lossing over 100 lbs?



  • petersoncl
    Instead of pasta cook spaghetti squash. You will be surprised at how much you will be happy with it as a replacement and it is not expensive when you look at how much a spaghetti squash can supply. It tastes really good and a really good replacement for pasta.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Here is a bit of advice that I generally give people who ask based on what worked (works) for me:

    1) The quality of your calories - whether 1200 or 2000 - really does matter, not only in how it impacts weight loss, but how it impacts your overall health. Filling your body with NUTRITIOUS foods is just as important (if not more so) than just staying within your calorie goals.

    2) Find a kind of exercise you enjoy and do that until you build the habit of exercising because you are less likely to skip working out if it is something you enjoy. Then start incorporating new things - you not only will work new muscles, but you may find new things you enjoy.

    3) Eliminate temptation. If you are an emotional eater, don't keep junk food around. If it isn't available, you're less likely to binge on it.

    4) Indulge cravings... sensibly. If you are dying for chocolate, have some, BUT... try to find the healthiest option (for example, one small square of dark chocolate, or make some hot cocoa with some milk or almond milk, cocoa powder, and stevia, which is a natural no-calorie sweetener) and keep the portion small. If you completely deprive yourself, you're going to binge. If you are sensible about things, you won't feel deprived.

    5) Drink lots of water. It helps in so many areas. Yes, it does help with weight loss, but it also helps your body function better, flushes out excess sodium, keeps you feeling full longer, and the list goes on and on.

    6) Don't skip meals! Eat breakfast in the morning to fuel your body and get your metabolism going. Have a mid morning snack (fruit or nuts are good, or maybe some yogurt). Have a sensible lunch. Have a mid-afternoon snack (I am a huge fan of baby carrots and will eat several servings a day - they are so crunchy that they are really satisfying). Eat a nutritious dinner in a sensible portion. Don't go for seconds. Have a glass of water before and after and then wait 20 minutes after you are done eating. If you are still hungry, have a piece of fruit or some extra veggies.

    7) Don't give up! If you stumble or mess up one meal, one day, or even for a whole week, just start over.

    8) Listen to MFP. If it gives you a calorie goal that is a lot higher than other people's - LET IT! A heavier body requires more calories to function and MFP will give you the deficit you need to lose weight steadily and in a healthy manner (not more than 2 lbs/week). Don't try to eat 1200 calories if MFP recommends more (including at least a decent chunk of your exercise calories) unless specifically advised (and monitored) by a doctor. That isn't enough for most people and you can't get adequate nutrition on it.

    9) This is the motto I go by:

    I hope this helps!


    PS - Healthy foods are a bit more expensive than processed junk, but you can save money by avoiding going out and cutting back in other areas. My family's budget is very tight but being healthy is a priority. Use coupons, shop sales, or do whatever you need to in order to fill your house with nutritious foods.
  • nitathorne
    Hey, I also need to lose about 100 pounds. I've been where you are... if I didn't see results right away, I was prone to give up. However, I now know that while the pounds may not come off at first, the weight definitely will come off and you will slim down. Pay attention to how your clothes fit, whether they're getting loose on you or not.

    I totally understand about not being able to eat absolutely healthy; I am getting ready to graduate from college and I'm extremely poor. I didn't think I could afford to eat healthier but I've found small ways to make it work. For example, plain wheat bread costs the same as white depending on where you go. Find fruits and vegetables when they're in season - it can help you reduce the cost of buying them. Look at sales ads, because there is always something on the healthier side for sale. Keep in mind that even though MFP said 1300 calories, every bit of exercise you do gives you a little bit more to add to that amount. More often than not, I find myself not eating enough calories. That can hurt you just as much as eating too many - your body goes into starvation mode and instead of burning off what you just ate, it burns off what you already have. If you want someone to be a weight loss partner, I'm totally willing to be that person. I need a little encouragement myself now and then. Also, I am getting really into making things from scratch and finding healthier alternatives for things so if you want a couple tips on easy meals and whatnot, I'd be more than willing to help!
  • bdur76
    bdur76 Posts: 155 Member
    I've lost 153 pounds in 8 months! You can do it! You need to accept that it well be hatred, there will be sacrifice involved, but if your diligent and willing to work out, then anything is possible! Biggest advice is tip be honest and accountable and log every bite you eat! This had made me successful, if you would like a friend feel free to add me!
  • kat65
    kat65 Posts: 124 Member
    I am in the same boat as you. I buy frozen veggies at Gordon's food service. They are reasonably priced. Fruit costs an arm and a leg thorough no matter how you buy it. I try to limit that to 1 to 2 servings per day.

    1300 does sound low. Did you customize your profile yourself?
  • mpost12590
    mpost12590 Posts: 143 Member
    I am in the same boat as you. I buy frozen veggies at Gordon's food service. They are reasonably priced. Fruit costs an arm and a leg thorough no matter how you buy it. I try to limit that to 1 to 2 servings per day.

