100 Miles in January!



  • kleinbuenstorf
    Today's walk: 5 miles !!! :bigsmile:

  • Brittmy
    Brittmy Posts: 141 Member
    5 miles to go till I reach my goal!! :-) Today's bike, 10 miles.

  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    I am at 95!!! with 3 more days to go...I can totallly make this!!!

  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 839 Member
    HALF WAY MARK Total so far -- 40.41
    A little behind but I'll make it up.

    1/16 --1.42 miles (sorry for the late post; web site down last night)
    1/17 -- 3.21 miles
    1/18 -- 3.37 miles (had hoped to get way more today but other things came first today)
    1/19 -- 7.31 miles
    1/20 -- 0.31 mile (just toooo exhausted today)
    1/21 -- 2.55 miles
    1/22 -- 4.71 miles
    1/23 -- 1.25 miles (tomorrow is another day)
    1/24 -- 3.71 miles
    1/25 -- 4.10 miles
    1/26 -- 0.73 mile (lot of things got in my way today)
    1/27 -- 4.6 miles
    1/28 -- 1.07 miles

    Total So Far -- 78.75 miles
    Pretty sure I won't get the 100 in this month, but I'm going to do what I can before the end of the month.
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    1/28 ~ 3.2 miles

    Total - 136.8 miles
  • falfal923
    falfal923 Posts: 80 Member
    1/29 - 5 Miles Elliptical = 109.35 Total
  • catwalking
    2 miles walking this morning brings me to 98 miles!
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    15 miles running this morning.

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Rides so far this month:

    02/01/2012 - 26.50km (16.46 miles) - 1523kcal - Local loop - bright and sunny but cold and windy
    03/01/2012 - 34.59km (21.49 miles - 37.95 miles total) - 2196kcal (3,719 kcal total) - Indoor cycling - storms/gales/rain
    04/01/2012 - 32.42km (20.14 miles - 58.09 miles total) - 2318kcal (6,037 kcal total) - more indoor cycling
    06/01/2012 - 66.19km (41.13 miles - 99.22 miles total) - 3875kcal (9,912 kcal total) - finally, a proper outdoor ride
    07/01/2012 - 27.38km (17.01 miles - 116.23 miles total) - 1565kcal (11,477 kcal total) - indoor cycling again :angry:
    08/01/2012 - 37.73km (23.45 miles - 139.68 miles total) - 2090kcal (13,567 kcal total) - Extended local loop
    10/01/2012 - 40.57km (25.21 miles - 164.89 miles total) - 2297kcal (15,864 kcal total) - as above + a little bit extra
    12/01/2012 - 37.52km (23.31 miles - 188.20 miles total) - 2133kcal (17,997 kcal total) - Extended local Loop
    target for January exceeded already :noway:
    13/01/2012 - 27.78km (17.26 miles - 205.46 miles total) - 1516kcal (19,513 kcal total) - Local Loop
    18/01/2012 - 34.10km (21.19 miles - 226.65 miles total) - 3117kcal (22,630 kcal total) - indoor cycling
    19/01/2012 - 22.69km (14.10 miles - 240.75 miles total) - 1242kcal (23,872 kcal total) - local loop
    21/01/2012 - 41.01km (25.48 miles - 266.23 miles total) - 2836kcal (26,708 kcal total) - various indoor cycling sessions
    23/01/2012 - 18.97km (11.79 miles - 278.02 miles total) - 992kcal (27,700 kcal total) - mountainbike local woods
    25/01/2012 - 37.36km (23.21 miles - 301.23 miles total) - 2080kcal (29,780 kcal total) - extended local loop
    26/01/2012 - 36.82km (22.88 miles - 324.11 miles total) - 1974kcal (31,754 kcal total) - As above
    28/01/2012 - 32.18km (23.10 miles - 347.21 miles total) - 2117kcal (33,871 kcal total) - As above
    29/01/2012 - 37.05km (23.02 miles - 370.23 miles total) - 2024kcal (35,895 kcal total) - As Above but in the rain


  • Brittmy
    Brittmy Posts: 141 Member
    I DID IT!! OVER 200 MILES BIKED THIS MONTH! Thank you to this group for keeping me so motivated to post every day! :-)

  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 839 Member
    HALF WAY MARK Total so far -- 40.41
    A little behind but I'll make it up.

    1/16 --1.42 miles (sorry for the late post; web site down last night)
    1/17 -- 3.21 miles
    1/18 -- 3.37 miles (had hoped to get way more today but other things came first today)
    1/19 -- 7.31 miles
    1/20 -- 0.31 mile (just toooo exhausted today)
    1/21 -- 2.55 miles
    1/22 -- 4.71 miles
    1/23 -- 1.25 miles (tomorrow is another day)
    1/24 -- 3.71 miles
    1/25 -- 4.10 miles
    1/26 -- 0.73 mile (lot of things got in my way today)
    1/27 -- 4.6 miles
    1/28 -- 1.07 miles
    1/29 -- 2.97 miles

    Total So Far -- 81.72 miles
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I made my 100 miles today with a 14 mi bike ride! 108.5 miles total for the month!
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    30 miles to go and only 1 day. hmm. will try to do more tomorrow but not sure if I will be reaching the goal. but! it is furthest in a month ever for me (or at least since I was a teenager) so yay for that :P
  • kleinbuenstorf
    After a day of rest, :bigsmile: another 5 miles today :happy:

  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    January 2nd- 5.6 miles (94.4 miles left)
    January 3rd- Rest Day
    January 4th- 3 miles this morning (91.4 miles left) 3 miles this evening (88.4 miles left)
    January 5th-Rest Day
    January 6th- 3.0 miles (85.4 miles left) 2.0 miles (83.4 miles left)
    January 7th-Rest Day
    January8th-Rest Day
    January 9th-5.2 miles (78.2 miles left) 2.0 miles (76.2 miles ;eft)
    January 10th- Rest Day
    January 11th-5.0 miles (71.2 miles left) Finally got a quarter of the way, working to get half-way
    January 12th-Rest Day
    January 13th- 4 miles (67.2 miles left)
    January 16th- 4.1 miles (63.1 miles left)
    January 20th- 3.0 miles (60.1 miles left)
    January 23rd-4.0 miles (55.1 miles left)
    January 27th-2.0 miles (53.1 miles left)
    January 30th-3.2 miles (49.9 miles left)

    Being that I incorporate other exercises, I will say getting to the halfway mark is a success for me. Will push for 60 miles next month.
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    I finally did it!!! I hit the 100 mile mark today...one day early!!! Only took me 3 months of trying!!


    Congrats to everyone!! Even if you didnt make it to 100...I bet you went farther then you ever have before!!!
  • catwalking
    4 miles walking today brings me to 102!!!
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    I just finished my run on 1/31/2012 End of months results

    87.38 Did not quite make it but a solid B! Need to work harder and get it in Feb :)

    1/1/2012 4.11
    1/2/2012 4.19
    1/3/2012 3.47
    1/4/2012 2.98
    1/5/2012 3.93
    1/6/2012 3.63
    1/7/2012 0
    1/8/2012 4
    1/9/2012 1.4
    1/10/2012 2.5
    1/11/2012 4.11
    1/12/2012 3.86
    1/13/2012 0
    1/14/2012 2.72
    1/15/2012 3.87
    1/16/2012 0
    1/17/2012 3.7
    1/18/2012 2.65
    1/19/2012 4.27
    1/20/2012 3.86
    1/21/2012 2.7
    1/22/2012 0
    1/23/2012 3.85
    1/24/2012 3.35
    1/25/2012 3.48
    1/26/2012 3.76
    1/27/2012 3.42
    1/28/2012 3.72
    1/29/2012 0
    1/30/2012 0
    1/31/2012 3.85
  • alibyouss
    alibyouss Posts: 129
    1 JAN…………….. 4.75 MILES……….. WALKING
    2 JAN…………….. 5 MILES……….. WALKING
    3 JAN…………….. 11 MILES……….. WALKING
    4 JAN…………….. 5.25 MILES……….. WALKING
    5 JAN…………….. 11.5 MILES……….. WALKING
    6 JAN…………….. 5.25 MILES……….. WALKING
    7 JAN…………….. 4.75 MILES……….. WALKING
    8 JAN…………….. 5 MILES……….. WALKING
    9 JAN…………….. 6.25 MILES……….. WALKING
    10 JAN…………….. 6.75 MILES……….. WALKING
    11 JAN…………….. 4.75 MILES……….. WALKING
    12 JAN…………….. 5.25 MILES……….. WALKING
    13 JAN…………….. 4.75 MILES……….. WALKING
    14 JAN…………….. 4.75 MILES……….. WALKING
    15 JAN…………….. 0 MILES……….. WALKING
    16 JAN…………….. 4.75 MILES……….. WALKING
    17 JAN…………….. 5 MILES……….. WALKING
    18 JAN…………….. 4.5 MILES……….. WALKING
    19 JAN…………….. 4.5 MILES……….. WALKING
    20 JAN…………….. 5 MILES……….. WALKING
    21 JAN…………….. 6.75 MILES……….. WALKING
    22 JAN…………….. 9.75 MILES……….. WALKING
    23 JAN…………….. 9.75 MILES……….. WALKING
    24 JAN…………….. 11 MILES……….. WALKING
    25 JAN…………….. 3.75 MILES……….. WALKING
    26 JAN…………….. 5 MILES……….. WALKING
    27 JAN…………….. 4.75 MILES……….. WALKING
    28 JAN…………….. 0 MILES……….. WALKING
    29 JAN…………….. 4.75 MILES……….. WALKING
    30 JAN…………….. MILES……….. WALKING

    TOTAL (MTD) 164.25 MILES………..
  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 839 Member
    HALF WAY MARK Total so far -- 40.41
    A little behind but I'll make it up.

    1/16 --1.42 miles (sorry for the late post; web site down last night)
    1/17 -- 3.21 miles
    1/18 -- 3.37 miles (had hoped to get way more today but other things came first today)
    1/19 -- 7.31 miles
    1/20 -- 0.31 mile (just toooo exhausted today)
    1/21 -- 2.55 miles
    1/22 -- 4.71 miles
    1/23 -- 1.25 miles (tomorrow is another day)
    1/24 -- 3.71 miles
    1/25 -- 4.10 miles
    1/26 -- 0.73 mile (lot of things got in my way today)
    1/27 -- 4.6 miles
    1/28 -- 1.07 miles
    1/29 -- 2.97 miles
    1/30 -- 6.71 miles

    Total So Far -- 88.43 miles