Question: Over 300 lbs and loss with no surgery???



  • mrsfortune
    mrsfortune Posts: 82 Member
    Wow! Wow! Wow! to all of you!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I wish I could send a flower to all of you because this has been more inspirational than I expected. I thank you all for responding and look forward to continuing the journey alonside all of my new friends on here. If I haven't added you please feel free to add me because I love having supportive friends. I have some that have been with me since I started and they are phenomenal! I'm wishing all of you continued support on your journey and please believe I read every post. Thank you for the inspiration!:heart:
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I started at 382 pounds. Took Phentermine for 1 month. Lost about 25 pounds that month. Rest has been sweat, tears, and eating right. I'm clocking in the 280's from my starting weight of 382.6 when I started on August 1st, 2011. You can do it. Never give up, never accept, never forget!
  • alisonwww
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    Joined Jan 2009
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    Thu 12/29/11 09:42 AMI love that I know the date! Dec 29th 2008, I stepped foot in the gym, and never looked back . 188 pounds later ( goal weight reached NOV 2010) I have spent the last year maintaining my weight loss. ( Which is harder to do than anyone would think,) IF you are even close to weighing what I weighed 3 years ago ( 330 pounds) and you think for a moment you can not do it, think of me, I was just like you, thinking I was always going to be fat and sad, then I said SCREW THAT, I was going to get fit and healthy and live my life, I wanted to be fit by 40, and I was! Dont think you cant do it, cause you can ! Trust me!



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    Joined Sep 2011
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    Thu 12/29/11 09:45 AMWow...tremendous work you have done! You look fabulous I know you must feel as good as you look! Thanks for sharing!!! Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Joined Feb 2009
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    Thu 12/29/11 09:46 AMAMAZING! I so love seeing your before and after reminds me that this journey is totally worth it! All of the sweat and tears...and now getting to LIVE my life instead of just existing...what a wonderful feeling! You look so awesome! Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Joined Jun 2011
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    Thu 12/29/11 09:47 AMyou amaze me. Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Joined Dec 2011
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    Thu 12/29/11 09:50 AMWow! You look friggin fantastic! Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Joined Dec 2011
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    Thu 12/29/11 09:54 AMthat is motivation at its finest! :)
    great job in looking and feeling beautiful and healthy! Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Joined Sep 2010
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    Thu 12/29/11 09:56 AMyou're stunning! amazing transformation :) Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Joined Oct 2011
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    Thu 12/29/11 09:56 AMIncredible! Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Joined Jan 2009
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    Thu 12/29/11 09:58 AMit takes a long time, and that is hard to wrap your head around, but I always thought this " time is going to go by regardless, I may as well try to get healthy! " Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Joined Jun 2011
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    Thu 12/29/11 09:59 AMOMG!!! you are soooo gorgeous and stunning...i can't believe its the same person!!

    I have been debating a gym membership for various reasons but wow...this sets it in stone...i need to start researching some gyms!

    Great job!!! Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Joined Dec 2011
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    Thu 12/29/11 09:59 AMyou look amazing!! I'd be wanting to share my story to if I were in your position! It is hard work but you can get there! Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Joined Dec 2011
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    Thu 12/29/11 10:03 AMWow. You look amazing! You deserve every compliment you get on here because of all the hard work you put in. Congrats! You're even more inspirational to me because I have the same amount of weight to lose. And look, you did that! So I can too! :}
    Edited by Hambone23 on Thu 12/29/11 10:04 AM Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Joined Jun 2009
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    Thu 12/29/11 10:03 AMYou look AMAZING!!!! This is such a great inspiration to me! Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Joined Oct 2010
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    Thu 12/29/11 10:05 AMWhat an incredible transformation! You look gorgeous and so happy! Your story is such an inspiration. Congratulations on your success!! Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Joined Feb 2011
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    Thu 12/29/11 10:06 AMWonderful! You look great! Please share some of your favorite workouts, classes or cardio. I would like to change things up a bit. Thanks again! Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Joined Oct 2011
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    Thu 12/29/11 10:06 AMCongratulations!!! It is a long road but a road so worth the journey......... Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Joined Aug 2011
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    Thu 12/29/11 10:07 AMI am one year into that same journey through starting at an older age than you. You have done great--that gives me great hope that I will reach my goal as well.

    Just a question for you--did you ever experience a major plateau. I have stayed between 172-175 for the last 3 months and can't seem to get my weight loss going again. Do you have any suggestions?

    Thanks for sharing your encouraging success story!

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    Joined Aug 2011
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    Thu 12/29/11 10:09 AMWow, that is an amazing transformation. Shows what a little hard work and determination can do. Congrats, you are a great inspiration. Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Joined Dec 2011
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    Thu 12/29/11 10:10 AMAmazing and inspirational. You look like a whole new person. Congrats on making your goal and bigger congrats on maintaining it! Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Joined Mar 2009
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    Thu 12/29/11 10:13 AMYou look amazing!!!! Congrats on your journey! Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Joined Mar 2011
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    Thu 12/29/11 10:14 AMThat is awesome! Thanks for the motivation! Any tips for those of us still working towards our goal weight? Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Joined Nov 2011
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    Thu 12/29/11 10:17 AMYou look AMAZING! Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Joined May 2010
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    Thu 12/29/11 10:18 AMFantastic results for no doubt the masses of determination, hard work and patience taken to get there. Well deserved!

