Sixers Spring Clean Challenge- Week 3



    pedal. i took yor idea :flowerforyou: and reset my ticker / goals ... so now I am at zero lost again... I think, like you were saying, I just got comfortable with the fact that I had lost weight and I need new motivation, a clean slate to move forward out of this 148-150 thing I am in so... I HOPE HOPE HOPE this works! I am really going to oush myself and hope for the best on tuesday! :flowerforyou: Have a great day girls! :bigsmile:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Afternoon ladies!!! :smile: I had a bad day yesterday and only earned $0.75 (for drinking my water and ah-mazingly making my calories). It's okay, today is a new day and I'm on my way to mo' money!

    It's my TOM, which usually means weight gain/ water retention/ bloating/ gorging on chocolate.
    I have LOST weight since Tuesday. Lost 2.5lbs from 159.5 to 157!!! HAWT DAMN!! I am so excited.

    Also, now that my best friend has been told her birthday surprise, I can spill here. I AM GOING TO VEGAS FOR THE FIRST TIME AT THE END OF THIS MONTH!!!!!! Her boyfriend bought airfare and hotel accommodations for the 3 of us to hit Vegas the last week of this month in celebration of her upcoming birthday. It was a surprise, but he ended up telling her, couldn't keep the secret. This trip is a huge part of my short term motivation -- to drop just a little more before Vegas, so I won't feel so self conscious wearing "club clothes" which I haven't worn in YEARS (I'm having to borrow since I don't have any "club clothes" in my size, and it's not budgeted to buy a few sleazy outfits I won't wear again for a long time, hahaha.)

    BTW, for anyone doing the $$$ jar, if you are interested, I created a spreadsheet to tally daily totals and keep a running balance. I set it up so I put an X in the column for each reward if I did it that day, and the totals populate themselves. I'd be glad to share it with anyone who wants to keep track. I like to analyze data (okay I LOVE to analyze data), so I wanted to track which areas I'm earning the most from and where my weak spots are to reallocate my goal weighting at a later date. I can share to anyone who wants to send me their real email (send me your email through private messaging/email on here... not publically listed in the forums for security's sake, please :wink: ).

    Chipper, pita pizzas sound nice. Hope your granddaughter feels better soon (although some quiet time is nice, lol). What state do you live in? I'm in NC and ATL is about 5.5 hours away from me too.

    Kristin, buy clothes that will last you.... they will be large at first but you'll be amazed at how snug they are by the end! I bought my maternity clothes at Target (Liz Lange brand) and Old Navy (they do have maternity in certain stores and online, and they tell you which trimester the clothes are made for!!!!) Oh shoot, I can't see the pic from work!!!!!! :angry: Stupid internet filters. Will have to look from home later! And all that supervisor needs to know is your approximate date you will be going out. :smile: You sounded a little stressed about telling them, but don't.

    Cass, that desert sounds HEAVENLY and could be done in so many different pudding flavors (i.e. CHOCOLATE!!!!! nom nom nom). Thanks for posting that! And I am SO EXCITED for your loss!! Keep up the good work.

    PDX, I'm sorry you aren't sleeping well. Did I miss a post... do you know what is keeping you up? Oh gosh, read back further-- doh me. Keep us updated about those test results. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts. :flowerforyou:

    Rhiannon, I had a horrible day yesterday too. I hope you were able to get a good night's sleep and move past it today. Terrible days happen. Don't allow them to seep into the following day. :flowerforyou:

    Tamm, I am from the home of Krisy Kreme donuts!!!! And I am SO LUCKY to not be addicted to them!

    Gonabe, I started my weight loss journey with yoga. I love yoga, even though I only go maybe once a month now because I'm too into my cardio. I use it for centering (mentally, when I can't function otherwise) and for stretching. I've been training to run as well, but slacked off recently. Also, on a VERY IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE, I am so glad you are sharing with us. If it stresses you out and you share it, the overwhelming support you receive back will only help to ease your stress. Share your burdens, we can all help shoulder a bit of it around here. :flowerforyou: I know this group of girls has been here for me, and it helps tremendously.

