

  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Check your portion sizes. Most people eat more than they think they are, underestimate portion sizes and overestimate exercise burns.

    And yes, according to your diary, you're not eating enough fresh food and while it's not impossible to lose weight eating processed food, you're probably making it harder than it needs to be.

    Finally, I'm not sure I'd count short walks as working out. They're a good start, but you might want to consider upping your game on the exercise front, once you've built a little fitness from the walking. I'd certainly lengthen your walks a bit and try to step up the pace a bit.

    But realistically, according to your diary, you're just a few days in. Give yourself a bit of a chance!
  • sunflower_yogi
    sunflower_yogi Posts: 78 Member
    Lose* =D
    yes - Lose. anyhow, take it easy. it sure hasn't been that long and working out twice a day doesn't necessarily mean you will lose more...
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Seriously? Dump him. Lose 200 pounds instantly!

    so that id loose because my fiance said I was getting big

    You caught yourself a real charming guy.

    This seems off to me as well-- this is supposed to be a happy time in your life. What's he going to say when you have kids and gain some baby weight?

    I think getting healthy is a great idea, but it ought to be for you, not for him.

    As for the actual weight loss-- make sure you entered all of your information correctly and try to relax. Changes don't happen overnight. It takes dedication, patience, and commitment. And wedding planning is stressful without trying to lose anything so try to set realistic goals for yourself.
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    A) You started on Monday and today is Thursday? Be patient.

    B) Wtf is your fiance's problem?
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I took a two week gander through your diary...here is what I suggest:

    1. Make sure that you have input your measurements
    2. Track Everything you consume and be honest
    3. Do not eat more than your goal calories
    4. Do not Starve yourself with less than 1200/day thinking you shed weight. Your body will go into starvation mode.

    You've made the choice. Now commit and ACT upon that choice. IF YOU WANT IT...GET IT!
    The decision to do or do not is yours....

    THIS! and the post that followed it!
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    take a couple rest days. last week i was on day 179 of working out straight and been plateauing for 2 months. i finally took 5 days off and dropped 6 lbs. Lesson learned, now I'll make sure to give myself rest throughout the week
  • mjaesi
    ive heard of hgc but kinda wasnt sure about it
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    A) You started on Monday and today is Thursday? Be patient.

    B) Wtf is your fiance's problem?

    Actually, if you go back a bit further there are several days spaced out before that.

    But you're not really using the tools well. You're not logging ever day, you appear to be going over fairly frequently, and going signficantly under on other days. None of these things are going to help you.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Cut out the processed foods and watch the sodium. Also get a good HRM for accurate calorie burn counts. Add in lean proteins, veggies, whole grain and do not eat below your set goal eating less will harbor your weight loss.
  • atiffany1
    Drink lots of water to flush out all the toxins you have ingested by eating processed food and too much meat... Watch how much protein you are ingesting. If you eat too much protein and don't balance that out by the right amount of exersize it turns into fat. Don't eat processed food... basically if its sweet or salty its pretty much a no go unless you are talking fruit. When you eat a lot of things like chips and so on the sodium in that is really bad for your heart and makes you retain water. Eat lots of Veggies, you can eat a lot of Veggies and not even come close to your calorie amount and you wont be hungry. If you look at my food diary for lunch I'll eat 2 cups of Spinach, half a sweet red pepper, cherry tomatos, Carrot shavings,sometimes some jalepeno when I am craving some kick, and the most calories I put on it is the dressing at 110 cal for 2 tblspn. Measure everything because you might be eating more servings than you think. Simple things like cereal... a whole bowl of cereal isnt 1 serving, about half a bowl is... so be mindful of empty calories, and how many servings you eat.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    ive heard of hgc but kinda wasnt sure about it

    They were just joking. Don't touch it with a barge poll.
  • houstonmacbro
    houstonmacbro Posts: 99 Member
    Drink lots of water to flush out all the toxins you have ingested by eating processed food and too much meat... Watch how much protein you are ingesting. If you eat too much protein and don't balance that out by the right amount of exersize it turns into fat. Don't eat processed food... basically if its sweet or salty its pretty much a no go unless you are talking fruit. When you eat a lot of things like chips and so on the sodium in that is really bad for your heart and makes you retain water. Eat lots of Veggies, you can eat a lot of Veggies and not even come close to your calorie amount and you wont be hungry. If you look at my food diary for lunch I'll eat 2 cups of Spinach, half a sweet red pepper, cherry tomatos, Carrot shavings,sometimes some jalepeno when I am craving some kick, and the most calories I put on it is the dressing at 110 cal for 2 tblspn. Measure everything because you might be eating more servings than you think. Simple things like cereal... a whole bowl of cereal isnt 1 serving, about half a bowl is... so be mindful of empty calories, and how many servings you eat.

    Good advice on the measuring part and the other advice. I know for a fact I was eating WAY too much both in quantity (daily) and individual portions.

    Another things, don't eat out a lot unless you are absolutely CERTAIN about the calorie and fat content. Learn to cook for yourself as you will know what you put in things. I GUARANTEE you it will contain a lot less salt and fat than your typical meals out at the chain restaurants.
  • atiffany1
    so that id loose because my fiance said I was getting big
  • atiffany1
    Sometimes our loved ones can be the most honest when we have let ourselves go, he might not have said it to hurt her but help her
  • atiffany1
    Drink lots of water to flush out all the toxins you have ingested by eating processed food and too much meat... Watch how much protein you are ingesting. If you eat too much protein and don't balance that out by the right amount of exersize it turns into fat. Don't eat processed food... basically if its sweet or salty its pretty much a no go unless you are talking fruit. When you eat a lot of things like chips and so on the sodium in that is really bad for your heart and makes you retain water. Eat lots of Veggies, you can eat a lot of Veggies and not even come close to your calorie amount and you wont be hungry. If you look at my food diary for lunch I'll eat 2 cups of Spinach, half a sweet red pepper, cherry tomatos, Carrot shavings,sometimes some jalepeno when I am craving some kick, and the most calories I put on it is the dressing at 110 cal for 2 tblspn. Measure everything because you might be eating more servings than you think. Simple things like cereal... a whole bowl of cereal isnt 1 serving, about half a bowl is... so be mindful of empty calories, and how many servings you eat.

    Good advice on the measuring part and the other advice. I know for a fact I was eating WAY too much both in quantity (daily) and individual portions.

    Another things, don't eat out a lot unless you are absolutely CERTAIN about the calorie and fat content. Learn to cook for yourself as you will know what you put in things. I GUARANTEE you it will contain a lot less salt and fat than your typical meals out at the chain restaurants.

    oh I know that is how I gained my 18 lbs, when I was staying with my fiance and his work put him up in a hotel for 6 months, no kitchen or anything so we ate out every night... I gained 18 lbs just like that.. now we have settled here and have an apt, time to start losing the extra unwanted weight..!!
  • moxette
    moxette Posts: 104 Member
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Since Monday? that was barely 3 or 4 days, right?
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    ive heard of hgc but kinda wasnt sure about it

    They were just joking. Don't touch it with a barge poll.

    I bet if you had a barge pole and tried to touch stuff with it you would lose some weight or get stronger arms
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Please don't do HCG-- seriously.
  • gigiangelique
    gigiangelique Posts: 233 Member
    You might want to take a closer look at your food diary. In 3 days you've got baked lays, sweet and salty nut bar, nabisco ritz bits, candy, 500 calories in creamy dressing, KFC and a couple of white buns, rolls.

    Get some whole grains in there, lean protein, get rid of the chips and nut bars and go for some almonds, peanut butter.

    yup its 80% what you eat! trust me I have a tough time as well