Question for all of you major water drinkers...

Since I started on MFP back in early October, I have only had water to drink (gave up Diet coke--which was a little tough, and alcohol--which wasn't tough at all). I feel like I drink water all day and only manage to get in 8 or 9 glasses a day. Here is what I typically do:

I have a "Tervis Tumbler" which is 24 ounces. I fill it to the top with ice in the morning before I leave for work. Then I add my water. When this first tumbler full of water is gone, there is still a lot of ice so I count it as 2 glasses of water. Then I add water from our "Ice Mountain" thingy and when that is gone, I count it as two more glasses. By then there is only a little bit of ice left so when I finish my 3rd tumbler full, I count that as 3 glasses.

I also have water with dinner and usually some after dinner which usually comes up to somewhere between 8-10 glasses a day.

HOW IN THE WORLD are some of you guys getting in 16 glasses of water in a day? I feel like I'm going to barf if I have much more than I am drinking and as it is, I am running to the bathroom several times during the day as well as once during my sleeping time at night (around 5 a.m.). Too much info???

Do you guys think I'm doing an accurate count of my waters or am I under/overestimating?

How would you "water experts" count your waters and how do you get in so many each day?????? Any tips/advice you have is very welcomed.....

Thanks so much...


  • likeaphoenix28
    I'm curious to see what others will post. I have a very hard time getting in enough water these days, especially since it's so cold. Just need to work harder at it, I suppose.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I only stop at 10 glasses. It should be more than enough. Sometimes I go to 12 if I had a vigorous exercise.

    I usually count mine by the number of water bottles I've had. Those 16.9oz ones. Those're about 2 cups or so each. I have one in the morning, 1 with lunch and dinner. 1 after my workout. And usually another one later in the night.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    You are drinking plenty of water. If you aren't thirsty then don't force it.
  • CnocNaCu
    CnocNaCu Posts: 536 Member
    :bigsmile: Am not a water expert but I have one glass before and one after working out (I work out twice daily) =4
    One before lunch, one before dinner and a few sips of water whenever I'm craving sweets or a ciggie (I quit 2 months ago). I wouldn't like more water because I don't like cold drinks. Instead of more water I have 4-6 cups of herbal tea evry day (herbal tea counts as water). I love nettle tea and green tea, they really make you want a bathroom:bigsmile: No more info hehehe
    I have to get up twice at night. Well, I actually don't like getting up at night, but since I drink a lot my skin is so much better.
    Having said that : :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    I haven't had any soda for almost 2 years now, when I started drinking water.

    I never tracked how much water I drink until recently and discovered that on average I drink 16-20 cups of water daily.
    I usually carry 24oz water bottle with me at all time and drink out of it through out the day, I don't put ice, because I don't like ice cold water.
    And another thing I started doing is I drink about 2-3 cups of water the first thing in the morning when I get up, ant first I felt like barfing, but now I just made it a habit and I keep my water bottle by my bed and I don't even get out of bed without drinking it :-)
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I have a jug of water that is 3 litres. I fill my cup with that (i dont count ice because I cant gauge it.) I fill that cup over and over again all day long and by the end of the day the 3 litres are gone. I tend to drink my water at room temp though. The ice water is harder for me to drink because I have sensitive teeth and I seem to have an easier time getting it all in if it isnt too cold.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    There's no need to be drinking more than 8 or 9 cups of water. Drink until you're hydrated, which you'll know by looking at your urine. If it's almost clear, you're good to go. Drinking too much water on a daily basis can be just as harmful as not drinking enough. It overworks your kidneys. Unless you're sweating a ton at the gym, there's no need to drink so much.
  • momtimesone
    momtimesone Posts: 85 Member
    When I get up after my morning walk I drink two cups measured out, in the mid afternoon before I leave for work I drink two more cups. When I get home from work its another two cups around 4pm and then at night around 7pm I drink my last two cups. For Dinner sometimes after 7pm I might drink another two cups depending on if I had a salt filled meal or not. I drink 8 cups a day sometimes more on the weekends but 8 is the very smallest amount I get in. If I go over that amount I actually retain or so I have learned for some odd reason. I drink water like its a medicine sceduale it helps me get it down LOL
  • paprad
    paprad Posts: 321 Member
    I find it very difficult to even remember to drink water. Tried keeping the bottles near my desk but often even those I would forget to drink.

