Joyful January Challenge WK 1!



  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    SW: 280
    Week 1: 275!
    Half way there, gonna work hard, lose more and keep it off!
  • daisylovespink
    daisylovespink Posts: 89 Member
    So far everyone has either lost or maintained, I think we're off to a GREAT start and can't wait to get to the finish line 10 pounds lighter with all of you!
  • Pretty good first week :) Looks like everyone is doing great! Keep up the good work.
    SW !63
    wk 1 !/7/12 160
  • SW 255lb
    Week 1 253.8
  • carlita123
    carlita123 Posts: 29 Member
    Im ready for a challenge and I think that this one is awesome!

    SW: 194.6
    W1: 193.6
  • jgandy4094
    jgandy4094 Posts: 20 Member
    Well Wk One Down..whoot whoot...224.4lbs..Talk to you all next Saturday..Good Luck and Happy Losing..:}:smile:
  • Precious75134
    Precious75134 Posts: 85 Member
    Starting weight... 193.0
    Week 1: 187.8

    I'm proud of this weight loss this week...Lots of water gain gone from Christmas....Looking forward to this week....
    everyone has lost or maintained their weight!
    a little bit is better than none! (:

    MY SW: 255

    and WEEK 1 = 250!!!!

    I FEEL AWESOME! - cant wait to meet the finish line of this month with all of you!!! (:

  • futureflaka
    futureflaka Posts: 72 Member
    So I lost 50 lbs. last year, but due to an ongoing injury have not worked out or really watched what I ate for the last 5 months (I have TMJ and so I eat soft foods and finely chopped foods whether they're good for the body or not). Surprisingly I only gained 7 lbs. in the 5 months which I don't think is that much considering that 3-4 of those were gained in the holidays. I decided to start the new year by not making excuses I will choose healthier versions of the soft foods I can eat and I will work out. I did all that this past week and to my surprise the results are AMAZING. I expected to lose half a pound or close to nothing, but instead I lost 2.8 lbs....THAT'S more than 2X what I used to lose a week back when I was working out constantly...Well my body was SHOCKED for sure. Needless to say I don't expect results like this next weigh-in, but it is definitely the encouragement I needed to keep on going. Thank you to all the losers in the challenge for your motivation and your support and may you all have amazing results as well. Here are my stats:

    SW 137.3lbs
    Wk 1 - 7th 134.5 lbs
    Wk 2 - 14th xxx lbs
    Wk 3 - 21st xxx lbs
    Wk 4 - 28th xxx lbs

  • futureflaka
    futureflaka Posts: 72 Member
    GREAT JOB MissMyMy!!
  • futureflaka
    futureflaka Posts: 72 Member
    sw 234

    wk 1 227 soooo happy!

    AMAZING! keep up the good work! You can definitely surpass the 10 lb. challange.
  • thanks Daisylovespink and futureflaka!! it's early days but I feel soo motivated and a lot of that is down to this challenge n you guys x
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Down 2 lbs :smile:

    SW 196 lbs
    WK1 Jan 7 - 194 lbs
    WK2 Jan 14 - xxx lbs
    WK3 Jan 21- xxx lbs
    WK 4 Jan 28 -xxx lbs
  • TripMom
    TripMom Posts: 102 Member
    SW 221.6 lbs 3/January 2012
    WK1 218.9 lbs 7/January 2012 Lose: 2.7
    WK2 xxx lbs
    WK3 xxx lbs
    Total loss for January - xx lbs
    WK4 xxx lbs

    Gotta add exercise next week!
  • SW 176lbs
    Week 1 175 lbs
    Week 2 xxxlbs
    Week 3 xxxlbs
    Week 4 xxxlbs
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    Having a bit of a rough first week, have been feeling under the weather but I will kick butt in week 2!

    ☆SW - 165 lbs (ThursdayDec 1)

    ✔Week 1 - 165 lbs
    Week 2 - xxx lbs
    Week 3 - xxx lbs
    Week 4 - xxx lbs

    Total lost - xx lbs
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    sw for challenge 175
    week 1: 171.6
    week 2: xxxx
    week 3: xxxx
    week 4: xxxx
  • lynn12
    lynn12 Posts: 87 Member
    Sw - 164 lbs (01/01/2012)
    Week 1 - 163.5 lbs
    Week 2 - xxx lbs
    Week 3 - xxx lbs
    Week 4 - xxx lbs

    Total loss for January - xx lbs
  • bglick
    bglick Posts: 6
    SW: 183
    Week 1: 182
    Week 2: xxx
    Week 3: xxx
    Week 4: xxx

    Not the best start but I'm back from vacation and ready to get back in the routine!
  • alifer:
    sw for challenge 175
    week 1: 171.6
    week 2: xxxx
    week 3: xxxx
    week 4: xxxx