fit and fun sized - those under 5'4" - January 2012



  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello Fun Sizers :)

    I found this topic and new I fit in immediately LOL I'm 5'2" and 143. Heaviest I've been and I feel soooo uncomfortable, I'm going to get my self in gear and make that ticker move (in the right direction) My mother and sister have just joined MFP also and hopefully we can get some results. I have joined the YMCA, enjoy the Precor machine but I must admit I joined 2 months ago and have only gone 4 times... Uh oh, bad start LOL I plan on getting back on track, 3 years ago I was 120 and went to the Y 3 days a week with a lot of activities at home inbetween. The heavier I get, the less energy I have and the less I do with my kids, my husband and for myself. Darn it... I'm ready to do this!!!

    I hope to meet others and be held accountable and maybe challenged!

    I found the YMCA to be very open towards people like us just getting started on the going to the gym thing. Good Luck. I hope your group is as nice as mine was. I did have to quit the Y due to the money, but I did enjoy my years with them.

  • CountryGal2
    CountryGal2 Posts: 3 Member
    I am 5'1" and weigh 187. I am 62. I began exercising Jan 2010 and have lost all of 1 lb for the year. At least I have become more flexible, healthier & more stable. It is so discouraging. This year I plan to add 1 more day at the Y to my schedule and really measure my portions. I switched to a small plate last year but it was not enough for lost. At least when I went on vacation and through the holidays, I did not gain any weight.. Hope by blogging here my motivation will be sustainable.
  • stonea22
    Good morning. How are we doing? I have been doing GREAT since I started using MFP in December, but I go back to work today. I have a very flexible schedule, but many deadlines so I am worried. I packed my lunch and snacks so that is good. Lunch and baked goods at work were my enemy.

    I don't have much to lose, but would really like to get it off. I used to be more athletic and want that body back.

    What are your challenges as the holidays end?
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Hi all. I'm going to try to do a daily check in just to keep myself on track. I tend to get distracted (lazy, lol) if I don't hold myself accountable someplace besides my food log.
    I did pretty well yesterday. I went over a bit, but that is because it was my daughter's 30th birthday. She was home for the holidays but had to go back to SC this past weekend. I baked her birthday cake and sent it with her. I kept one piece here and had it "with" her last night on the phone. Her husband is deployed and I couldn't stand the thought of her being alone with just a preschooler and toddler on her birthday. I know, I could have just called and not actually eaten the cake, but that wouldn't have been the same. Besides, I make a really good chocolate cake, lol. I'm doing well so far today, but I promised my grandsons we would have fried chicken for dinner. If I can stick to just one piece, I'll be ok. Darn it, being a good cook makes losing weight challenging. Add to that being short and 50, and my work is definitely cut out for me. I can do it as long as I have more good days than Oops days.

    I've decided to stop some of the negative self talk I've been doing most of my life and turn it in to positives. A little late, maybe, but better late than never. I'm starting with my shoulders. I have broad shoulders and have always felt they made me look like a football player. I'm changing how I look at them. They look strong, soft and kind of sexy. If I show off my shoulders they can take the emphasis off my belly. I'll get around to liking that part later, maybe.

    What part of you do you like and feel proud of? I've always had great legs - not bragging, just being honest. Now I believe I have great legs and great shoulders. Let's find the best of ourselves and be proud of it!

    Have a great day ladies!
  • thea0101
    thea0101 Posts: 54 Member
    Hello ladies! I am 5'1". Not too short by Filipino standards, but by international standards....let's not go there. I just turned 31 last month, and I just started 2012 right by deciding to make wiser choices in food, and to exercise. I also have a beach trip scheduled for February which I'm very excited about, I want to look great by then.

    I am around 115lbs now, and if you consider I was always in the 98-104lb mark, this is a huge difference for me. I figured it's time to start working out and eating better because I am getting older and my metabolism isn't the same. My goal is really to get fitter and lose the flabs, if my weight stays the same I don't really mind. Good luck to us all! :)
  • missannabel
    missannabel Posts: 17 Member
    Urgh, I just keep putting weight on, whether I'm consciously trying to lose it or not. At 4ft 7in and fairly sedentary, there's only so much I can restrict without being stupid.
  • MsOne
    MsOne Posts: 2
    Hello Everyone,