    Now I am trying a new technique. Each time I pee, I come out of the loo and then drink a glass of water. I figure that is replenishment enough. It seems to be an easier tickler system to remember.
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    It's about what your body needs and craves - if you feel well-hydrated then don't worry about it. It sounds like your intake is great and working for you.

    I get between 120-180 ounces per day, depending on the day. I have a 24 ounce tumbler at my desk that I fill about 4-5 times a day and then I have a 32 ounce water bottle that I drink 1-2 of during and after a workout. I've become so accustomed to it that I can feel if I haven't had enough, but I don't force myself to drink it.
  • maleva720
    maleva720 Posts: 165 Member
    I think on here one glass is 8oz...if you are using a 24oz glass you are drinking way more than you are logging!
  • maleva720
    maleva720 Posts: 165 Member
    I think on here one glass is 8oz...if you are using a 24oz glass you are drinking way more than you are logging!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Eight or nine is more than enough. Some days if I'm particularly thirsty, I have more. But most days, after eight or nine, I CAN'T drink more. And don't need to.

    Especially if you're eating a lot of fruits, veggies and whole grains. They're water-heavy and hydrate you.
  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    There's no need to be drinking more than 8 or 9 cups of water. Drink until you're hydrated, which you'll know by looking at your urine. If it's almost clear, you're good to go. Drinking too much water on a daily basis can be just as harmful as not drinking enough. It overworks your kidneys. Unless you're sweating a ton at the gym, there's no need to drink so much.

    ^^^^^^ This. You need to be well hydrated, not so hydrated you sprout gills.
  • future_marathoner
    future_marathoner Posts: 170 Member
    I actually bring bottles of water to work because out of a cup i just dont drink as much. Weird I know. I drink one glass in the morning and then I break it down by the hours to keep pace
    8-10--> 1 bottle
    10-12-->1 bottle
    12-1 -->1 bottle
    1-3 --> 1 bottle
    3-5 --> 1 bottle

    when I get home I drink a bottle with dinner, and 2 bottles during the evening.

    So on average, each bottle being 16.9 ounces and the glass in the morning i drink about 143 ounces of water = 18 cups of water. I drink even when im not thirsty, I bring them to meetings, I drink when i think I want something to snack on. it just became a habit for me. I used to drink about 6 dr. peppers a day and no water- I know its not an easy transition but its so good for you! (helps with hunger too)
  • Strobins05
    I have a 33.8 oz BPA bottle that I refill three times a day while at work. AND I have a few pals, at least four, who do a water check-in about four times a day. Now that is a huge help and has been a success for me reaching my water intake daily!
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    We have refillable water bottles in the fridge....28 oz each. I try to drink at least 2 a day (breakfast, and when I get home from work) so there is 7 glasses right there . I also keep one at my bedside overnight, and sometimes drink a couple of equivalent size bottles at work. So while I usually stop counting at 8 or 9 (my minimum), it can easily add up to 16 or more. .

    I tend to drink a LOT more at this time of year due to the drier air
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I am on a medication that makes my mouth perpetually dry, so I tend to drink a LOT of water anyway or else it feels like my tongue is gonna crack.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I think on here one glass is 8oz...if you are using a 24oz glass you are drinking way more than you are logging!
    It's measured by the CUP, not the GLASS. And a CUP is a standard measure of 8 ounces. It's not specific to this site.
  • louisebear
    HAHA this is a funny one, I drink way too much water.....i can drink 4 pints between 6am and 12 noon, then another 6 pints before 4pm!!!
    for me its easy because i have a disabled son too look after plus im pushing him around most morning too school soo my day is pretty much a whole workout hahah!!

    Night times are a nightmare a im up three times a night to wee. just always make sure tha ur pint glass is ever left empty!!!! good luck xx