So hungry...Encouragement please?



  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    thank you all so much for the support...

    I need to just start kicken up the veggies and fruits some more...its just hard to get adjusted to all of this bc all I have eatn is processed food for years...*which is why i look like a beached whale*

    My step-kids are very picky eaters and I'm tryin to get my bio-son to alot of different foods but the only things my steps eat are processed and packaged foods so that really all I buy. I need pick my butt up and listen to u guys...thank you for being so awesome. I have the biggest supporting family ever =)

    Looks like I"m going shopping tonight to get some healthy *and full-fillling* foods.. lol
    If you get the kids involved in preparing the food they are much more likely to eat it. My kids loved make your own pizza night, a bunch of small pitas and a bunch of healthy veggies plus turkey pepperoni and part skim mozzarella... set out the stuff and let them put on it what they want. Bake for about 10 min at 400 or so. Also a baked potato bar works the same way... bake a bunch of regular and/or sweet potatoes, set out a bunch of healthy stuff like cooked broccoli, light sour cream, cheese shreds, salsa or whatever and let them go to town. Let them chop and stir and give each kid a choice once a week... these are the healthy meal choices for today, which one do you want to help me make?
  • Goldenbast
    Goldenbast Posts: 227 Member
    You are just like me! How tall are you? I'm 5'9 and I weigh 286 but not too long ago I weighed 297! I am always hungry. Right now I am doing 1600 calories a day, so yours may be waaaaay off! I started the eating 6 small meals throughout the day, roughly every 3 hours. This seemed to solve my problem and now not only do I feel energetic and happy, but I am not hungry! But you have to be careful and make sure they are smaller meals! Also, if you feel hungry go for some fruit or some veggies, you almost can't go wrong that way. You know the smaller meals may help you with the emotional eating too, though I am not sure.....

    My kids are like that with the processed foods and I finally put my foot down. I stopped buying the processed junk...but I felt sorry for them and so compromised. My kids LOVE those frozen bought a big bag o beans and cooked them in my crock pot....added a quartered onion, some chopped up peppers and some cumin. I added NO salt or anything else and the beans were absolutely delicious...then I wrapped up a bunch of burritos (to control how much cheese I used) and then individually froze them and put them all in a gallon ziploc. The kids loved them and they were healthy. I started changing it up and now usually have a variety of chicken and rice, beef and bean (ohh you can cook a big pan of 73% ground beef, you know the cheap stuff) and then rinse it in very hot water and then freeze the ground wash away a huge amount of the fat.

    You can do this with taquitos, just about anything you buy premade you can make big portions of homemade and freeze...and you know what? It is cheaper :):):)
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    thank you all so much for the support...

    I need to just start kicken up the veggies and fruits some more...its just hard to get adjusted to all of this bc all I have eatn is processed food for years...*which is why i look like a beached whale*

    My step-kids are very picky eaters and I'm tryin to get my bio-son to alot of different foods but the only things my steps eat are processed and packaged foods so that really all I buy. I need pick my butt up and listen to u guys...thank you for being so awesome. I have the biggest supporting family ever =)

    Looks like I"m going shopping tonight to get some healthy *and full-fillling* foods.. lol

    They will eat what you buy eventually. They may complain at first but if you talk about healthy choices and "once in a while" foods they wiil begin to understand. Wean them off processed foods. If it's what you've been eating and fixing for them they are simply accustomed to them. Habits can be changed. Try "if you eat this then you can have this as a treat." Have them help you buy and fix the food. Talk about how unhappy you are that the processed foods helped you become obese and how you want to be part of a healthy, happy family. Let them know that kids can become overweight from poor food choiices too. This will take some time but you are in charge of what is put in front of them in your house. Trust me kids won't starve. ( Mother of four, did childcare of 11+ years, grandma to two (7 and 9) and Early Childhood Special Education teacher). You need to get your husband on board too. If you can have them go through cook books or web sites with healthy foods they can help choose things that look tasty to them. Diabetic cookbooks and magazines are a great place to start. Many health oriented websites have good recipies too. Good luck.

    As to being hungry, I think many of the posters have the right idea. More fruits, veggies and whole grains. Eat them as close to raw as you can. No sauces or cheese. Light olive oil is ok and then roast them. I too ate a ton of processed foods and now when I eat them or restaurant foods I notice how salty they are. The change is very quick to accepting healthier foods. tam120 had great ideas. My kids and childcare kids always cooked with me. Now all of my kids are good cooks.
    If you are really hungry try Kiwis, lots of fiber and vitamins and low in calories. Try quinoa, bulger, and whole grain couscous for healthy, filling additions. Oatmeal with 1 Tblsp of peanut butter stirred in and a tiny bit of low sugar coaco mix is delicious. (like a cookie). Hungry with no calories left? Try water or brush your teeth or eat a breath mint to give your mouth the oral sensation it needs. Good luck.
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    I find that protein is the key to feeling full for me. I make sure that I have protein every time I eat and I eat often. I was a compulsive eater. I have lost 170 lbs in the last 2.5 years. Try increasing your protein and eating every three hours. Works for me.
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    Eat more.
    Eat more fruits.
    Eat more vegetables.
    Eat at least the number MFP gives you, if not your BMR.
  • TXchris
    TXchris Posts: 54 Member
    You are likely not eating enough. Eat the amount MFP recommends including about half of your exercise calories and you will lose without suffering through so much hunger and without dropping your metabolism. I have fallen off the wagon more times than I can count. I thought it was because I was eating too much. On the contrary I was not eating enough. I've found I am consistently dropping now that I'm eating 1500-1700 per day end exercising daily to keep my net between 1200 and 1350 (1200 is what MFP recommended for 2 lbs and 1350 is 1.5 lbs per week). I have it set for thex1.5 so I know that's my cap. After 30 days of consistently doing this I'm down 9.7 lbs and almost 2 full pant sizes. I find that my loss stalls with just 4 or 5 days of falling short on calories. It is like my metabolism locks up becauae I've. Starved so many times before.

    Hang in there and seriously consider switching things up so you are eating aclittle more so you avoid a binge. Good luck'