Question for all of you major water drinkers...



  • MissJackie88
    Haha this topic has just motivated me to go refill my cup! That is one of my issues is that I KNOW I'm not always getting in at least 8 cups of water a day. I'm going to start working on that now.
  • ElleOQuent
    ElleOQuent Posts: 431 Member
    I carry around a gallon of water with me everywhere I go.
  • cafel3
    cafel3 Posts: 89
    I've read that the 8 glasses/day is only for the "average size" person. In general, you should drink as many ounces of water as your weight in pounds divided in half (e.g., a 260 lb person should drink 130 fl. oz. or 130/8 = 16.25 "glasses" of water a day). Sorry, I don't have a link to provide for this. However, I also agree with @meakins19 who mentioned that both your weight and the amount of exercise that you get should be taken into consideration.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I use Brita water filter pitcher and fill up 4 16-ounce tervis tumblers at the start of each day. I fill them to the top and drink a bit off the top and add ice. Generally I will drink 8-10 glasses. I usually stop logging after 8 though. Sometimes I allow myself one diet 7-up a day. The only time I drank 16 glasses of water was when I was fasting for the day for our holiday dinner and I had prime rib and because I really hadnt had anything with that much salt, by the time I got through that nite I had downed 16 glasses.

    I think 8 is plenty unless you are really dehydrated.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    some people swear by drinking water by the gallons a day. I would if I could tolerate the lifestyle, I pee enough as it is already with about 8-12, haha
  • Klein1475
    Klein1475 Posts: 248 Member
    I have craved ice cold water since I was pregnant and now 12 years later I still do... It's not hard for me to drink water... I usually go through at least a gallon and sometimes gallon and a half of water a day..... I am not diabetic... I don't force it... I just drink...
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I'm always SUPER thirsty in the morning so I drink 3 cups of water which usually jump starts it lol. Than I drink about 4-6 cups at work than 3 after exercise and 2 with dinner. I just get really thirsty, if you're not and you're getting between 8-10 a day I think you're fine. I would recommend measuring out how much water is in your tumbler because you may be surprised how little 1 cup of water is.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Well after you drink 3 of your tumblers you already have 9 cups down! A cup is only 8 oz. You're doing great!
  • hbart500
    hbart500 Posts: 304 Member
    I drink two bottles of water with lemon in the morning before i eat or drink anything else. It gives me energy throughout the day and then it is easier to drink more water throughout the day. I normally do not put ice or drink cold water unless im hot. I always drink 10 glasses of water a day...i do count my tea as water too.
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    I can't speak for everyone but I drink about a gallon a day. That's 128oz./8oz = 16cups

    That's just drinking. That does not include fruits, veggies or anything else that has water content. Keep those in mind too.

    I've always loved water. I drink it like, well, water. I prefer it over soda, alcohol, etc so it's not hard for me. Also, you have to take into account any tea, coffee, or ANY beverage really. It all contains water. If you look at it that way hitting 12-16 cups isn't all that hard.

    Don't stress about it - if you've replaced the 'bad' drinks with water and you're not feeling run down from dehydration then I wouldn't worry about it.
  • hbart500
    hbart500 Posts: 304 Member
    Well after you drink 3 of your tumblers you already have 9 cups down! A cup is only 8 oz. You're doing great!
    Very true^^^^from my statement before 2 bottles of water equal 4 cups. :)
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    I've read that the 8 glasses/day is only for the "average size" person. In general, you should drink as many ounces of water as your weight in pounds divided in half (e.g., a 260 lb person should drink 130 fl. oz. or 130/8 = 16.25 "glasses" of water a day). Sorry, I don't have a link to provide for this. However, I also agree with @meakins19 who mentioned that both your weight and the amount of exercise that you get should be taken into consideration.


