How often do you weigh?



  • Savora
    Savora Posts: 25
    Here is a fantastic article by Prevention magazine on the BENEFITS of weighing DAILY.............. woohoo to all us daily scale slaves out there. I too weigh everyday it helps keep me motivated and on track!
  • zendarah
    zendarah Posts: 91 Member
    Morning and night :(
  • kaizen31
    kaizen31 Posts: 74 Member
    I weigh basically every day, though I don't record it on MFP. Like others have said, I think it depends on your personality. Some people go nuts with the day-to-day fluctuations. I just laugh about it. "Uh-oh, gained 2 pounds! Guess I need a good bowel movement!"
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    weighing daily is not a bad thing until you let it affect your progress some people can do this and be very successful you have to find what works for you!!

    I weigh every Monday
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    I dont, i dont like to..
    the scales are mean!
  • ashjen1217
    ashjen1217 Posts: 34 Member
    I like to weigh in every day, but I will only log it here on MFP once per week.
  • adlwilmot
    I do it EVERY day! And I swear by it. How many times have I started out eating healthily, exercising and being really motivated, only to step on the scales a couple of weeks later and found I lost NOTHING or very little and as a result given up? TONS!!! And how many times had I actually lost some, but was carrying some excess water around? TONS!!!

    Now by weighing myself each day, not only do I see the fruits of my efforts, but I also know 100% that if I only ate 1200 calories yesterday, there is no way those 2 extra pounds I see on the scales 24 hours later are 2 pounds of fat. It's IMPOSSIBLE!! So I keep trogging on, knowing that those 2 pounds will disappear in a day or so and probably take another half a pound with them.

    So... I swear by it. It's teaching me a lot about my body and it keeps me emotionally in check.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Either 4 or 8 weeks.
  • joshh75
    Every Thursday before noon.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I weigh myself everyday. I find this keeps me in check. Now, I realize that our weight fluctuates daily, and because I know that, I don't freak out over being up a pound or two one day. I just chug the water, and find that it comes back off. A lot of people think that weighing daily isn't "healthy", but I truly find that, right now, I need to do this in order to keep myself aware of what is happening. Once I hit my goal, I can see myself backing off on the scale a bit...maybe to once per week.

    this. now i am at maintenance i do it a bit less often, but i think its good to understand how your body fluctuates. if the numbers drive you crazy though, or you cant go a day without HAVING to weigh then maybe weighing every day isnt for you.
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I weigh once a week at my TOPS meeting.
  • Tskitzo
    I'm going to do it every Sunday in the morning. And as soon as I can find my measuring tape, I'll be measuring myself each Sunday as well.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Officially every two weeks, but I do occassionally jump on the scales at the gym after a workout.
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    I weigh in every morning, if I gotta take a dump then I do it. Sometimes I'll take a shower and weigh myself after, but that effects your weight on the scale by -0.5* or so lbs.

    I record my weight in a spreadsheet each morning and include notes to see if any particular trend in my weight can be correlated with decisions that I make in life.

    I also chart it out, when I am finally done with losing all of my weight then I will make an ultimate line graph of my own to see the drastic trends. For now, I just record my weight each morning in MFP and's BodySpace.


    Seeing a graph like this helps me to keep focus and reminds me that each day is a baby step towards my big goal!
    But different things work for different people. It also makes it easier for you to excuse your obsessive weighing each morning =]
  • niknak0508
    niknak0508 Posts: 430 Member
    I check my weight every morning before I eat or anything. I only keep track one day a week on MFP though. I am not obsessive or anything, just feel like it keeps me on track! I don't get discouraged if the scale moves up and down...... that's totally normal!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member

    The scale is put away in a cabinet, and only rolled out once a month on 'official weigh in day' - no joke! When I first joined MFP, I was obsessively weighing in, two or three times a day. I would get so upset with every little upward fluctuation. I have my calories set to lose a half pound a week, so realistically... weekly weigh-ins typically bring such small scale changes. I found myself feeling really demotivated by such small drops. Whereas... with monthly weigh-ins, I was seeing 2-4 pound losses (sometimes more!)

    I don't actually think I need to put my scale away in a cabinet anymore because I have come to *love* weighing in monthly. I always see losses, and that keeps me going!
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    I want to lose weight, but I am more focused on getting healthy, so I will not weigh everyday. As long as I know I am making better food choices and my clothes are looser then I don't have to worry. I might weigh once every week or so, just when the mood strikes.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    When I'm trying to gain or when maintaining: Every 2-4 weeks - basically whenever I think I should probably weigh myself.
    When I'm trying to lose: Once a week (apart from TOM week)
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    I weigh myself everyday (though I have to admit when I am being bad, I tend to skip it when I am "off the diet". But then make myself start back up again. I se an app called target weight. It shows me the general trend of my weight loss and estimates when I will meet my goal, so even if I fluctuate, it is not a big deal. Best app ever.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    Every day, morning and after work and then again before bed. I guess I'm obsessing. I need the motivation to keep at it.