    RedSox, I love your "skinny" shirt av too. It's amazing how just the right piece of clothing makes us feel amazing.

    Phew, I think I got you all in there (since my last series of personals).
    :heart: you all!!!!

    *happy dancing around the room*
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Lauryn- Glad to see you posting away!! So excited you are going to Vagas. I have never been, but I hear its tons of fun. ENJOY, you soooo deserve this trip and since it was paid for its even better. YAY!!! Yes you are almost to 50... I'm ready to celebrate for you in advance. DANCING HERE TOO!!!

    Rhiannon!- Sorry about the bad day, but like you said you are human. I know you will bounce back as you always do!!! Have a great day!

    Cathy- enjoy eating the foods you love, I know you will miss your husband too though!

    Nelli- How is it going?

    Amylou- did you survive the busy week?

    Katie- You have been quiet?! How is it going, or maybe I just can't remember reading one of your post today.... Anyway, Just thinking about you

    Tiff- Be careful on your long drive to Miami!!! Enjoy yourself!

    Well.... I'm at work so I need to get ready for the afternoon appointments.

    Oh yeah... You look cute Kristin. I am happy for you! Congrats again!


  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks for the advice Lauryn! :flowerforyou: I am planning on going to Motherhood and they have a belly to try on with things to see how it will fit fun! My mom's pretty excited to go with, so it should be fun!

    And thanks for the congrats, Tamm!!:flowerforyou:
  • TudorRose
    TudorRose Posts: 238 Member
    Well done to everyone who's lost. In fact, well done to everyone, for sticking with it. I'm dreading hitting plateau and admire anyone who has the strength to continue through. So well done everyone- keep at it :flowerforyou:

    Pedal- I'm sorry things are so rough right now. But you seem very strong, and you can and will get through this.

    Lauryn- yay on Vegas! My boyfriend went for his 21st in January and loved it (even won a little bit of a nest egg for our future). I'm sure you'll have a great time. Loving the hair. And I'm so glad I'm not the only spreadsheet addict around here! I may not be able to do the coin jar, but I'm liking this idea :happy:

    Kristin- oh wow! You look great, and beginning to show, how exciting!

    I'm getting antsy on the scale-front. I feel like I'm stuck at one point without weighing myself. Sure, I might have lost, but I might have gained and I just don't know and I HATE it. I want to see some progress already!
    Almost binged today- was in the queue with a load of junk and did an about turn and left the store. Fallen off the wagon in another respect though- right into a nice pool of caffiene. Note to self: the day before you start on your new 6am shift is NOT a good idea to kick that habit. (Yes, a new shift for Thursdays, 6am-9am. It was dark and frosty when I left and I'm now tired and grouchy as hell because I've been rushed off my feet ever since. It'll be easier when I pass my driving test, as I won't have lessons on a Thursday and can catch some sleep after work if needs be.)
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Hello ladies. Am checking in, reading everyone's posts. So much is going on for all of you!

    Kristin, great picture! And have fun shopping! (I hate to admit it, but I've got a couple of maternity shirts that I wear, because they help hide the non-baby belly :laugh: )

    Rhiannon, Sorry to hear things are tough for you right now... I'm a food self medicator myself, and so far, haven't come up with any tricks to stop myself.

    Amy, just keep thinking how much better you'll feel when you've got everything taken care of. Like Cathy said, sometimes you don't realize just how much pain (or sick) you're in, because you kind of get used to it. I mean, you know you're in pain, but until that pain is gone, you don't realize just how good you can feel.

    Tudor, I am an every day scale stepper myself. I have tried (for a couple of weeks) to not step on the scale, but like you, I worried about whether I was gaining or losing and not being able to tell. Or when I did step on the scale, I didn't trust the weight, because I wasn't sure if I really weighed that light or heavy due to possible water weight or lack of bodily functions. It is much better for my peace of mind, just to step on the scale in the morning each day!