    1300 does sound low. Did you customize your profile yourself?

    Thank you for responding to my posting. I love veggies. I could live on them. I didnt customize the settings. I said I wanted to loss 2 lbs a week.
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    I would like to lose almost 100 pounds. From past experience, a couple things that have helped me. The first SEVERAL pounds (15 or 20) may show up on your scale but not so noticeable on your body or clothes right away. 20 pounds seems to be the magic number where people start to notice. I'm visual, I need to SEE the change. So, what I did was keep a graph and track my weight loss that way - every week the little dot would get lower and lower (yeah, I'm kinda a math geek).
    Others are right about not cutting certain foods out entirely. Depriving yourself of favorite foods is a disaster waiting to happen. But I did find I needed to limit sweet/sugary snack to later in the day, sugar seemed to stimulate my appetite - I would be forever picking and snacking all evening if I had sugar early.
    Measure everything to start with. I think most people don't have to change what they eat as much as they have to change how much they eat. Just keep it balanced. So fix a serving of dinner for everyone in your house. If your husband wants more, I'm sure he can fend for himself!
    Just my two- cents!
  • rodney420
    hey what up ny name is rodney and im trying to lose over 100 pounds need friends on here tho so add me and keep me up to date on your progress
  • jwaters1006
    jwaters1006 Posts: 136 Member
    I am in the same boat as you. I buy frozen veggies at Gordon's food service. They are reasonably priced. Fruit costs an arm and a leg thorough no matter how you buy it. I try to limit that to 1 to 2 servings per day.

    1300 does sound low. Did you customize your profile yourself?

    Thank you for responding to my posting. I love veggies. I could live on them. I didnt customize the settings. I said I wanted to loss 2 lbs a week.

    what did you select for activities and exercising? That has an effect on calories also.
  • marywilsoncline
    marywilsoncline Posts: 301 Member
    Hi, I've lost 103 lbs within a years time. It is do-able. I exercise 6 days a week and I replaced eating chips and sweets with fresh fruits and veggies. Now I can't imagine a day without the better food choices. I am always cautious about the foods I eat now. My motto is "Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels". Add me as your friend and I'll support you along your journey:wink:
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    plenty people have lost that much, and first you need to get rid of the myth that you cannot afford to eat healthy. you are not buying healthy food in addition to the junk, you are wanting (for the most part) to REPLACE the bad with the good. fruits/veggies=cheap, and they don't necessarily have to be organic. water is free (if you pay your bills, lol) and the other things aren't too bad, it's a matter of preparation and learning how to maxamize the use of everything you buy with little to no waste.
  • mkitts2011
    I would like to lose almost 100 pounds. From past experience, a couple things that have helped me. The first SEVERAL pounds (15 or 20) may show up on your scale but not so noticeable on your body or clothes right away. 20 pounds seems to be the magic number where people start to notice. I'm visual, I need to SEE the change. So, what I did was keep a graph and track my weight loss that way - every week the little dot would get lower and lower (yeah, I'm kinda a math geek).
    Others are right about not cutting certain foods out entirely. Depriving yourself of favorite foods is a disaster waiting to happen. But I did find I needed to limit sweet/sugary snack to later in the day, sugar seemed to stimulate my appetite - I would be forever picking and snacking all evening if I had sugar early.
    Measure everything to start with. I think most people don't have to change what they eat as much as they have to change how much they eat. Just keep it balanced. So fix a serving of dinner for everyone in your house. If your husband wants more, I'm sure he can fend for himself!
    Just my two- cents!

    I agree! Being large, I have to lose about 20 to notice a change in myself and 30-40 for others to notice. Also, learn to pair your healthy fats/ proteins with your starches/fruits. Fats and protein slow digestion and make you feel fuller longer. Try apple + PB, bread+cheese, rice+coconut oil. Oh and waterrrr is the key! I drink 32 oz of lukewarm (it's easier to drink fast than ice water) before a mean or anytime I'm feeling hungry in between meals or snacks. Oh and water is awesome for you all around.
  • Aphrodite3010
    Aphrodite3010 Posts: 65 Member
    Its going to be that much harder if your husband isn't committed to also making a change, the way my doctor worded it is like a a recovering alcoholic living with someone who drinks all the time, that temptation will be there. I just had a heart to heart with my husband and explained to him what worried me about the way we eat. He also got a health scare when his blood work came back poor at a recent Dr's visit and he got right on board with me. It helps to have that partner with you right there but if he doesn't want to do it, then do it alone. There's a great support system here and he'll get on board when you start losing weight and feeling better about yourself, he'll want the same thing for himself. Be strong and don't give up, it can be hard sometimes but it's worth it to treat yourself better. Many women, wives, mothers put themselves last and don't bother to take care of themselves and put everyone else first. The best advice I got was to do something for myself and not feel guilty, everyone will appreciate it because you'll be a happier person and if you don't take care of yourself, who will? You deserve this...