No Binge January!

I am going to do my own no binging challenge because my binge eating is getting out of control lately! I am starting NOW! no more binging the rest of January :)I will report back to this thread every night to keep myself accountable! anyone who wants to join is welcome! :D


  • emmiee921
    emmiee921 Posts: 224
    I have this problem too, so i shall try join
  • emilyc19
    emilyc19 Posts: 71 Member
    :) we can do this!!!!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    How to avoid binging: do not deprive yourself. do not promise to cut out your favorite food(s). move your body. EAT YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES.

    Measure. be honest. enjoy what you like, and plan for it within your calories. Want 2 more cookies than you have calories left? Have a little run first and earn the exercise calories.

  • emilyc19
    emilyc19 Posts: 71 Member
    thank you!!! :) sleepytexan great advice :) easier said than done for me.. i've been a binger for a looooong time haha
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I'm joining!!!

    Let's do this!!

    My pattern is usually every 10 days, I have some sort of binge, anywhere between 1,000 to 5,000 calories OVER... I have been doing a lot better lately with stopping the binges because they get too insane or drag into several days..

    What do you guys think you binge?
    I think mine is to deal with uncomfortable feelings or boredom or stress... ?
  • sinceridades
    Ohh I'm definitely in! Binge eating is a huge part of why I've been struggling with my weight. Today was my first day actually and I'm happy to report that I did not binge eat :D (btw I'll be adding you guys as friends since I'm new here).
  • Xoe4
    Xoe4 Posts: 38 Member
    This is my biggest problem. Just after a couple weeks/days (depends on my life) I lapse into binging. I'm terrible for doing it on the "healthy" food I have around - which is less healthy when you eat 4 portions of something. :( I've always struggled with this so I'm on board. I've slipped already a couple times already this month (2 days old already and I'm struggling), but hopefully with this group I can keep on track. :D I'm glad I'm not alone!
  • sailingsal
    sailingsal Posts: 285 Member
    HI, i will try and do this too. I go in cycles, depending whats going on in my life. Normally binges are stress related but sometimes just boredom. Trying to up the exercise, in a bid to feel better and less stressed!
  • hhcote
    hhcote Posts: 78 Member
    I'm in! I can't believe all the crap I ate over the last 2 weeks out of sheer anxiety and depression. I *think* this is exactly what I was doing everyday before I joined MFP in October. Ew, it feels so gross!

    No binging January!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I'd love to join y'all! Thanks for this challenge.
    Today I can say that "I did NOT binge!"
  • Alleyme101597
    I'm beyond in :D
    Binging has caused a 30 pound weight gain in 6 months. I'm done!
    I did not binge today, or yesterday <3
    here's hoping for me and you all! <3
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    alright -- today is Jan 3rd... last night was my first and last binge of 2012 !!! :)

    well, hopefully!! let's start small and say last one for the month of january :)
  • breakropes
    I would like to join too. Yesterday I binged a total of 4000 something calories but promised it was the last day too. But I'm new here thus I don't understand how to keep track with you guys? Can someone help? I also posted a new topic requesting friendship with anyone who has a desperate need to lose weight and who can help me motivate myself to exercise. Please check it out and get in touch.

    All the best :)
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Hi girls,

    I'd like to suggest a new, positive way to manage your calories, and stop using the "b" word.

    Here's an idea: schedule a weekly rest and refueling day where we take the day off of exercise and eat up to 1500 extra calories. How? Think of your calories on a weekly, rather than daily basis and let's manage them just a bit differently.

    Start by looking at your weekly loss goal. Please don't try to lose 2 lbs/week. You can't really do it consistently, and it will only lead to frustration. Instead let's take a reasonable goal like .5 or 1 lb per week. BUT set the MFP weekly goal to .5 lb more than we just decided on (stay with me, here).

    So . . . I want to lose .5 lb. per week (that would be a weekly deficit of 1250 calories, or daily 250). Now I will set up MFP for weekly loss of a full 1 lb. -- that is a weekly deficit of 3500, or daily 500. For 6 days of the week, I will eat at this lower deficit (250 fewer calories than normal). I will exercise each of the 6 days, and EAT MY EXERCISE CALORIES. Then on the 7th day, I will REST, and eat 1500 extra calories. What? Yes, I said eat 1500 extra calories on my rest day. Why? Because during the previous 6 days I was saving 250 calories a day (250 x 6 = 1500). Now on my day off, I treat myself to extra goodies without feeling guilty -- I am still at a net deficit for the week of 1250, and that is still a .5 lb. loss for the week.

    My body gets a rest day, my tummy gets a treat day, and my metabolism gets a spike day -- to store up energy for my 6 days ahead of exercise. You've heard of tricking your metabolism? This is it. This is how, and because you stay at your TRUE weekly goal for overall calorie consumption, you still lose. You don't have to binge, bc you have a spike day built in. On your 6 exercise days, you are incented to exercise bc you use those exercise sessions to earn extra calories to eat. You always have energy bc you are not starving yourself!