    Lauryn and gonnabfit, I just tried a Fit Yoga class last night! I'd gone (ok, a couple of years ago) to a regular yoga class, and I figured this would be pretty much the same, but this one was a flow type yoga, where you'd transition from one to the next (I didn't transition very smoothly though :blushing: )

    To everyone else, a big hello and sorry I missed you. I'm really trying to push myself back into my normal swing of things. Pretty soon, I'll be on here again, everyday!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Kristin, how tall are you??
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Hi ladies, I had sick kiddos today. Poor Jaden has been sick since Saturday night. He gets better, then worse. Not sure what is going on. Anyway, because of that making me miss sleep, I haven't made it to the gym at all this week. Ah well, I will have to start again next week, or whenever these kiddos are doing better. Alix was pretty ok today. She only complained of a mild tummy ache, she is just so stuffy. I am hoping they get better soon, I hate to see my kiddos sick.

    Tamm-thanks for looking out for me. I have been lurking, just not posting a lot today as I had to be up and down. Also, thanks for the info you sent me, I appreciate it!

    Pedal-that in town tourist thing sounds awesome. I hope you are enjoying. I understand burdens with money. We probably should have filed bankruptcy as we are doing so AWFUL right now financially speaking. But we didn't and due to some things that have occured, it is too late. I hope things get better soon.

    Lauryn-congrats, VEGAS BABY! Awesome! I am pleased at the new tone I hear in you. You sound hopeful! Good for you!

    To everyone else, I hope you had a good day.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    we have some MIA sixers. we haven't seen deb, katy, connie. i know there is more. where are you ladies. if you are lurking, than just shot a quickie note to say hi, iam alive. we need to hear from you all. you are a part of this group too and we need all the support we can get. please check in!!!!!:frown:

    ok, now for personnals....
    katie.....sick just seems to be going around....bad year. hope kiddos get better soon.
    kistin...lookie that little poof. to cute. you are going to be one of those girls who looks cute pregnant.
    lauryn....vagas is great, born and raised on west coast. i live just outside charleston sc. more days off lady...pick yourself back up and get back together. tough love there.
    pdx...hope you slept well? :yawn:
    tiff....have a super time, don't get sunburned :drinker:
    cass...doing a great job. doesn't it feel good to be in control again? :flowerforyou:
    bunny...same tough love dear....get your butt back into the saddle again
    rose...scale junkie here. i normally weigh every morning. didn't today. too cold to take off my jammies LOL :blushing:
    drtamm....enjoying the new home, and job?
    redsox....clean start, clean can do this... goes the boy trouble. they can be a handful.
    shanell...where are you, reading again?????

    ok, tough love speech.....we all have our down days, weeks, months. we have all come so far in this journey. why stop now. there are many of us who are almost at their goal weight. why again stop now. if you don't get in any exercise it's ok. if you stuck to your calories you will be fine. if you got in exercise and didn't stick to your calories you will be fine. you must do one or the other to battle the gain. you have a better chance at winning against a gain. staying the same is great. as they say, you didn't put in on overnight you can't take it off overnight. even if the scale goes up, it's ok. our bodies are amazing machines. at the time you weighed your body could have been moving things around. are you healthier? do you feel better? can you do things you didn't/couldn't do before? if you answered yes to just one, great you are great. the number on the scale isn't the end of the world. if you mess up so get back the next bite. we can do this. there are thin, skinny unhealthy people. who couldn't do 30-45 mins on a treadmill, but, yet they look dam good in workout clothes. i am doing this to be healthy, to get off medications, to live and not die from a disease that can kill me if i don't. i want to be at my great grandchildren births/weddings. yes, looking good helps. but, i look good now because i feel good. you can too. so get up get moving and do it. :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    sorry for the short noval....just something to think about.....hope i didn't hurt any feelings.....
    i am off to get dressed and than to the gym, home, cleaning, laundry. and last a good book, by myself all day. :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Kristin, how tall are you??

    I'm 5'6. Why?
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Kristin, how tall are you??

    I'm 5'6. Why?

    You are easier to stalk if we know your height. :indifferent:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Kristin, how tall are you??

    I'm 5'6. Why?

