How do you tell your friend....??

Okay before i begin i might sound a bit not so nice but my question was how do you tell your friend that if she's going to keep eating what she's eating like McDonald's and stuff, she's not going to loose weight! She complains about her weight 24/7 but yet eats the most junk food stuff you would think off!!

she does exercise but what's the point if she eats way more then she exercises?? and i do hint her about this site and how I'm loosing weight but don't think its working. & not only that she makes comments about "fat girls" who are big but yet realisticly she's bigger then them no joke.

anyone have this problem with someone before? I'm just sick of her complaining but eating every junk food u can think off, and when u do tell her to eat more veggies, she says she doesn't like them or make it sound like they going to kill you.


  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Okay before i begin i might sound a bit not so nice but my question was how do you tell your friend that if she's going to keep eating what she's eating like McDonald's and stuff, she's not going to loose weight! She complains about her weight 24/7 but yet eats the most junk food stuff you would think off!!

    If you want to keep this friend, you don't. It's not your place. Suggest the site by all means, but if you critique what she eats she will get angry at you. Not matter how well meaning you are.
  • EddieG77
    EddieG77 Posts: 185 Member
    Friend of mine is 300+lbs....diabetic, MS, knee issues.....her middle name is "buffet" because all I hear is "Yeah I need to lose weight, blah, blah, blah as she goes to buffets every other day.....I have mentioned this site as well but still nothing. If they don't want to get healthier, there is not much that we can do to help.....I still support but I don't want to hear the b!tchin all the time.....not being mean at all!!
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    It sounds like DENIAL and the fact that she is not ready to shred those lbs. I would say all the time that I wanted to lose weight- but I was not ready till this site. (which she is rejecting- so not her thing) I hate to tell you time will change her because it might not. I think the best thing you can do it keep doing what you are doing and maybe when she notices a drop in your weight she might want to jump aboard. (be careful she will (I am guessing) be jealous as well)... also just be the best friend you can be to her. If she brings it up too many times and it becomes uncomfortable change the subject- or maybe she needs a dose of reality - U R BIGGER THEN THEM!
  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member
    Okay before i begin i might sound a bit not so nice but my question was how do you tell your friend that if she's going to keep eating what she's eating like McDonald's and stuff, she's not going to loose weight! She complains about her weight 24/7 but yet eats the most junk food stuff you would think off!!

    If you want to keep this friend, you don't. It's not your place. Suggest the site by all means, but if you critique what she eats she will get angry at you. Not matter how well meaning you are.

    see thats what i mean, if i hit her up about what she's eating, then she only going to get angry at me but in other hand shes my uni buddy and i hang out with her almost every day, we going to be flat mates next year and i was telling her every night we going for a walk for 2 hours, she agreed, so hopefully once i start eating maybe more healthy food, maybe she might start too is well.
  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member
    Okay before i begin i might sound a bit not so nice but my question was how do you tell your friend that if she's going to keep eating what she's eating like McDonald's and stuff, she's not going to loose weight! She complains about her weight 24/7 but yet eats the most junk food stuff you would think off!!

    If you want to keep this friend, you don't. It's not your place. Suggest the site by all means, but if you critique what she eats she will get angry at you. Not matter how well meaning you are.

    see thats what i mean, if i hit her up about what she's eating, then she only going to get angry at me but in other hand shes my uni buddy and i hang out with her almost every day, we going to be flat mates next year and i was telling her every night we going for a walk for 2 hours, she agreed, so hopefully once i start eating maybe more healthy food, maybe she might start too is well.
  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member
    Okay before i begin i might sound a bit not so nice but my question was how do you tell your friend that if she's going to keep eating what she's eating like McDonald's and stuff, she's not going to loose weight! She complains about her weight 24/7 but yet eats the most junk food stuff you would think off!!

    If you want to keep this friend, you don't. It's not your place. Suggest the site by all means, but if you critique what she eats she will get angry at you. Not matter how well meaning you are.

    see thats what i mean, if i hit her up about what she's eating, then she only going to get angry at me but in other hand shes my uni buddy and i hang out with her almost every day, we going to be flat mates next year and i was telling her every night we going for a walk for 2 hours, she agreed, so hopefully once i start eating maybe more healthy food, maybe she might start too is well.
  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member
    Okay before i begin i might sound a bit not so nice but my question was how do you tell your friend that if she's going to keep eating what she's eating like McDonald's and stuff, she's not going to loose weight! She complains about her weight 24/7 but yet eats the most junk food stuff you would think off!!

