How much did you gain during the holidays and WHY?



  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I gained 5 pounds. Why: I went way over my calorie intake of 1000, Yes, Doctor orders, no, I am NOT starving!!! I drank 2 bottles of Baileys, which is pure fat and a bottle of champagne. No cookies or goodies. No problem passing that up!!!

    No carbs at all. Just had fish!!!. I was alone Xmas eve and Xmas day so no food.
  • jennabellaxoxo
    jennabellaxoxo Posts: 232 Member
    whoops..double post!
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    2 lbs in about 2 weeks, but i'm honestly 99% sure it's water weight and not an actual gain cause i haven't been keeping up with a good water intake
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    I weighed 137lbs before the holidays and now weight 139lbs. I didn't do the traditional Xmas but went to Spain with my mum and stepdad. I didn't count calories and ate lots of unhealthy food (though not as much as I would usually at Xmas at least), I only walked and had a couple of swimming sessions rather than my usual exercising every day, so it doesn't surprise me at all. Now I'm back to logging food and exercising and must drink loads of water too!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    5-7 pounds. Part of it was sweets and part was because I quit running. I haven't run in 2 months, first due to a cold and recently just due to being lazy. I didn't worry about or log what I ate, I ate what I wanted, when I wanted, including a lot of restaurant food (ouch on the calories).

    But, back to it on the 1st. I'm hitting it hard again after this week.
  • stephanie8625
    stephanie8625 Posts: 119 Member
    4 for me ! :cry:
    I have not been to the gym for almost 3 weeks...... over the holidays, I just ate everything that I usually do not eat, cookies, pie, cake.. did not stop at one helping....... did not over eat, but just had alot of "fattening" food --

    I really feel it in my clothes, and I just feel like crap !!! What a different feeling when I do not work out -- more tire in the evening and have problems waking up in the AM !! When I do work out, I feel energized, have a pep in my step --- I MISS IT -- my schedule for this week did not allow me to get into the gym, so I have promised myself that this weekend is it......Saturday, Sunday, Monday, I will be there, working it out, getting back into it.
    I want that healthy feeling not like feeling like this....... good luck in your journey, I sent you a friend request !!

  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    How much? Probably about 5 pounds. Don't know for sure.
    Why? Because Santa is jealous of my progress.
    Curse that jolly elf!
  • MsMuniz
    MsMuniz Posts: 399 Member
    The holidays are not over, I'm waiting until January 1st to weigh myself...hopefully not more than a pound or two...
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    2 pounds, but it was intentional! I was in Las Vegas with family and we ate and drank for 6 days straight.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    How much? Probably about 5 pounds. Don't know for sure.
    Why? Because Santa is jealous of my progress.

    This made me laugh out loud :laugh:
  • Katiemarie4488
    Katiemarie4488 Posts: 242 Member
    Im up about 2 lbs. and im completly ok with it.
    I spent time with friedns and family, and ate what we cooked with love!

    I dont eat and drink like this all year long, so its a real treat when I do!

    I have been really good since then, and would be willing to bet the weight is back off.
    I am going to drink on NYE :)
  • deannarey13
    I'm too afraid to even weigh myself. I am going to do so tomorrow though.

    I know why.

    Sweets. I literally went on a binger. I had a headache for 2 days. I haven't done anything like that in a really long time, but it tells me that I have a serious issue with my relationship with food. It's something that I am looking at within myself and evaluating to prevent in the future.

    I'm getting back on track now and eating nice and clean for the last few days.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Don't hate, but I lost about 3 lbs over the past two weeks. I told myself way back in September when I got back on MFP that this was the WORST time to BEGIN, which only made it the best for me! Halloween candy, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's...they were all coming up soon, and I was not going to just give up and wait until the new year! I was going to keep things under control and sail right through, and if I could do that, all of 2012 would be gravy!

    Just get back to it! It's over and done, starting right now! Even if you have some more parties to go to and cookies to bake. Start NOW! :)

    WOW! I applaud you! GOOD FOR YOU! You are so smart! It is always something: party, holiday, graduation, Valentine's Day, Father's Day, Mother's Day, Groundhog day, etc..... This is your life. You are not letting food be the focus.

    I have done really good in getting within 3 pounds of my goal before the food frenzy started! before weight 137.6. After weight: 141.6. Luckily I had lost most of the weight before it came back again on Christmas Day! But over the last three days I have lost 3.2 pounds, so only 0.8 left! Then back to reaching for my goal of 135! I think it was mostly sugar, salt, and fat water weight and "system back up" from eating food that no longer works for my body.

    Having cookies and leftovers in my house from a potluck go me. Cookies....Mmmmmm.......... I think my worst sin was 8 cookies on Christmas Day! Completely forbidden and absolutely delicious! Remnants are safely in the "no Susan" zone!
  • LJGmom
    LJGmom Posts: 249 Member
    I gained 1,6, but am already down 1.2. I really tried to not stuff myself, but I definitely ate too many Christmas goodies.

    Why? Cause it was Christmas! I am back on track and determined to get to my goal weight by Presidents weekend because I'll be wearing a swimsuit!
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    None! I actually lost a pound! how? Moderation!
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    About 1 lb. since my lowest weigh-in in Oct. Not bad at all, considering all the wine, and sweets I ate. I also went to five holiday parties, which were really challenging, and impossible to log accurately. I had at least 10 days in Dec. when I exceeded my net calorie goal of 1200 calories/day. But you know what, I wouldn't change a thing, even though my goal was to not gain weight. After a year of losing about 30 lbs, it was actually fun to be able to relax a bit about food and enjoy the holidays. My only concern is what to do with all the remaining yummy treats that I have at home. I want to hide some of them, but my hubby and daughter want to leave them right where they are! And they jump right in my mouth whenever I pass them.
  • crystal3000
    I lost 2 pounds. I stayed focused.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    My goal was to gain nothing and I ended up losing 1 pound. I ate what I wanted - tracked and worked out more than usual.
    I WILL hit the 130s in the next few months!
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I lost 2 pounds. I stayed focused.

    Good for you!!
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I've gained 5lb... maybe more, but I've stopped getting on the scale. I feel horrific. WHY: My husband and I hosted Christmas for the in-laws (my parents do not celebrate Christmas) so it was particularly stressful, my work has me stressed also, so the entire week before I was trying to get as much done, and worrying about the days I had off and how behind I would become. I worked through lunches and would grab take'out or inhale something left around the office. I stopped cooking meals and we began ordering pizza so I would have time to bake and decorate the house. I baked copious amounts of christmas bark, cookies, and cakes, snack mix and spinach dip. Oddly I didn't eat much of any of that. I'm not a 'treat' girl. The Wendy's drivethru, Papa John's and local Chinese outlet is where I attained my food joys. Social gatherings meant drinks were flowing. Also, being it was "the season" I had wine with EVERYTHING. I drank like a fish, more bottles of wine and martini's than I care to mention. I feel like a truck has hit me. Did I mention I have an intollerance to Sulphites..... This morning I had McDonald's for breakfast because it's become second nature now to eat crap. I realized in that moment as I wolfed my mcMuffin down, just how bad my past 2 weeks have really effected me. The idea of McDonalds' at any time let alone breakfast would have caused dry heaving. My fingers are spilling like chubby jelly around my rings because I've consumed so much sodium. I also have stopped drinking water entirely - what the hell??!! I guess I only drink wine and coffee now. Apparently my entire mindset has also changed. So I packed my gym gear and bathing suit in my car and I'm out to get the health back on.