Building muscle mass?

I started a gym membership Monday and I was told my the guy there I needed to up my calories from 1700 to 2500 and later I could go to 3500?????? So I upper my calories to 2300 and I've gained 5 pounds since Monday and its cant be muscle that fast. I was doing 1200 for 6 months dropped from 275 to 185 pounds since May/June. I want to build muscle mass, not much a little but not sure how to eat(calories/protien/carbs/etc) Any help would be great Thanks


  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I started a gym membership Monday and I was told my the guy there I needed to up my calories from 1700 to 2500 and later I could go to 3500?????? So I upper my calories to 2300 and I've gained 5 pounds since Monday and its cant be muscle that fast. I was doing 1200 for 6 months dropped from 275 to 185 pounds since May/June. I want to build muscle mass, not much a little but not sure how to eat(calories/protien/carbs/etc) Any help would be great Thanks

    Hi Cthoma70, maybe Scooby can help you. Check out his site.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    I started a gym membership Monday and I was told my the guy there I needed to up my calories from 1700 to 2500 and later I could go to 3500?????? So I upper my calories to 2300 and I've gained 5 pounds since Monday and its cant be muscle that fast. I was doing 1200 for 6 months dropped from 275 to 185 pounds since May/June. I want to build muscle mass, not much a little but not sure how to eat(calories/protien/carbs/etc) Any help would be great Thanks
    It's water weight that you gained in that short time. Keep your protein high, since only protein builds muscle an supply a good amount of carbs and fat. A 40 protein, 30 carb, 30 fat split seems to work well with lots of people that I've done it with. Without knowing what you actually do for exercise, I can only guess that 2500 calories might be okay.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    This is a great reference from an expert on this subject matter. Checkout his website if you go there.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member

    Hi Cthoma70, maybe Scooby can help you. Check out his site.

    I'm pretty sure Scooby isn't recommended by the more experienced members of this site. Try
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    any kind of calorie increase should be done slowly and surely. like increasing 500 calories every two weeks or something. keep your protein high, like, 1.5g per pound of body weight. your stomache will take time to adapt to the increas of calories.

    you can build muscle on a deficit, but not much, and only if your protein is high. in the beginning, you'll definetly see some noob gains in muscle definition.

    i wouldn't always listen to the guys in the weight room. so many people out there are very misguided in their views on nutrition. you, as a beginner, shouldn't be blasting your chest on mondays, legs tuesdays, etc. you'll get great benefits from doing full body circuits.

    write everything down. use an app like evernote to keep track of how much you are lifting, what exercises you like best, and how you feel and where you can improve. don't increase weight more then 10% a week, to avoid injuries.

    these articles helped me when i started working out at a gym

    I started a gym membership Monday and I was told my the guy there I needed to up my calories from 1700 to 2500 and later I could go to 3500?????? So I upper my calories to 2300 and I've gained 5 pounds since Monday and its cant be muscle that fast. I was doing 1200 for 6 months dropped from 275 to 185 pounds since May/June. I want to build muscle mass, not much a little but not sure how to eat(calories/protien/carbs/etc) Any help would be great Thanks
    It's water weight that you gained in that short time. Keep your protein high, since only protein builds muscle an supply a good amount of carbs and fat. A 40 protein, 30 carb, 30 fat split seems to work well with lots of people that I've done it with. Without knowing what you actually do for exercise, I can only guess that 2500 calories might be okay.

    this is good advice.
  • cthoma70
    cthoma70 Posts: 228 Member
    Thanks everyone I will read all of these, thanks again
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I started a gym membership Monday and I was told my the guy there I needed to up my calories from 1700 to 2500 and later I could go to 3500?????? So I upper my calories to 2300 and I've gained 5 pounds since Monday and its cant be muscle that fast. I was doing 1200 for 6 months dropped from 275 to 185 pounds since May/June. I want to build muscle mass, not much a little but not sure how to eat(calories/protien/carbs/etc) Any help would be great Thanks
    It's water weight that you gained in that short time. Keep your protein high, since only protein builds muscle an supply a good amount of carbs and fat. A 40 protein, 30 carb, 30 fat split seems to work well with lots of people that I've done it with. Without knowing what you actually do for exercise, I can only guess that 2500 calories might be okay.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    This one.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member

    Hi Cthoma70, maybe Scooby can help you. Check out his site.

    I'm pretty sure Scooby isn't recommended by the more experienced members of this site. Try

    You just opened up a can of worms... Get ready!

    To OP:
    Listen to Niner.. He's def. got good advice!
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member

    Hi Cthoma70, maybe Scooby can help you. Check out his site.

    I'm pretty sure Scooby isn't recommended by the more experienced members of this site. Try

    Do you know me?
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    ^^Why would you ask that?
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    ^^Why would you ask that?

    I've asked you if you knew me, because you are trying to discredit me. No one on here is an expert. The OP wanted suggestion, I have given him a link to go to that could help him. A lot of people on here don't like Scooby and that's fine, but that doesn't mean that Scooby doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm not into bodybuilding, but I will say that I would trust what Scooby is saying, before I trust anyone on here that's against him.

    People need to take out the time to really understand what Scooby is saying, before they think he doesn't know what he's talking about. The people on is giving their opinion as well.