    You are easier to stalk if we know your height. :indifferent:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: LMAO!!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    what a great workout. sweaty and thirsty, wonderful :bigsmile:
    had a moment on the elliptical this morning. listening to jillian's podcast, she said a woman came up to her and said she had this patch of skin she wanted to loss. jillian said she didn't need to loss anything, and that we need to accept who and what we are and not nitpick at ourselfs. be proud of what we have done and the work we put into it. i thought she's right. here i am going on 30 mins on this thing, HR at 80-85% of max and just a few short years ago i couldn't even do 5 mins. i am very proud of myself and how far i have come.
    let's all be PROUD today. :bigsmile:

    lunch time, house cleaned, workout done. still need a book and maybe a nap.

    later :heart:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Kristin, how tall are you??

    I'm 5'6. Why?

    You are easier to stalk if we know your height. :indifferent:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: LMAO!!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    HAHAHAHAHA :laugh: - yes, it's to stalk you :tongue:

    No, it's just that I still have a bunch of my maternity clothes (because I've procrastinated taking them to the consignment shop!) and if you want I can pick through them once I get them from my storage room and see what I've got that might work for you?? Many of the items are XL but there are some L's too. The sizes are mostly from Thyme Maternity (do you guys have those in the states?), some from Motherhood and some from Old Navy. There are a couple of really nice shirts I would way rather see someone I know have than to sell in a shop. Let me know what you think about the sizes / idea :wink:

    Cathy, great reminder and I can't see how you would hurt anyone's feelings with that! Just motivation :wink:

    We're off to the University to listen to music today (the vocal students are performing this week!) I just had a big ol' glass of water and the last left-over bison burger patty and I'm about to hit the green tea. I've got my 5k this Sunday so I want to keep my exercise moderate over the weekend. Just keep walking around, doing some yoga and so on so I'm not too sore Sunday morning :bigsmile:

    Have a great one ladies!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Rhiannon...Thanks!:flowerforyou: I'd love some hand-me-downs! I don't have ANY idea about sizes. I was wearing size 10-12 in pants pre-preggo and normally medium or large for tops...I wear a D cup so usually ended up being larges for tops. I can totally tell you better once I go check out how some stuff fits tomorrow. Thanks! I appreciate it! :flowerforyou:
    chipper. i really needed your 'tough love' post :flowerforyou:

    i am seriously struggling here girls. erg. this is going to be a rant (so I appoligise in advance, but I need to get it out)... so as you guys may remember my neighbor is CRAZY and annoying, the BF and I worked with the pup for WEEKS, and thanks to many of you (and your great advice) he no longer freaks out when I go to work:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: but my landlord has since informed me that (because of other doggies in the building) they are trying to make it an animal-free building and if animals will be allowed they will have to be under 30lbs... sooo yea, my someday (hopefully not too soon) 100lb pup will clearly not be allowed, which is BS because I honestly think the small dogs in my building cause more of a noise / damage issuse than the larger ones (they are the yippie type) and one of them pees all over the place, :sick: so why my sweet pup will not be allowed is beyond me. :noway: erg. so now i am trying to find a pet friendly place for the bf and me to move into at the end of May and it is driving me crazy... such a pain! :grumble: plus he is having tons of trouble finding a job due to the economy and such... so basically nothing in terms of my living situation is going well... and the stress has caused my fast food eating habits to resurface.... :ohwell: thanks ladies i feel a bit better. and i am really going to try and get focused on being healthy again... regain CONTROL. .... i hope :frown:
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Hey guys, I'm still around. Hope everyone is doing well. I'm doing good, haven't counted cals since last night, gotta go track. Been doing my morning work out every day this week, so now I have done it for 2 weeks straight. I asked mom about going to the gym with me tomorrow. Just been wanting to get in a really good workout. I'm so proud that I been doing this exercise thing. I have felt good going into work. Even my boss and co-workers told me to keep it up because I'm easier to deal with at work. They think it's either the workouts in the morning or because I don't have to work close with one of my co-workers( that's been driving me nuts).:laugh: :laugh:

    Em- Sorry landlord doesn't want big dogs. Me and my hubby love big dogs, we've always had a big one. We had a collie who passed away a couple years ago and now we have 2 pit bulls, one weighs about 70 lbs. But they are better than the little dogs across the street. And you BF news, hope he finds a job. It is hard. We had a lay off last year at the beginning of the year and some of them are still having problems finding jobs. Good luck with everything. Hope it all works out.