    Even if you go "over" a few of your 6 days, it's no biggie bc you have such a deficit built in. Let's say you went over by 500 over those 6 days. Just have 1000 on spike day instead of 1500. Boom. Done! Weekly management instead of daily frustration. Guess what-- you can move your spike day too--special event on Wednesday? Make it the spike day this week.

    Give it a shot, I think you will be pleased.

    EDIT: I want to put a note here for those of you who object to eating exercise calories, or otherwise think it's a waste to exercise if you just eat them back. MFP has an automatic deficit set up for you, whether or not you exercise. So when you DO exercise, you still have that deficit there, now it is even greater bc you burned calories. It is wrong to think you will lose extra weight if you don't eat the exercise cals. You won't. Instead you will have less energy, maybe have a headache, maybe be cranky, definitely slow your metabolism, but you will NOT lose weight faster. Check the link at the bottom of this post for an eye-opening case study that explains this much better than I.

    Note for those of you who are currently starving yourself (eating fewer calories than you know you should on a daily basis, only to blow up in frustration, weakness and starvation after some period of time and binge)--take a look at this link and read about how that behavior keeps you fat--it is truly eye-opening):

    many blessings and best of luck to you in 2012.
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    Thanks for this post sleepytexan!!
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Hi girls,

    I'd like to suggest a new, positive way to manage your calories, and stop using the "b" word.

    Here's an idea: schedule a weekly rest and refueling day where we take the day off of exercise and eat up to 1500 extra calories. How? Think of your calories on a weekly, rather than daily basis and let's manage them just a bit differently.

    Start by looking at your weekly loss goal. Please don't try to lose 2 lbs/week. You can't really do it consistently, and it will only lead to frustration. Instead let's take a reasonable goal like .5 or 1 lb per week. BUT set the MFP weekly goal to .5 lb more than we just decided on (stay with me, here).

    So . . . I want to lose .5 lb. per week (that would be a weekly deficit of 1250 calories, or daily 250). Now I will set up MFP for weekly loss of a full 1 lb. -- that is a weekly deficit of 3500, or daily 500. For 6 days of the week, I will eat at this lower deficit (250 fewer calories than normal). I will exercise each of the 6 days, and EAT MY EXERCISE CALORIES. Then on the 7th day, I will REST, and eat 1500 extra calories. What? Yes, I said eat 1500 extra calories on my rest day. Why? Because during the previous 6 days I was saving 250 calories a day (250 x 6 = 1500). Now on my day off, I treat myself to extra goodies without feeling guilty -- I am still at a net deficit for the week of 1250, and that is still a .5 lb. loss for the week.

    My body gets a rest day, my tummy gets a treat day, and my metabolism gets a spike day -- to store up energy for my 6 days ahead of exercise. You've heard of tricking your metabolism? This is it. This is how, and because you stay at your TRUE weekly goal for overall calorie consumption, you still lose. You don't have to binge, bc you have a spike day built in. On your 6 exercise days, you are incented to exercise bc you use those exercise sessions to earn extra calories to eat. You always have energy bc you are not starving yourself!

    Even if you go "over" a few of your 6 days, it's no biggie bc you have such a deficit built in. Let's say you went over by 500 over those 6 days. Just have 1000 on spike day instead of 1500. Boom. Done! Weekly management instead of daily frustration. Guess what-- you can move your spike day too--special event on Wednesday? Make it the spike day this week.

    Give it a shot, I think you will be pleased.

    EDIT: I want to put a note here for those of you who object to eating exercise calories, or otherwise think it's a waste to exercise if you just eat them back. MFP has an automatic deficit set up for you, whether or not you exercise. So when you DO exercise, you still have that deficit there, now it is even greater bc you burned calories. It is wrong to think you will lose extra weight if you don't eat the exercise cals. You won't. Instead you will have less energy, maybe have a headache, maybe be cranky, definitely slow your metabolism, but you will NOT lose weight faster. Check the link at the bottom of this post for an eye-opening case study that explains this much better than I.

    Note for those of you who are currently starving yourself (eating fewer calories than you know you should on a daily basis, only to blow up in frustration, weakness and starvation after some period of time and binge)--take a look at this link and read about how that behavior keeps you fat--it is truly eye-opening):

    many blessings and best of luck to you in 2012.

    I am going to try this !!!!!
  • jenna25
    jenna25 Posts: 213 Member
    Em im so glad you posted this, i havent had a binge in january yet but it is still early i am joining this group to hold me accountable for the rest of the month! WE really will get rid of this terrible habit of binging this month and then never binge again :) everything in moderation!
  • sinceridades
    Hello Bighters! (Binge + Fighters = Bighters! Get it? okay...) Just wanted to report as promised that today was success and I did not binge eat! I really hope that everyone was successful and if not, well keep fighting the good fight and remember that tomorrow is a clean slate :)
  • emilyc19
    emilyc19 Posts: 71 Member
    YAY I'm happy there are more people here! we will get through this! and thank you for the great advice sleepytexan!! You sound like a pro on this subject! Thanks so much for the input! Today I did not binge and am not hungry today! :) hope you all are doing great on our first day keeping the calories in check!
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    day 1 of not binging = success !!!

    on to day two!! :D we got this guys :)