    If you trust, then good for you, but please don't try to discredit what I have said. Again, we are all on here giving suggestions and our opinion. No one is an expert on here. I don't have to trust anyone here, no matter who they are. The same goes for me, a person doesn't have to trust me.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I started a gym membership Monday and I was told my the guy there I needed to up my calories from 1700 to 2500 and later I could go to 3500?????? So I upper my calories to 2300 and I've gained 5 pounds since Monday and its cant be muscle that fast. I was doing 1200 for 6 months dropped from 275 to 185 pounds since May/June. I want to build muscle mass, not much a little but not sure how to eat(calories/protien/carbs/etc) Any help would be great Thanks

    Hi Cthoma70, maybe Scooby can help you. Check out his site.

    Scooby is a noted broscientist who gives terrible advice
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    ^^Why would you ask that?

    I've asked you if you knew me, because you are trying to discredit me. No one on here is an expert. The OP wanted suggestion, I have given him a link to go to that could help him. A lot of people on here don't like Scooby and that's fine, but that doesn't mean that Scooby doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm not into bodybuilding, but I will say that I would trust what Scooby is saying, before I trust anyone on here that's against him.

    Scooby thinks egg yolks contain bad fats, yet cannot name what fatty acids are "bad"

    read this thread to see how clueless Scooby is
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Lyle McDonald is a pretty well respected name in the body building industry. I've read through some of his articles and they contain a lot of information. Most include citations to clinical peer reviewed studies.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    ^^Why would you ask that?

    I've asked you if you knew me, because you are trying to discredit me. No one on here is an expert. The OP wanted suggestion, I have given him a link to go to that could help him. A lot of people on here don't like Scooby and that's fine, but that doesn't mean that Scooby doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm not into bodybuilding, but I will say that I would trust what Scooby is saying, before I trust anyone on here that's against him.

    People need to take out the time to really understand what Scooby is saying, before they think he doesn't know what he's talking about. The people on is giving their opinion as well.

    If you trust, then good for you, but please don't try to discredit what I have said. Again, we are all on here giving suggestions and our opinion. No one is an expert on here. I don't have to trust anyone here, no matter who they are. The same goes for me, a person doesn't have to trust me.

    Why does it matter if I know you or not?
    I can see your picture, and I can see things you post in the forum.
    I can see Acg's picture, and I can see Acg's posts in the forum.
    I don't know him either, but based on those two things alone I can trust his opinion over yours. If I see something I disagree with, especially when the OP is on my FL, I tend to want to call that person out. It has nothing to do with knowing you or not.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    ^^Why would you ask that?

    I've asked you if you knew me, because you are trying to discredit me. No one on here is an expert. The OP wanted suggestion, I have given him a link to go to that could help him. A lot of people on here don't like Scooby and that's fine, but that doesn't mean that Scooby doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm not into bodybuilding, but I will say that I would trust what Scooby is saying, before I trust anyone on here that's against him.

    People need to take out the time to really understand what Scooby is saying, before they think he doesn't know what he's talking about. The people on is giving their opinion as well.

    If you trust, then good for you, but please don't try to discredit what I have said. Again, we are all on here giving suggestions and our opinion. No one is an expert on here. I don't have to trust anyone here, no matter who they are. The same goes for me, a person doesn't have to trust me.

    Why does it matter if I know you or not?
    I can see your picture, and I can see things you post in the forum.
    I can see Acg's picture, and I can see Acg's posts in the forum.
    I don't know him either, but based on those two things alone I can trust his opinion over yours. If I see something I disagree with, especially when the OP is on my FL, I tend to want to call that person out. It has nothing to do with knowing you or not.

    Out of respect for me, don't quote me. If you want to suggest to your friend, then please do so. Don't discredit me. I will always suggest Scooby to anyone that's looking for bodybuilding help.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Don't discredit me. I will always suggest Scooby to anyone that's looking for bodybuilding help.

    You discredit yourself by referring people to someone as universality ridiculed and discredited as Scooby, nevermind the continual recommendation of Tae Bo or cardio sculpt for everything and telling people BAI devices are accurate
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Don't discredit me. I will always suggest Scooby to anyone that's looking for bodybuilding help.

    You discredit yourself by referring people to someone as universality ridiculed and discredited as Scooby, nevermind the continual recommendation of Tae Bo or cardio sculpt for everything and telling people BAI devices are accurate

    You're not allowed to quote her. She said.....
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Don't discredit me. I will always suggest Scooby to anyone that's looking for bodybuilding help.

    You discredit yourself by referring people to someone as universality ridiculed and discredited as Scooby, nevermind the continual recommendation of Tae Bo or cardio sculpt for everything and telling people BAI devices are accurate

    You're not allowed to quote her. She said.....

    Carrieogg, I don't know who you are quoting. That person is on my ignore list. I'm putting you there as well.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    I've asked you if you knew me, because you are trying to discredit me. No one on here is an expert. The OP wanted suggestion, I have given him a link to go to that could help him. A lot of people on here don't like Scooby and that's fine, but that doesn't mean that Scooby doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm not into bodybuilding, but I will say that I would trust what Scooby is saying, before I trust anyone on here that's against him.

    People need to take out the time to really understand what Scooby is saying, before they think he doesn't know what he's talking about. The people on is giving their opinion as well.

    If you trust, then good for you, but please don't try to discredit what I have said. Again, we are all on here giving suggestions and our opinion. No one is an expert on here. I don't have to trust anyone here, no matter who they are. The same goes for me, a person doesn't have to trust me.
    If you trust him so much, then why don't you follow the advice he gives about heavy lifting to lose weight?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition