Lose 5 Pounds a Month January 2012 Challenge



  • redbird99
    redbird99 Posts: 298 Member
    Current Weight: 251.0
    Challenge Goal Weight: 246.0

    01/01: 251.0
    01/08: 250.0
    01/15: 249.75
    01/29: <<<Goal! 246>>>

    Woo-hoo! Lost 1.25 pounds total so far this month!
    But I need to pour it on to hit 5lbs by the end of the month...:grumble:
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    1/1 148.9
    1/8 146.9
    1/15 145.7

    moving the right direction!
  • sm_4ever17
    sm_4ever17 Posts: 128 Member
    hey av lost 3 lbs this month :smile:
  • swilkie1961
    swilkie1961 Posts: 107 Member
    1/1 152.2
    1/8/ 152.1
    1/15 149.1 - 3.1 lbs lost
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    The scale is happily moving in the right direction!

    1/1: 127.6
    1/8: 127.4
    Goal: 123.6
  • Skaber
    Skaber Posts: 10
    1/2: 205 lbs
    1/9: 203 lbs
    1/16: 202 lbs
  • hydranger
    hydranger Posts: 23 Member
    I've lost another 1lb - only 3 to go

    2 Jan 139
    9 Jan 138
    16 Jan 137
    23 Jan
    30 Jan
  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    Would love to join

    On Jan 1 I was 141.6

    I am 42 yrs old, with 3 kids, happily married most days.

    Started at 160

    Looking to get to 120
  • lizgriffiths82
    count me in
    1/1/2012 187 lbs (85kg)
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Still hanging onto that one pound gain. Which is frustrating since I have been eating so much better and working out. So I decided to check my measurements. So we are over 1/2 through the month, I have not lost any but gained one but I have lost and inch on my waist and in inch on my hips. This just goes to show that the scale is not the only way to show progress.

    Keep going everyone, I know you can do it.


    PS I had a very salty dinner last night so I am going to push water today.
  • laursie03
    My first weigh in a loss of 3.2lbs! Woot!
  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    So, I committed myself to losing the last 16 pounds on December 11, 2011

    Here's what I do

    Log all my food
    Have a 1,000 cal deficit on my body media fit(missed a few)

    In December I biked 221.32 miles, 436 minutes on the trampoline, 65 minutes on the gazelle, 20 minutes on the elliptical, 5 minutes rowing, walked 1.5 miles.

    In January, I biked 160 miles, 608 minutes on the trampoline and did the six pack DVD once

    This got me to lose about 6 pounds
  • nanberube
    nanberube Posts: 110 Member
    Starting weight 175
    1/9 - 172.0
    1/16 - 172.0
    1/23 -
    1/31 -

    It could have been a gain - sooooo..... I'll take it for now.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Ok, I have to pick up the pieces before I fall apart over here.

    My Friday rest day turned into a 3-day rest; with no exercise over the weekend.

    Saturday included a trip to the movies to see my all-time favorite: Beauty and the Beast in 3D. Had some movie popcorn, but chose chicken and a side salad instead of fries when we went out for supper afterwards.

    Sunday turned into a carb and sugar-frenzy with bread, crackers, chocolate, chips, etc. I'm trying not to get overly down about it, as that will just send me back to the chocolate box. What's done is done.

    Also, I don't know if it is the season or what, but I have been terribly bad-tempered lately. I'm feeling cranky, grouchy, bitter, which is not normal for me. Plus right now I feel like crying because I am feeling so selfish (I don't even want to write down my selfish thoughts).

    Today, I'm going to drink extra water and green tea, eat reasonably, and see if I can get back on track. Mentally and physically.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    DMG.. Keep your head up girl : ) I know that going off track is really hard to recover from, but you can do it! Its one weekend and im sure the rest of your life you will have weekends like that. Just pick yourself up dust off and know that today is a new day. Your doing amazing! And don't forget your Still winning the race to Goal!

    Well I had a normal weekend.. too much bad food cause processed foods and that are all that are provided on weekends at work. some of the things I had because I don't remember what I ate the whole weekend but .....I had marie calanders pot pie for dinner friday, french toast saturday... and for lunch yesterday we had frozen burritos and chili with sour cream and for dinner a baked potatoe and some boiled carrots. and I didn't eat sunday breakfast because it was cereal

    I ended up having a pink grandma cookie and a 3 musketeers and soda for a snack yesterday and We took some of the boys to the movies saturday so I did have some movie theater popcorn but I shared a small with one of the boys so I probably had about 2/3 of a small popcorn.

    I also don't exercise on weekends because I work 3pm-11pm friday 7am-11pm saturday and 7am-11pm on sundays so I really have to work on it during the week but get sidetracked by trying to play catch up on house chores that don't get done on the weekend but at least laundry gets done over the weekend so that helps.

    Well Ill weigh in on Friday
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    1/1 148.9
    1/8 146.9
    1/15 145.7

    Harder the second week. This week is going better so far.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Well I gained the first week, so I needed this.

    1/1 327
    1/9 328.6
    1/16 322.6
  • superflygal747
    superflygal747 Posts: 44 Member
    2nd Jan: 154.6
    9th Jan: 149.2
    16th Jan: 150.0


    Disappointed with the readings on the scales this week. Apart from one day when I went over my allowance by 25cals, I've been under my allowance every day and exercised on 5 days. Looking on the bright side, I've still lost 4.6lbs.
    Here's hoping for a weight loss next week!
  • lindseycallihan
    lindseycallihan Posts: 7 Member
    I'm not feelin like the holidays are over! Still diggin the winter beers and hot buttered rum.... This might be tough for me but I'm willing to try it! I really just want to lose the 5 holiday lbs gained. Bring it on! Oh wait..it's the 17th...well, I'll do what i can! :tongue:
  • hunnyspice
    hunnyspice Posts: 80 Member
    01/02/2012: 189.6
    01/09/2012 188.8 (0.8 loss)
    01/16/2012: 187.4 (1.4 loss)

    Well I am on track to lose 5lbs. Woohoo!!! Everyone keep up the good work!!!!