    If you want to keep this friend, you don't. It's not your place. Suggest the site by all means, but if you critique what she eats she will get angry at you. Not matter how well meaning you are.

    see thats what i mean, if i hit her up about what she's eating, then she only going to get angry at me but in other hand shes my uni buddy and i hang out with her almost every day, we going to be flat mates next year and i was telling her every night we going for a walk for 2 hours, she agreed, so hopefully once i start eating maybe more healthy food, maybe she might start too is well.
  • kasarin
    I wouldn't say anything to her, honestly. Someday she will be ready and ask you questions. Until then, you can't force her to anything she doesn't want to do (it is a free country and all.) If you push her it will probably have the opposite effect and lead her to be more stubborn. Just keep setting a good example. Honestly, I am concerned you both are growing apart. It has happened with many friends in your situation...
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I was kinda the same way for a long time. But one time I was at the beach with my best friend and saw a girl in a bathing suit with a skirt. Very round woman. I told my friend to never let me get big enough to need a skirt. She said "If you keep eating like you do, you may need one by next summer". It hurt, but I needed to hear it. It is what kicked my butt into gear.
  • Vurbach
    Vurbach Posts: 52 Member
    I struggle with my best friend also- she has actually had 2 people come up to her and rub her belly asking when she is due and she still has done nothing to change it. She LOVES gas station hot dogs and a giant mt. dew, as well as McDonalds, Taco Bell, etc. And she smokes. She is a cute girl- and watching her let herself go (gaining 40+lbs) like this has been hard. I have asked her many times if she wants to go to the gym with me or go running etc and the answer is always the same- there is always an excuse. I have accepted that I can't change her, but I do still drop hints about how she needs to get healthier in order to be happier, and that I'm always there to help. It's hard to sit back and watch, but by hinting here and there that's the most you can do without pissing your friend off to the point where it causes a wedge between you both. I feel your pain! It's hard!
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I think at some point all of us were in denial about how we ate and things like that. I would suggest the site and how its helped you but it is going to take HER and HER only to realize what she is doing isn't helping her weight loss. You may just have to suck it up and ignore when she makes weight comments.
  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member
    I wouldn't say anything to her, honestly. Someday she will be ready and ask you questions. Until then, you can't force her to anything she doesn't want to do (it is a free country and all.) If you push her it will probably have the opposite effect and lead her to be more stubborn. Just keep setting a good example. Honestly, I am concerned you both are growing apart. It has happened with many friends in your situation...

    yeah im not going to but when someone complains 24/7 u cant help it but scream at them. and what pisses me off the most when she makes comments about others being fat, but honestly realisticly she is bigger then them!!! and she has no children or anything to make that as an excuse. I know where she comes from, big girls is normal in their culture, like let say 5'2 who was 80 kg is considered like skinny when in reality its considered over weight or chubby... her whole family are over weight too expect her younger sisters who are 2 and 1..
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    Okay before i begin i might sound a bit not so nice but my question was how do you tell your friend that if she's going to keep eating what she's eating like McDonald's and stuff, she's not going to loose weight! She complains about her weight 24/7 but yet eats the most junk food stuff you would think off!!

    If you want to keep this friend, you don't. It's not your place. Suggest the site by all means, but if you critique what she eats she will get angry at you. Not matter how well meaning you are.

    see thats what i mean, if i hit her up about what she's eating, then she only going to get angry at me but in other hand shes my uni buddy and i hang out with her almost every day, we going to be flat mates next year and i was telling her every night we going for a walk for 2 hours, she agreed, so hopefully once i start eating maybe more healthy food, maybe she might start too is well.

    when you live together, just dont let her derail you. If she doesnt want to go for the walk, you still go. As she sees your habits and success and determination, it may help her. Remember how overwhelmed you felt in the beginning...... she will too. But you may have a really positive influence on her, and you may not. But if you dont, dont make it come between you. And I might mention to her one time when she is being rude about those "big girls" that she isnt too far removed. I mean, be slick about it, If she wears a size 18 or something, say "I know, right? they must at least be a size 16!" If nothing else, it will make her think about it.
  • lupa01
    lupa01 Posts: 162 Member
    Okay before i begin i might sound a bit not so nice but my question was how do you tell your friend that if she's going to keep eating what she's eating like McDonald's and stuff, she's not going to loose weight! She complains about her weight 24/7 but yet eats the most junk food stuff you would think off!!

    she does exercise but what's the point if she eats way more then she exercises?? and i do hint her about this site and how I'm loosing weight but don't think its working. & not only that she makes comments about "fat girls" who are big but yet realisticly she's bigger then them no joke.

    anyone have this problem with someone before? I'm just sick of her complaining but eating every junk food u can think off, and when u do tell her to eat more veggies, she says she doesn't like them or make it sound like they going to kill you.

