may have a partially torn rotator cuff, so I do have to modify a few exercises that hit that specific range of motion that's painful.
    I'm also not interested in the nutrition aspect- my own system not only works, but it keeps my stomach happy- which keeps me on track.
    Thanks in advance for any info or insight!
  • mattkosc
    mattkosc Posts: 93 Member
    Tanksquire, I wouldn't say I am an expert I just like to stay informed on whatever it is that I am doing, so I try to get as much information about my interests as possible from all sides of a subject :D Anyway, about your question and carbs, the nutrition guide for P90X increases carb ratio with each progressing phase. If you are currently at 30% for carbs you are fine as long as you feel you have enough energy to complete each days workout, you can actually burn from 600 or more calories with each P90X workout! I have a friend that stuck with a 30% carb, 50% protein, 20% fat the entire 90 day program to lose weight his first time thru, so you can stay here or eventually increase to 40/40/20.

    If you want to cut dairy, have you tried any of the alternatives? Like almond milk - great nutrition without the dairy. There are many vegan cheeses available and even non dairy sour cream. If you are avoiding protein shakes because of dairy, there are non dairy alternatives there also for people who are lactose intolerant. In fact Beachbody just started today selling a new Shakeology flavor - strawberry tropical, and it is the first one to be vegan.

    It sounds as though you are very determined and motivated with your fitness and nutrition, thats great! Keep it up!!
  • mattkosc
    mattkosc Posts: 93 Member
    Vweavers, I have to say that P90X, the original, is the best for all around mix of cardio and strength training. I believe that P90X is the most complete workout program there is whereas Insanity or TurboFire would be the king of cardio workouts. And Insanity the Asylum is slightly ahead of P90X2 as far as sports conditioning goes. P90X2 is mostly a sports "enhancing" program like Insanity the Asylum, both are great to try once in awhile just for something different, or like Dauenhab is going thru it before a skiing trip :)

    If you are currently using P90, make sure you are ready for P90X before attempting it, it is intense - it can be up in the range of an "8" on the scale at times, depending on how much you put into it and if your like me you try to give it all you have!

    I also have shoulder issues and when it feels good I do all the movements involving the shoulders, but when I feel it is acting up I modify like you or just skip that move and go to the next one. It is not worth injury and keeping me out of "action" for weeks just because I wanted to prove that I could do a shoulder movement when I couldn't handle it.

    I hope this helps, good luck!
  • dauenhab
    dauenhab Posts: 33 Member
    I could use a little info please:
    I am just getting back on track, after a couple of years of being fairly sedentary. I've been doing Cage Fitness, and days that I miss class, doing P90. Saturday I had enough energy to do BOTH! (yeaah!). I know I'm going to get bored with the P90 in just a couple of weeks.
    How does the P90X and P90X2 compare (workout) ? In terms of intensity, cardio & muscle workout- on a scale of 1-10, I would give the P90 a "5", and the Cage Fitness an "8". (I'm figuring sitting down is a "1", and a "10" would barely be humanly possible).
    The only concern I have personally is my shoulder- I may have a partially torn rotator cuff, so I do have to modify a few exercises that hit that specific range of motion that's painful.
    I'm also not interested in the nutrition aspect- my own system not only works, but it keeps my stomach happy- which keeps me on track.
    Thanks in advance for any info or insight!

    Just remember, the great things about Tony's workouts are that you can modify to do. If you are board with P90 and have finished a round, I wouldn't see why you wouldn't be able to do P90X. Just modify as needed and do your best.
  • mattkosc
    mattkosc Posts: 93 Member
    I have started a "recovery week" this week for P90X2. I want to make sure that I bring it strong the last phase coming up, and I want to make sure that I am resting my body enough after the first two phases.

    Can't wait tho to try the last phase especially the p.a.p.!
  • I'm on week 2 of Phase 2. I did Phase 1 for 5 weeks and skipped the recovery week. I had to get a chip up assist band because I lost some lat strength I gained in P90X/P90X Plus by doing Insanity before P90X2. Would like to hear what you think of PAP Upper and PAP Lower.
  • teamfit2day
    teamfit2day Posts: 213 Member
    im currently on week 6 of P90X2. I have completed P90X already and love the results i got from that. Once im done with X2, Im planning a hybrid of P90X and P90X2.

  • mattkosc
    mattkosc Posts: 93 Member
    Wow!! You got great results from P90X! Congrats man.

    What are your thoughts on X2 so far?
  • dauenhab
    dauenhab Posts: 33 Member
    Teamfit2day, were those P90X photos from one round or multiple rounds? Either way your results were impressive. Good work!
  • mattkosc
    mattkosc Posts: 93 Member
    Ok, I started the last phase this week, so that includes P.A.P. upper and lower. Wow! Tony shows no mercy here, it's one move after another after another, you definitely keep your heart rate up.

    Has anyone finished P90X2 yet? How were your results, and what are your thoughts of 2?

    As I am nearing the end, I like the program and will probably use some of the dvds now and then, but my favorite hands down is the original P90X. That is until I try the soon to come out "Body Beast" program that is designed for bulking and muscle building :D
  • ChantelleFowler
    ChantelleFowler Posts: 208 Member
    Im in week 2 of Phase 3 and loving it! The end is in sight. I'm excited to see my before/after photos =]