Ideas for Coffee Lover



  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    I love all of these ideas! I had the same problem. Especially once I cut out all of the pop I was drinking (soda, for some of you :tongue: ), it seemed even harder to want to give up coffee. I have noticed that cutting back little by little on the creamer and/or sweeteners helps and you hardly miss it after a while. Fortunately for me, I like artificial sweeteners better than sugar, but that might be just because I started on coffee that way. And some of the sugar free creamers are just about as good (I like the s/f peppermint mocha, too) and have way fewer calories.

    Aside from that, I've just been budgeting for it in my daily calories so I can feel like I'm splurging on something simple every day.

    I love the other ideas, though. I might just have to try a few. :)
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Two things I've done:

    1. Slowly reduce my sugar/sweetener intake by reducing it one serving (1 tsp) for 2-8 weeks at a time. It's taken a year, but I went from the equivalent of 7 tsp a cup to 2 tsp.

    2. I'm lactose intolerant so half & half or milk upsets my stomach. I use a serving of coconut milk creamer and a serving of CoffeeMate (whichever flavor you prefer) in my coffee. Coconut milk creamer only was too "thin" for my tastes, but mixing it with CoffeeMate gives me my creaminess for fewer calories than full on CoffeeMate would.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    My latest obsession is coffee and milk. That's it. There is no sugar or sweetener. I don't recommend skim milk though, because then it gets watery and is still bitter.

    Non-dairy creamer is gross. It just floats on my coffee.

    Full fat cream is, well, fat.

    Milk substitutes are good too, like soy milk.

    I like to just mix about half coffee and half milk. If you put too little milk in, it doesn't cut the bitterness.
  • Eddie111
    I used sugar for a long time didn't think I could ever drink coffee without it, the mornings I would have bloodwork done I was told I could have black coffee, so I decided to try it black all the time want go back to sugar.