    I have always heard to divide your weight in half too.
  • 1Ciarrah
    1Ciarrah Posts: 55 Member
    :bigsmile: Am not a water expert but I have one glass before and one after working out (I work out twice daily) =4
    One before lunch, one before dinner and a few sips of water whenever I'm craving sweets or a ciggie (I quit 2 months ago). I wouldn't like more water because I don't like cold drinks. Instead of more water I have 4-6 cups of herbal tea evry day (herbal tea counts as water). I love nettle tea and green tea, they really make you want a bathroom:bigsmile: No more info hehehe
    I have to get up twice at night. Well, I actually don't like getting up at night, but since I drink a lot my skin is so much better.
    Having said that : :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I agree!! I drink about 4 cups of grean tea a day. In between each glass of tea I drik a glass of hot lemon water. This also help to flush your system. Plus I drink water throughout the day.
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    It is interesting how many people think you can drink too much water. I have been told by my doctor to drink as many as I can cuz of my weight being 335 at the time. I probably can't drink the amount of 168 oz of water. Anyways thats my third 2 cents in this message board. I think I better stop while I'm ahead. LOL
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    I have no strong opinion on the debate. I do know that I drink about 32 ounces give or take. And I have a few cups of coffee and maybe a Monster Lo-Carb. Even without the caffeine (because that dehydryates) I feel like I would float away if I drank much more.
  • EmmaShorter
    I have several 50 cl bottles. As 8 oz is approximately 25 cl or 250 ml each bottle contains two glasses. I aim to drink 10 bottles a day translating to 20 glasses. I tend to fill the bottles up from the tap and leave them on the counter at room temperature in this cold weather. I do like cold water but in this weather room temperature is fine. As long as it is not warm it is fine.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I drink 20 8oz glasses a day on average (5 liters)

    1 before breakfast

    3 while I do my morning bus route (I have a 24 oz jug I must drink within that 2 hour period)

    1 more sometime before lunch

    1 with lunch

    same 24 oz jug while I do midday bus route (3 more water)

    then I come home and work out and I always drink at least that same 24oz jug with my 30-60 min of exercize

    then same 24 oz jug while I do my evening bus route

    then 1 before dinner

    2 glasses with dinner (usually add a bit of mio or crystal light here for flavor)

    1 before evening snack

    1 before bed

    and that's it a grand total of 20 water.....spaced out over a 17 hour period (I get up at 6 and go to bed around 11)

    sometimes I drink only 16 oz especially on the weekends when I'm out of my routine.....and I almost never go below 13.

    **I also have my AM coffee, I like to have my energy drink mid morning, sometimes a diet soda with lunch or afternoon snack, I also drink a protein shake after my workout and I almost always have a cup of tea with my night time snack. I guess I can just handle my fluids well. Other than my evening mio/crystal light water.....I NEVER EVER count, coffee, tea, etc as water.
  • watergirl626
    watergirl626 Posts: 249 Member
    I don't know if you need more water or not, how you are feeling, etc, but you wanted to hear from major water drinkers, and that I am.

    I hated water growing up, started drinking it in college (having a water bottle helped), and now drink it all the time, never worrying about the exact amount. Most days on MFP I estimate based on did I seem to drink a lot today or was it a light day? I have measured a few times this year to know where about I should estimate. For me, a typical workout day is 18-22 cups. A heavy day I put at 26, a light day is 14-16.

    How do I do it? I have a 24 oz water bottle that I drink from throughout the day. I also poured a "glass" at home, then poured that into a measuring cup to see what it actually is (16oz). I also take medications 2x daily, so there is another two cups. I drink my water cool, but not cold. If it is cold, I can't drink it as quickly. I tend to gulp, not sip. So I will pour a 16 oz glass at home when I walk in the door and gulp it all down at once.

    Is it too much water? Not for me. I get thirsty, my throat gets dry, I get headaches if I am low on my water for the day (i.e. out running errands all morning without drinking).

    Is it all I drink? Nope. I like coffee, tea, milk, chocolate milk, beer, wine, liquor. Is it mostly what I drink? Yes.

    Do I pee a lot? I think my bladder has adjusted. I don't pee any more often than other people, but I think I hold more in my bladder than others. Do I have to get up in the middle of the night to pee? Yeah, I typically do once. Sometimes more if I am having trouble sleeping (and then I get another glass of water. Haha).

    I think it has become habit for me, and my body has adjusted to it. Now less water than what I am used to makes me feel dehydrated, but on the plus side, a little extra sodium doesn't make me retain water.
  • Maggie_Pie1
    Maggie_Pie1 Posts: 322 Member
    I'll easily drink two liter bottles while I'm work. I'll usually have a liter bottle before/during/after working out as well. On top of that, I get my caffeine fix with a can of diet soda once or twice a day (save the lectures)
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    A good rule of thumb is to consume half of your weight in ounces.

    For example:
    If you weight 150, you should be drinking 75oz of water a day.

    I have a Nalgene that holds 32oz of water. I"ll have at least 2.5 at work. Some people count their tea, I personally don't.