    I'm in. I'm 5'3 and it is not a good look to have 200lbs on my short self. I am on a journey to a healthy 145lb. wish me luck!
  • 2jayjaysmom
    2jayjaysmom Posts: 248 Member
    I'm in...just joined guys are so right at 5'2" any weight gain looks like a ton so lets go i'm ready
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    5'2" here. I joined MFP in October but have only lost 2 lbs since then. It's so hard losing anytihng when you're small to begin with! My goal for 2012 is to exercise more. I live in a city so I do a lot of walking and biking, but no real workouts. I'm going to make an effort to go to Bikram yoga once a week and swim laps once a week.
  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    I am 5' even i am 28 and a mom of 5, I needlotsof friend and motivation due to tooth pick of a hubby that doesnt understand being over weight. In 2011 i was pregnant tell june and as soon as i has the baby i have been trying to get back on track, i was here before baby, I have lost some since baby but not much I really want to do this but above all i need this I found out while pregnant i have high blood pressure and blood disorder and if not got under control I could end up with heart desease or worse... Feel free to add me! :ohwell:
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Urgh, I just keep putting weight on, whether I'm consciously trying to lose it or not. At 4ft 7in and fairly sedentary, there's only so much I can restrict without being stupid.

    I found out that being sedentary during most of the day will negate your workout. The body needs to move around every hour to burn calories during the day. If you eat normally, the sedentary lifestyle will not burn the typical amount needed to balance your normal food intake, and instead will add an extra 200-300 calories per day. The workout will then not be enough to create a deficit since it will only burn the extra calories per day and not any of your food intake. I hope this makes sense.

    So you will need to eat 200-300 calories less (if healthy to do so) or move more during the day.

    300 extra calories per day = 1 pound per 11 days or around 33 pounds per year if not burned off. 200 calories would be more like a weight gain of 20-21 pounds per year, which is what happened to me.
  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    Went way over calories today, with that being said also finding it hard to fit in workout without loosing sleep. I had my weigh in today and even though my logging was dicey I did manage to loose 6lbs! My main problem is I dont really want to work out in front of my husband call me crazy but I'm so self consious. 5'0" 167lbs:ohwell:
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Urgh, I just keep putting weight on, whether I'm consciously trying to lose it or not. At 4ft 7in and fairly sedentary, there's only so much I can restrict without being stupid.

    I found out that being sedentary during most of the day will negate your workout. The body needs to move around every hour to burn calories during the day. If you eat normally, the sedentary lifestyle will not burn the typical amount needed to balance your normal food intake, and instead will add an extra 200-300 calories per day. The workout will then not be enough to create a deficit since it will only burn the extra calories per day and not any of your food intake. I hope this makes sense.

    So you will need to eat 200-300 calories less (if healthy to do so) or move more during the day.

    300 extra calories per day = 1 pound per 11 days or around 33 pounds per year if not burned off. 200 calories would be more like a weight gain of 20-21 pounds per year, which is what happened to me.

    This is so true - although a good, hard workout is better than not working out at all, at our height we only burn so much doing aerobic activity for 30-60 minutes (the numbers can be depressing compared to our taller friends...). If you can find a way to also move some during the day, it will really help - do some jumping jacks, or go up and down stairs when you take a bathroom break, or take an extra walk at lunch. If you can't, at our height, we really need at least an hour a day of hard-core cardio to lose. Another thing I found that helps a lot is weight training - it doesn't so much help you lose as it helps to boost your metabolism a bit so fluctuations in your eating don't do as much damage.

    Regarding food and cals, try to make sure as much of your food as possible is fresh/frozen and unprocessed - this will give you the most nutritional bang for the least caloric bucks - when I eat really clean, I sometimes struggle to get to 1200 cals because you can get pretty full on fresh veggies, fruits, and lean proteins without consuming a lot of calories (with some whole grains). The processed foods and starchy/sugary carbs are where the calories really come from.
  • Juliette320
    Juliette320 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm 5'3 and the from June - December of 2011 was good to me I lost 30 pounds (: I want in on this though
  • Triciacannon
    Triciacannon Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5'4 and was 179 lbs, but recently lost 3lbs! Every little bit helps! I've just started on my weight loss goals and am looking forward to feeling a bit more light on my feet!
  • junebug523
    I'm in! 5'2" and 144 lbs. This is right about where I was this time last year--I got down to 138 (sooooo close to a normal BMI!) and then gained it back over the next several months.

    This year my weight goal is to reach 130 lbs (just 5 lbs over my long-term goal weight). 14 lbs in one year might not seem like much to some people, but with the way my body hangs onto weight it would be a truly amazing accomplishment.