    Mommy- Good motivation. When I get down, I step back and look at how far I've come and have at least learned how to control maintaining 5 lbs, which I wouldn't have been able to do before.

    Kristen- I agree with mom, you are going to be one of those cute little pregnant women. I just looked a little extra fatter.

    Rhiannon- Glad you are feeling better. Keep it up. Look how far you've come, don't go back.

    Katie- Hope the kiddies feel better soon. I know there are tons of stuff going on around here now.

    Everyone have a wonderful day. Let's keep it going. Like mom said we fall off get back on, if you do one and not the other it's ok, it will help you maintain.

    Good luck ladies.:drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    DH is on his way home, should be here in about an hour and half or 2. my pita pizza was SOOOOO good. want another one. but, won't. for lunch tomorrow maybe. suppose to be super nice this weekend. got some steaks to bbq.

    redsox...put down the fast food and stay out of drive thru...put that money into a move out fund, or the grocery store for better food. no more fast food....
    shanell....great job on the 2 weeks of exercise. looking forward to another workout at gym tomorrow. don't feel like i did as good as i could have, but, still had a great one. see you in the morning.

    off to shower and sit and read my book.

    later :heart:
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    :flowerforyou: :love: Hey Sixers!! I had to catch up and see how everyone was and is doing. I feel like every few weeks you all need to know I appreciate your friendship!!! Thanks!!!

    Katie- I hope Alix and Jaden are doing better. Don't fret about one week off, you will do great. I know it!!

    Cass- I'm glad to see you in full swing. How was your week?

    Cathy- Thanks for the pep talk. We all needed to be reminded of the wonderful support system we have. Even if we paid to go to a weight loss group, we probably wouldn't have bonded so well with them. WE are an outstanding group!!! :wink: We will make it to our goals!!!

    Shanell- Glad you are doing well. Hope you enjoy your workout w/ Mom!

    Rhiannon- How did I miss that you were doing a 5k this week?! :noway: I am so happy for you and I wish you the best of luck!!! Go PEDAL, move those feet as fast as you can!!!

    Robin- Hope you are making baby steps toward your healthy future. WE all fall off, just remember each day and meal is an opportunity to start fresh. :wink:

    Em- I was feeling your pain when I was searching for a place to live. I am soooooo sorry. I have a lab and everyone acted like he would be the worst dog because he is 50 lbs. Those people have no heart and I just think it is selfish to assume a dogs size determines his behavior. That's like saying a bigger woman is always the plague and a smaller woman is better!!! ( hold on... society is like that sometimes) Anyway, I wish you the best and we are here for you!!!

    Lauryn- Did you have a great end of the week? I hope you are looking at how your mood and strength have changed over the past weeks and months. You are doing great!

    Tudor- It is okay to love the scale.... if it helps you stay focused then continue to do it! I would say that you should ease off the caffeine if you are worried about it! SMALL steps work. I know it can be frustrating but remember the ONLY WAY YOU CAN LOSE THIS WEIGHT BATTLE IS TO GIVE UP!! But since you are in the SIXERS group, we WONT LET YOU!!! :laugh:

    Tiff- Glad you made it to Miami... she drove from Va today! Enjoy the trip and I am soooooo jealous, you always take wonderful vacations. WOW I need to catch up or even start!

    Who every I missed!!! I am sorry but I am thinking of you too....


    Amy- hope you are doing well.... are you preparing for the surgery? Get rest girlie!!

    Amylou- Hope you are doing well!!! Keep up the good work, each day is a new opportunity. When you are busy w/ school its easy to forget that! Take care!!!

    Well..... I will check w/ you ladies later!!

  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Hey all.... Made soymeat tacos for dinner. The kids were happy, because they were expecting fish because of Lent, and they really don't like fish that much.

    Had a good workout today, really had to push myself to go, and when I was there to keep going... But I got an hour in. I took yesterday off, because that yoga class I took on Wednesday night killed my back. I felt great during the class, but my back tightened afterwards, and I could barely move and bend over yesterday. Better today, but after my workout, I can feel it again. Should have gone to the chiropractor... Oh well