    Yes, I've had that problem with someone before, kinda still do. It's like the saying goes, "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink". You've done your job, so ultimately, the rest is up to her. Sometimes people just aren't ready yet. When she gets really tired of being the way she is, she will make a real commitment to do something about it. Until then, concentrate on yourself and maybe she will be inspired.:-)
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    the next time she says it, stop, look at her, and say do you want advice? Truthfully? if she says yes, without going into details, just say something along the lines of "exercise is important, and you are doing great with that piece! however, nutrition is just as important, if not more. " See what she says. She is either interested in considering a change in her eating habits at that point-or not. Some people honestly just have no idea that they cant lose weight (well) by just adding some exercise and not changing their eating. By saying the above ^ you are not criticizing her or her choices, but opening the door for her to start thinking about nutrition and how she feeds her body.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Okay before i begin i might sound a bit not so nice but my question was how do you tell your friend that if she's going to keep eating what she's eating like McDonald's and stuff, she's not going to loose weight! She complains about her weight 24/7 but yet eats the most junk food stuff you would think off!!

    she does exercise but what's the point if she eats way more then she exercises?? and i do hint her about this site and how I'm loosing weight but don't think its working. & not only that she makes comments about "fat girls" who are big but yet realisticly she's bigger then them no joke.

    anyone have this problem with someone before? I'm just sick of her complaining but eating every junk food u can think off, and when u do tell her to eat more veggies, she says she doesn't like them or make it sound like they going to kill you.
    Tell the truth and put the relationship on the line.

    Advise her that you have moved into a new stage of life and there is no room for those unwilling to change.
    And mean it!

    You can meet new friends with health and fitness as a common interest and sever all connections with fat friends.

    But if you want to try to change others, give it a go. You'd be better off just slamming your head in the car door, because it's less frustrating.

    And one final thought.
    I followed the very advice I just gave. Why?
    It's a fact that when we hang with fat people, we pick up their habits, and the same is true for fit friends.

    Tell her to change her disgusting ways or end the friendship. You'll be glad you did.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    "If you keep eating that crap you are not going to lose weight".

    Just like that.
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    I just answered a similar thread. My feeling is this: you can't change a person, and you shouldn't try. She has to want to change. Right now, she doesn't want you to solve her problem. So stop wasting the energy. Consider this: Maybe it's -you- who has changed, and because of that, she's no longer the kind of friend you need in your life right now. But only you can make that decision. Otherwise, be her friend -- not her nutritionist, not her personal trainer, not her conscience. If you can no longer stand her because of her habits, then that's on you, and you need to decide if you want to still be friends with her.
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    It's a fact that when we hang with fat people, we pick up their habits, and the same is true for fit friends.

    Only partly true. Fat people -- like myself -- who want to change, can gain a lot of motivation from fit friends. They can learn from what types of food they order and how much they eat at restaurants or work. Fit friends can be excellent resources, full of information that can help their fat friends. But the caveat to this is that they have to want to change, to show commitment to it.

    I also find these sort of threads vaguely offensive. There are a lot of "fat" people on this site, who are trying to change their ways, and constantly talking about fat people in a pejorative manner sounds a great deal like prejudice and almost hypocrisy coming from people who have struggled with their own weight -- even if they have won their struggle.

    The next thing I'll hear is "But I'm not prejudice! Several of my friends are fat!" ;}
  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member
    I just answered a similar thread. My feeling is this: you can't change a person, and you shouldn't try. She has to want to change. Right now, she doesn't want you to solve her problem. So stop wasting the energy. Consider this: Maybe it's -you- who has changed, and because of that, she's no longer the kind of friend you need in your life right now. But only you can make that decision. Otherwise, be her friend -- not her nutritionist, not her personal trainer, not her conscience. If you can no longer stand her because of her habits, then that's on you, and you need to decide if you want to still be friends with her.

    dont get me wrong i love her but the thing is, is not me that brings up diet, its always her. Today she was telling me that we should tip in for food ($$) when we move in since we both students and i told her straight up that i dont eat now the food she usually eats which is most of the time burgers etc.. and i rather spend my money wisely on better food that will last me for a week or two, unless my dad is Donald Trump!so i think she got the hint from there but my point was she is the one that always brings this subject up, i know she does wants to be thin and she should know how anyways since we both science students and do nutrition paper as part of our studies...