Diet Sabotaging Hubby?



  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    It doesn't phase me what my husband eats because I am stronger then food- No biggie he is trying to gain so he has to eat more anyway--

    Its about self control.

    As far as spouses not supporting- There is a big difference in not being supportive and also being insecure with your spouse losing weight.
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    I think when others really try to get you to eat what they are eating, ie. waving the bacon in front of your face it is because if you cave in then they don't feel so guilty about eating it. My hubby's actions aren't as overt but it's funny how he wants to make dinner for me all of a sudden and all of his menu choices aren't on the healthy side. I'm not sure why he is doing it. I've asked but all he says is, "You're right. Sorry." but then he keeps on doing it. It is very frustrating.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    WOW I have to say I am touched by your inspiring advice.. Making changes and not being my hubby's
    eating partner has effected him more than I ever thought. I just cannot go on with the unhealthy eating habits that are keeping me sooo unhappy. Some of you face the same challenge with your family members but have not let it stop you, it is good to know that you stay strong and hang in there.
    Having a small serving is a good idea, brushing my teeth is a great tip & I will try the Guilt Free Pizza recipe which sounds delicious!
    It has also occurred to me to let his attitude inspire me to do it in spite of him as was suggested because I am angry when he seems to be so thoughtless. I will open up communication between us TODAY and ask him to hide the goodies he brings in so hopefully out of sight out of mind (I have asked him before but he has a short memory I guess).
    He is a good husband after all who in his mind is probable only doing what we have always done and change is very hard to make. Your answers have opened my eyes thank you I appreciate your thoughtful help!! :heart:

    GYPSYQUEEN: Who knows, maybe your open communication and dedication will INSPIRE him toward a healthier lifestyle?! :happy: