Stretch marks!



  • Mommy2Girls
    Mommy2Girls Posts: 100
    :laugh: I had a tummy tuck, stretch marks are loooong gone! I did the laser thing, but you need sooo many treatments that it's more economical to have a tuck done. I never had any weight to lose int he beginning, but I did have 8 kids, so the stretch marks were there, and I'd be darned if I was going to "accept" :laugh:

    That`s what I want to get done when I am done having kids!!! Why not! :wink:
  • Mommy2Girls
    Mommy2Girls Posts: 100
    Unfortunately stretch marks are forever. Tanning will help to fade them and so will Bio-oil, but other than that they are there to stay :ohwell:

    Don't tan though! If you must, use the bottled tans. Laying in the sun or in a tanning booth is so bad for you!!!

    Acutally research has proven that low level tanning beds are actually good for you. They do not contain the harmful UV rays that you would get in the sun and the provide vitamin D which helps with a variety of things. Obviously moderation is key, so don`t tan everyday, but once a week has proven to be good not only for your conplexion but also for you mental state.

    I've heard that as well....I tan twice a week, and they have special beds set up for people who are tanning for the benefit of vitamin D, in the winter it's hard to get enough because i'm not outdors as often.

    That`s why tanning salons are often quite busy in the winter months as alot of ppl suffer from "seasonal" depression and the additional vitamin D helps to improve the mental state.
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    :laugh: I had a tummy tuck, stretch marks are loooong gone! I did the laser thing, but you need sooo many treatments that it's more economical to have a tuck done. I never had any weight to lose int he beginning, but I did have 8 kids, so the stretch marks were there, and I'd be darned if I was going to "accept" :laugh:

    That`s what I want to get done when I am done having kids!!! Why not! :wink:

    I support you's the best thing i've done, I work out like a demon, and although my tummy was toned, you could se the muscle, I saw those nasty lines. My hubby was in full support, we have only one body, we need to be happy and I don't regret the tuck one little bit. Be surprised because it wasn't very painful either, there's an uncomfortable body stocking you need to wear, but big deal rally, by 6 weeks I was good to go, in a bikini in Jamaica, which although I had the figure, I wouldn't have worn one prior because of the stretch marks. THE BEST THING I ever did for me and my self esteem.
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    I call my strech marks the road maps from child birth..:laugh:
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    I call my strech marks the road maps from child birth..:laugh:

    lol....with 8 kids, you would of definitely need a GPS to find your way around my stretchmarked belly
  • Mommy2Girls
    Mommy2Girls Posts: 100
    :laugh: I had a tummy tuck, stretch marks are loooong gone! I did the laser thing, but you need sooo many treatments that it's more economical to have a tuck done. I never had any weight to lose int he beginning, but I did have 8 kids, so the stretch marks were there, and I'd be darned if I was going to "accept" :laugh:

    That`s what I want to get done when I am done having kids!!! Why not! :wink:

    I support you's the best thing i've done, I work out like a demon, and although my tummy was toned, you could se the muscle, I saw those nasty lines. My hubby was in full support, we have only one body, we need to be happy and I don't regret the tuck one little bit. Be surprised because it wasn't very painful either, there's an uncomfortable body stocking you need to wear, but big deal rally, by 6 weeks I was good to go, in a bikini in Jamaica, which although I had the figure, I wouldn't have worn one prior because of the stretch marks. THE BEST THING I ever did for me and my self esteem.

    Now you`ve got me all excited about it! I have had both my babies via c-section and we are hoping to have 2 more, so by the time I am done and get down to my ideal weight then a tuck will be so worth it!!!:happy:
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    Now you`ve got me all excited about it! I have had both my babies via c-section and we are hoping to have 2 more, so by the time I am done and get down to my ideal weight then a tuck will be so worth it!!!:happy:

    Just a little more info to consider, I looked into an internship program that's run out of a local cosmetic surgery hospital, and found out that I could have the procedure done by an intern for 2800.00 down from 7500.00 the surgeon himself would do it for. The surgeon along with the intern were in the room the entire time the procedure was being performed and the intern already is a surgeon, but is now specializing, so I had total confidence, if anything, 2 docs are better then 1! and I saved a ton of cash!
  • Mommy2Girls
    Mommy2Girls Posts: 100
    Now you`ve got me all excited about it! I have had both my babies via c-section and we are hoping to have 2 more, so by the time I am done and get down to my ideal weight then a tuck will be so worth it!!!:happy:

    Just a little more info to consider, I looked into an internship program that's run out of a local cosmetic surgery hospital, and found out that I could have the procedure done by an intern for 2800.00 down from 7500.00 the surgeon himself would do it for. The surgeon along with the intern were in the room the entire time the procedure was being performed and the intern already is a surgeon, but is now specializing, so I had total confidence, if anything, 2 docs are better then 1! and I saved a ton of cash!