    Do you enjoy exercise or did you have to force yourself to go to the gym each time? I'm interested cos I hate the gym and am thinking of giving it another go. New year, new start etc! Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Joined Dec 2011
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    Thu 12/29/11 10:18 AMGood for you. My three year anniversary is Martin Luther King Day. I don't know what took me so long !!! Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Thu 12/29/11 10:19 AMI have done all sorts of things in the gym, I teach classes now, but before I was teaching I took lots of classes, cycle, step, yoga, bodyworks, and did lots of weight training as well. I didnt follow one thing, I just did lots of cardio ( about 5 hours a week) And about 4 hours of cross training. I run, walk on major incline, I do alot of different things. :) Report Post|Quote|Reply
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    Message Boards » Success StoriesPosts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    333 Start

    No surgery, just diet and exercise

    Been maintaining for over a year and a half at a weight I was not at previously at any other time in my adult life.(Been between 220-230 for this year/half but usually in the 224-226 range)
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    me me me!! you can do this. I know how frustrating it can be, but you can do it, you will have good days, bad days, good weeks, bad weeks, good months, bad months , You will, you wont be perfect every day, but if you stick with it ,you will succeed!!

  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I started at the end of March at 377 lbs. Joined mfp at the beginning of May at 366 lbs. I now weight 297 lbs. No surgery, no pills, etc. Just reduced my intake of food. There are lots of success stories like this on here!
  • jamszy
    jamszy Posts: 123 Member
    Totally possible. I was 306 on July 1, 2010. 18 months later, I now weigh 204. Stay focused, motivated, and take your time. It's a lifestyle change, not a race.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Although I am really struggling right now, I haven't given up. I started in Feb 2010 at 313lbs. The first year I lost 50lbs. This year I got down to 79lbs down but I have gained back some of what I lost in the last 2 months, and am currently determined to get it back off. For me it isn't about the number on the scale. It is about my behavior. The weight loss is a result of being able to control my eating disorder. As long as I don't binge and make sure to get in regular exercise, I will continue to lose weight. It has really helped me to take my focus off the scale and put it on my behavior. A week without bingeing is as rewarding if not more so than seeing the number on the scale drop. Hell, right now I'd take a full day of not bingeing! Like I said, I'm struggling right now. But it will pass. There is more information about me in my profile if you're interested.
  • lilbigginz
    It is indeed possible. I'm currently doing it without surgery.
  • joaniehuffman
    I started about 3years ago at about 300 lbs. I started with a competition with my son to lose the most weight in six months. We both used "Take Shape for Life" which is actually a Medifast diet, where you have 5 Medifast meals a day and 1 lean and green meal ...approximately 1000 calories a day. While we were in our competition I did great. I lost 80 lbs. I then started cheating, and yoyoing the same 20 lbs up and down. Right now I'm at 232 and I am back on track again,. The diet works if you can stick to it, and you really should be able to. I know many people that have lost 100 lbs or more on this plan. The most important thing on any plan is support. The best thing about this plan is that you do not have to think about any of the meals other than the lean & green, there is not a lot of prep time, and the meals are balanced. I have lots of energy and feel great when I am on plan. It is difficult to stay on plan if you travel, although I usually take some with me whereever I go.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I was 376.4 lbs when I started this past january, not near 300 lbs loss, but I am 180 lbs lost with no surgery, just a diet and nutrition plan at a local hospital.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I went to the doctor last March and was told to loose weight. I was 316. This morning I weighed 227. I have done this without pills, programs or surgery. It is not a diet. It is a healthy lifestyle. Eating well, but not to excess and giving my body the exercise it needs to be toned and firm. I still have a way to go, but I am please with the way things are going and have no doubt that by the end of next year I will be at my healthiest weight and I will have learned the healthy lifestyle needed to keep myself at that weight for the rest of my life.
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    I started at 370. I am now 178. No surgery. 28 more to go. And this was done since may 2010.
  • FredH115
    Im 6'3 and in july i started MFP and i was 315 lbs i am now 255.2 lbs and its been hard but i feel so amazing now!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Another one. I was 302 when I started, am now 246lbs after six months.

    You can do it. It's not easy but it's worth it. I'm still obese but I feel 1000 times better than when I started.

    Pills and gastric bypass are not the answer.
  • amaodonnell
    amaodonnell Posts: 100 Member
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    I'm not "there" yet, but I started this year at 307, didn't get serious about my journey until Sept 13th, I started actually using MFP then at 287lbs, and weighed in on Monday at 247. I'm on my way for sure and won't stop until I get there!!

    Just remember, even if/when you "fall off the wagon", the wagon stops and waits for you to get back on!! MFP is always here for you and so are all the wonderful MFP pals!
  • Udail51
    Udail51 Posts: 35 Member
    Not sure how much this will help. My first target weight is 310, I might go as low as 260 but I'm not sure. Anyway, I have lost 124 pounds with just exercise and eating right in the last 13 months. Most of my loss has been in 9 months.

    I do 3 to 4 days of "boot camp", "cross training". Manly bodyweight exercises and the use of kettlebells. I try to get in 3 days of strenght training as well.

    Diet is high protein, low carbs, and lots of water at least 1oz per half of body weight.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    no surgery here and I went from over 300lbs to where I am now in approx 2 years.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    yes. it requires dedication and patience but it can be done
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