    I also have a few fitness goals:
    1. Work up to running a half-marathon. I walked a half-marathon in October and sprained my ankle right before the finish line, so I have been taking it slow as it heals. I am planning to do another half-marathon in April. Hopefully I'll run the whole thing, but I'd be satisfied with running half of it at this point. Depending on how that goes, I may sign up for another one later in the year.
    2. Work up to running an average of 15-17 miles per week, and stick with it.
    3. Be able to do 30 full-body pushups. Right now I can do about 20.

    Another major goal for me: keep logging on MFP! I totally slacked off last year, and I know that is a big reason why I gained the weight back. I also think staying in touch with this group will help to hold me accountable.

    Good luck, all! Let's keep this momentum going and not let it fizzle out over the next few weeks!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Urgh, I just keep putting weight on, whether I'm consciously trying to lose it or not. At 4ft 7in and fairly sedentary, there's only so much I can restrict without being stupid.

    I found out that being sedentary during most of the day will negate your workout. The body needs to move around every hour to burn calories during the day. If you eat normally, the sedentary lifestyle will not burn the typical amount needed to balance your normal food intake, and instead will add an extra 200-300 calories per day. The workout will then not be enough to create a deficit since it will only burn the extra calories per day and not any of your food intake. I hope this makes sense.

    So you will need to eat 200-300 calories less (if healthy to do so) or move more during the day.

    300 extra calories per day = 1 pound per 11 days or around 33 pounds per year if not burned off. 200 calories would be more like a weight gain of 20-21 pounds per year, which is what happened to me.

    This is so true - although a good, hard workout is better than not working out at all, at our height we only burn so much doing aerobic activity for 30-60 minutes (the numbers can be depressing compared to our taller friends...). If you can find a way to also move some during the day, it will really help - do some jumping jacks, or go up and down stairs when you take a bathroom break, or take an extra walk at lunch. If you can't, at our height, we really need at least an hour a day of hard-core cardio to lose. Another thing I found that helps a lot is weight training - it doesn't so much help you lose as it helps to boost your metabolism a bit so fluctuations in your eating don't do as much damage.

    Regarding food and cals, try to make sure as much of your food as possible is fresh/frozen and unprocessed - this will give you the most nutritional bang for the least caloric bucks - when I eat really clean, I sometimes struggle to get to 1200 cals because you can get pretty full on fresh veggies, fruits, and lean proteins without consuming a lot of calories (with some whole grains). The processed foods and starchy/sugary carbs are where the calories really come from.

    All good suggestions that I have started to do. I bought a walking DVD that I jump up to do 2-3 times during the day. A mile is only 12-15 min. I can do that as a break. I do run up and down the stairs more often, and I have a mini-tramp I will bounce on too. I also have been doing the 30 Day Shred which is great cardio/ST all in one. My food is actually good.

    I don't think we need 1200 calories because we are smaller. That does not make sense. One size does not fit all. Even MFP has me at 1156, and it is fine. Plus, when we eat highly nutritious foods, we don't need to eat as much since we already have the nutrition our bodies need. Our bodies get hungry when they need fuel and nutrition. One of the reasons many of us overeat is that we never get the proper nutrition so the body is always "hungry" for more food.

    We shall see how this works for me. It's only been week 1, but I'm hoping the extra movement will finally budge more weight.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: I joined a 100 squats a day challenge on MFP.....squats are great and easy to do because you don't need special equipment and you don't have to lie down to do them :laugh: :laugh: I do many of the squats in the morning while I'm walking my dogs.....when the dogs stop to sniff the grass or the bushes, I do some squats....some mornings I've done as many as 80 squats just while walking the dogs :bigsmile:
  • happybunnysbabe57
    happybunnysbabe57 Posts: 191 Member
    i wanna join also. i am 5"2.5 lol that .5 makes me feel a little taller. i love how reading most of the peoples post on here we all seem to add that little extra to make us seem a bit taller. anyways i have not weighed myself in a week or so cuz i was waiting for jan 5th to kick start back into gear. jan 5th of last year was the day i found and joined this site so after a long year i let myself have a little cheat for the holidays but i gained some weight back then a lost some so i decided to workout but on the 5th i would kick into gear and stop slacking holidays are over and 1 year seemed like the place to start. so tomorrow i will be weighing myself for my upto date weight. if anyone wants to add me fill free i love friends.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Good Morning all! I'm up 13 pounds since my surgery in June :( so time to get busy. So far I've been successful about looking the other way at the grocery store in the cookie aisle. My goals for this week will be to continue with no cookies and to exercise M-F this week!! I hope everyone has a great week!!