    Good to know!!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    whether or not you get stretch marks is a genetic predisposition having to do with your body's collagen. also, they usually fade to white/silver white so depending on your skin tone, they will be more or less obvious. i'm pretty pale with blue/green undertones, so mine aren't so noticeable. plus i've had some on my boobs forever, so i guess i'm used to seeing them and they don't bother me.

    baby #2 gave me the belly ones and baby #3 gave me the muffin top. :grumble: but they were so worth it! :happy:
    and like laugh lines, i consider them my "badges" of life's experiences.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Acutally research has proven that low level tanning beds are actually good for you. They do not contain the harmful UV rays that you would get in the sun and the provide vitamin D which helps with a variety of things. Obviously moderation is key, so don`t tan everyday, but once a week has proven to be good not only for your conplexion but also for you mental state.

    Yes, especially for those of us that suffer from S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    I think of mine as my mother scar.. They have gotten lighter over the last 24 yrs.. Hate em but they are what they are..
  • :smile: I have actually had good results getting them to fade. Dont have any on the belly some on the hips, I use pure shea butter mixed with coco butter ( i whip it with coconut oil) I guess you can buy it too already made somewhere. And Avon stretch mark fade cream dont have the exact name off hand but its a purple bottle/tube
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Unfortunately stretch marks are forever. Tanning will help to fade them and so will Bio-oil, but other than that they are there to stay :ohwell:

    Don't tan though! If you must, use the bottled tans. Laying in the sun or in a tanning booth is so bad for you!!!

    I'm with ya on that one...I think tanning beds are gross. I'd rather get my Vitamin D from supplements and food...

    The wrinkles, sunspots, and underskin damage aren't worth it to me.
  • dhutch33
    dhutch33 Posts: 25
    I was just watching The Tyra Show and this same question was asked, "How do you get rid of stretch marks?" and unfortunately the answer was not so great. There really is nothing to make them go away but they suggested self tanner and dermablend. Also going in the sun makes them more noticeable because stretch marks dont tan, so sunblock is important!!

    Hope this was helpful!!!
  • cheermom11
    cheermom11 Posts: 393 Member
    I used Save My Skin by Pure Romance on my stretch marks. While it didn't completely get rid of them, it was AMAZING in how much they were faded...
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    I bought a product called's about $10 in drug stores and like a champ. totally takes the redness out, and the fade was considerable......worked for me!
    JMAMA Posts: 298 Member
    The coolest tattoo i have ever seen was positioned over a ladies stretch marked belly. The tattoos were of three different foot prints from her babies when they were born, and they really hid the marks. I thought that was an awesome tribute, and cool way to camoflauge them a little! Plus the mama had great abs, despite all of her babies!:happy:
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    I call my strech marks the road maps from child birth..:laugh:

    lol....with 8 kids, you would of definitely need a GPS to find your way around my stretchmarked belly

    I dont have 8 I only have 3 :happy:
  • Heather125
    Heather125 Posts: 433 Member
    :laugh: I had a tummy tuck, stretch marks are loooong gone! I did the laser thing, but you need sooo many treatments that it's more economical to have a tuck done. I never had any weight to lose int he beginning, but I did have 8 kids, so the stretch marks were there, and I'd be darned if I was going to "accept" :laugh:

    That`s what I want to get done when I am done having kids!!! Why not! :wink:

    stretch marks gone....sigh..... another reason I will continue to dream of being able to afford a tummy tuck ,after of course, I have fixed as much of me as naturally possible with hard work
  • Binxy2004
    Binxy2004 Posts: 65
    Saw you all talking abuot the tanning for "health" hehe I found this online :

    I did notice when i use to tan i felt soooooooooooo much better about myself, and for some reason EVERYTHING looked good on me hehe .
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